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76 votes

What is this street cat asking for, with continuous meowing?

If she's not satisfied with food/drink it may be that she is actually seeking nothing more than attention. Adult cats don't meow to each other (in cat-world it's only used to communicate between ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
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36 votes

Is there a way to safely tranquilize my cat, so he does not remember a vet visit?

Maybe a better alternative to picking him up and dragging him to the vet is getting him to go into the carrier on his own volition. It's basically what zoos do with animals that can't be handled by ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
30 votes

What is this street cat asking for, with continuous meowing?

The gist of the question is how to infer what a cat is asking for. Generally, I make myself available to the cat. Acknowledge their meow, make eye contact, stand in front of them, and wait for the ...
Flater's user avatar
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28 votes

What should you do with kittens when the mother runs away from you?

Kittens can be taken from their mother without physical risk to their health as soon as they are weaned, which should be at about six weeks of age. The advice to wait longer is based on the idea that ...
Kai's user avatar
  • 16.4k
25 votes

Semi-feral cat broke a tooth. Should I give her aspirin?

As a veterinarian I would caution against this. Obviously nobody wants this cat to be in pain, but I do not feel that aspirin will provide much benefit and could actually cause some harm. First, ...
Harry V.'s user avatar
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17 votes

Kitten still not friendly even after 5 months

Mick's comment is on the right track here. I've experienced similar things, with cats that were arguably even worse off; so I hope my experiences can help you in approaching your problem. For ...
Flater's user avatar
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12 votes

What is this street cat asking for, with continuous meowing?

Feral cats don't meow at people, as a rule. I have cared for some ferals that eventually meowed at me after years of consistent feeding (I have a managed, TNR-ed colony). Your visiting cat has had ...
ace's user avatar
  • 121
12 votes

Any tips for how to coax and teach a shy feral cat to trust?

Feral cats can be tough. I applaud you for bringing one into your home. I've had a few experiences myself with one and it can be a challenge. However, I think you've got the right approach. In my ...
Paul's user avatar
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10 votes

What should you do with kittens when the mother runs away from you?

What area of the world are you in? Get in contact with a local trap-neuter-release (TNR) program. If nothing like that exists in your area, see if you can at least find a local vet who knows something ...
user3067860's user avatar
9 votes

Is there a way to safely tranquilize my cat, so he does not remember a vet visit?

Most vets offer home visits. Giving cats some sedatives or similar medication to reduce stress is possible. However, dosing is very important and should only be handled by a vet. If your budget allows ...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there a way to safely tranquilize my cat, so he does not remember a vet visit?

I was in a similar situation with my 14-year-old cat a few months ago. Because of the pandemic my vet wasn't able to do a house call, but she advised me to try Zylkene to calm her nerves. It is a ...
Healthy Cat Guide's user avatar
8 votes

Dangers from street-cat bite that left a tiny speckle of blood?

The bites of free-roaming animals like stray cats and dogs are always risky, because these animals may have recently had contact with rodents, vermin and filth. As pointed out by this Wikipedia ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
7 votes

Any tips for how to coax and teach a shy feral cat to trust?

I can come up with the following points: Avoid using machines that are too noisy. Cats get easily scared by noise. Give her a nice name and always speak sweetly to her by addressing her by her ...
Sonevol's user avatar
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7 votes

Is it normal for a feral cat to let me pet him/her?

To your title: No, its not quite normal. Depends what kind of feral cat it is, really. Feral doesn't equal feral. Cats can be strays but they still have a past, f.e. this one maybe had some positive ...
psycoatde's user avatar
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7 votes

Adopting a feral cat

See the related post Can feral cats be moved? it has a lot of detail about moving feral cats. Reading your link blue collar working cat, they have a few words about the initial commitment, but not a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes

I have been feeding three feral cats for four years

There are a few options. Take them with you when you move see How can I move houses with a friendly feral cat I care for? & Can/Should I take a feral/stray cat with me to a new house? If you ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes

Young kitten first day home, bathroom behavior

A feral kitten will need some time to feel safe in a new home. It sounds like the kitten has started bonding to you and this is a good start. As long as the kitten eats and drinks it will be fine, but ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.7k
6 votes

General and specific advice regarding feral kittens

While you've got a lot of questions here, they're all relatively connected to one main question: How do I socialize feral kittens? I'll start with your question of cages: Yes, get a cage, at least for ...
Allison C's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I save this baby bird?

Depending on your country call a vet or a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator. They will be able to tell you what to do and where to bring the animal. Taking care of a wild bird is not simple and needs ...
SerenaT's user avatar
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5 votes

What is this street cat asking for, with continuous meowing?

It's hard to translate an unfamiliar cat's vocalizations. They tend to develop a "meow-language" with their human companions over time, but this can vary quite a bit between cats. My wife used to ...
bta's user avatar
  • 491
5 votes

How to move a feral kitten from my bathroom to a cage?

This is late, but may be useful for future reference. With cats truly afraid of people, you just... walk behind or up to them. So: Have a small, closed room Remove as many hiding spots as possible (...
psycoatde's user avatar
  • 658
5 votes

Why do street cats have a steady population?

Short answer: Street cats have a stable population because they grow up quickly and can reproduce early in life (within their first year). That does not mean that street cats are healthy or live long ...
Elmy's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I train a cat/dog to capture stray/feral kittens?

Dogs are easier to train than cats, short answer is yes it is possible to train dogs to catch kittens. Many breeds of dogs can be "soft mouth" trained. In this scenario the animal they are retrieving ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
4 votes

Calming down feral cat to take to vet?

Your local animal shelter can probably lend you a suitable trap and advise you on where to place it, how to bait it, and how to use it safely. They will likely be thrilled to help you since you're ...
mhwombat's user avatar
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4 votes

I got scratched by a feral cat. Should I see a doctor?

Your country actually helps a lot. USA is known to almost fully eradicate rabies in urban and suburban regions, while it still exists in wild. Apparently, there are 1-3 cases a month in the whole ...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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4 votes

Impossible to catch female feral cat to have stitches removed after sterilisation

If mamma cat is still coming to see you I would purchase a live-trap to catch her, this will be the easiest way. A REALLY good meal to entice the cat in is Kentucky Fried Chicken, the smell is really ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
  • 12.6k
4 votes

Feral cat keeps attacking my dog in our backyard, what should I do?

Depending on how big your garden is, you can plant a flowery line of defence. Coleus Canina (Plectranthus caninus), sometimes called the "piss-off flower", was bread for the sole purpose of keeping ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
4 votes

How to feed stray/wild cat

Do not give any milk to any animal(Not only cats but all animals will get ill if you do give milk or milk products)It is better to give clean water and dry cat food. Feeding dry catfood is safe for ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.7k
4 votes

Can/Should I take a feral/stray cat with me to a new house?

You should most definitely take the cat with you. The cat is dependent on you for food since you have been feeding her. If you are concerned about your cats being aggressive towards the stray, I would ...
Catherine U.'s user avatar
4 votes

Adopting a feral cat

James has a good answer, I used to work at a shelter here are a few additional things to consider. Most working cat programs require a covered shelter for the cats so they can stay dry in rain and ...
Jessica Przybyla's user avatar

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