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34 votes

Stepped on my kitten's paw

The way to see if the injury is serious is to observe your cat for a couple of hours: if your cat is still limping and tries to avoid using the paw when she walks, you can start thinking about taking ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
31 votes

Dad accidentally sat on my cat

If she’s behaving completely normally (other than probably avoiding your dad) rather than hiding, walking funny or being lethargic, she’s probably fine. I’d keep an eye on her for the next couple days ...
StephenS's user avatar
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22 votes

Dad accidentally sat on my cat

Cats are surprisingly sturdy creatures. By your description, she doesn't appear to act anyway out of normal. She moves normally, eats normally, acts normally. You can keep eye on her for few days for ...
Mandemon's user avatar
  • 491
21 votes

What happens if bite wound abscesses in cats left untreated?

In short Untreated abscesses can heal on their own, but it's almost always a long, messy and painful process. Usually they heal without complications, but in bad cases they may lead to death, for ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.4k
21 votes

My Indian flapshell turtle fell from 3rd floor. How to know there's any internal damage by his behaviour?

It's impossible to tell if an animal - especially a reptile like a turtle - has internal injuries from it's behavior, unless it's currently dying. A vet must examine the animal to find internal damage....
Elmy's user avatar
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17 votes

How can I get my cat to let me study his wound?

In my experience the easiest way is to be sneaky about it and peek at the wound while the cat is eiher relaxed or sleeping. The best way to achieve that is by petting. You may have to invest some time ...
Elmy's user avatar
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15 votes

How can I get my cat to let me study his wound?

As well as petting your cat to get him to lie down, use a clean wash cloth or rag that is dampened with warm water when you pet him. It should be about as damp and warm as being groomed by a cat ...
user3067860's user avatar
14 votes

I accidentally kicked my puppy in the mouth, help me please

These things ... happen, especially with puppies and smaller dogs. The good news is it's probably fine. He's acting normal, and there's no real lasting damage from what you said. He probably was ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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14 votes

My dog's right eye is dislodged from the socket, do I need a second opinion?

I would second Yvette's advice for you to get a second opinion. You should also be able to call your vet and ask for clarification, if the treatment plan they gave does not make sense. Obviously we ...
Harry V.'s user avatar
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13 votes

Most humane way to emergency euthanize an injured cat?

Cats like humans, can survive a lot of injuries even if they appear to be lethal. You should take your pet to the vet for any type of euthanasia. The most humane way to euthanize a cat is through ...
Arcite's user avatar
  • 645
10 votes

Discovered feral kitten is bitten. Should I abandon it?

First of all, it is irresponsible to adopt any pet if your current financial situation is such that you cannot afford to provide for its needs, which includes regular veterinary checkups and the ...
Kai's user avatar
  • 16.3k
10 votes

Dad accidentally sat on my cat

If you've ever watched a cat squeeze through an impossibly small hole (of course you have), you can understand that cats have extremely deformable bodies. This means their organs can move out of the ...
Artelius's user avatar
  • 241
10 votes

Why are so many horses put down when they break their leg?

As this source writes, there are some main issues, that horse's legs make special in cases of broken legs: The leg bones are small in relation to the horse's body weight Under the knee (which is not ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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10 votes

Prevent injured cat from biting & scratching people during vet exam

I am a vet who sees a lot of cats each day. To examine a cat who tends to bite or scratch, there are a few things I do commonly: Go slow and gentle. Cats don't like sudden movement. Let the cat ...
Harry V.'s user avatar
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9 votes

What happens if bite wound abscesses in cats left untreated?

This is what might happen. Your cat gets sepsis (blood poisoning) and dies. The abscess ruptures, and your cat's immune system fights the infection. This is Lillepus, a feral cat I had a couple of ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
9 votes

How can I get my cat to let me study his wound?

Your cat is not going to let you "study his wound". He's a cat and it's going to be difficult to accomplish such a task if he won't let you already. What I suggest is taking a video using a ...
Michael Weiss's user avatar
8 votes

Cat fell from window on his side

We have the existing question Should I take my cat to the vet after a big fall/jump? as indicated in one of the answers there, cats mostly land on their feet automatically. If you cat fell and ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
8 votes

Male cat in heat came home injured on legs

The ONLY responsible thing to do is to get your cats SPAYED AND NEUTERED. Intact male cats will fight and get hurt. You will save yourself a lot of money and problems by getting the cat(s) neutered. ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
8 votes

Male cat in heat came home injured on legs

Male cats do not go into heat — this is a term referring to estrus which only females go through. There may be some seasonality to male cat sexual activity but in general a sexually mature male cat ...
Harry V.'s user avatar
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7 votes

How can I safely catch an injured semi-domesticated pigeon?

It is easy to catch it in the dark, as many birds are completely blind at night; it doesn't need to be totally dark. Humans have better night vision than many types of birds, so at night one can ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
7 votes

What is this wound on my dog's nose?

Take to vet immediately. You don’t want this to get infected and it needs to be taken care of so it doesn’t get any worse.
Maggie2100's user avatar
6 votes

How can I safely catch an injured semi-domesticated pigeon?

If she is too injured to escape the best method to catch her is to use a towel. You do not risk injuring her further as you would with a net - their wings and legs tend to get caught and tangled in ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
  • 12.6k
6 votes

I accidentally hit my cat with a hockey ball. Do I have to go to the vet?

If your pet is ever hit by a object at high speed, you need to take it to the vet. It does not matter if the object is soft or hard. When it comes at a high speed damage might happen. You will not ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
6 votes

White/opaque shards in cat leg X-ray

As @Harry V. suggested in a related post, the shards turned out to be lead pellet gun fragments. Radiology report: In the left proximal tibia and fibula there are highly comminuted fractures and mild ...
User1974's user avatar
  • 549
6 votes

A cat with broken leg: What would have happened if left unattended?

If it's a clean fracture and the cat has sufficient time and nutrition to heal, it will just heal. If the cat is malnourished it will take longer to heal and the fractured bone hinders the cat even ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.4k
5 votes

Most humane way to emergency euthanize an injured cat?

I've worked with an animal rescue charity and seen cats who are in incredibly bad shape (think crushed hind legs, shattered pelvis, half skull caved in) and they have gone on to live amazing happy ...
Kevin's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

Kitten hurt from bite/scratch developed swelling and bald spot on head. Has she got some disease?

You still need to get the cat to a vet to get this diagnosed and treated, but not only for your current problem, but to get the cat vaccinated and spayed/neutered. When you get a cat you take on the ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
5 votes

Is there a way to repair apple snail shell damage?

The simplest and easiest way to repair the shell is to make sure your water contains calcium in the right amount. Most snails living in water need hard water (water containing dissolved minerals and ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k

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