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37 votes

What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

Whatever your general opinions on free-roaming cats may be, allowing your cat to hunt in a bird sanctuary definitely sounds like a highly irresponsible thing to do. If you'd rather not lock your cat ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
19 votes

What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

The best situation for any domestic cat is to live indoors; it would have been an easier transition when he was younger, but it can still be done, if you're willing to endure a period of "misery" for ...
Allison C's user avatar
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14 votes

What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

Most locations have leash laws that apply to all domestic animals, in most areas they are only enforced on dogs. In an area with a bird sanctuary, it may very well be applied to cats as well. The ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
13 votes

What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

Get a collar with a bell. I'm going to say that the best and easiest way to solve this problem is to get a collar and put a small bell on it. The bell will provide enough warning that the vast ...
Galendo's user avatar
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9 votes

What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

I would encourage you to keep trying things, even if they don't seem to work or have not worked in the past. As others have suggested, try various things to make indoors more appealing, so he has ...
ap55's user avatar
  • 91
5 votes

Dove not getting domesticated

There is a very essential difference between "domesticated" and "tame". An animal that is "domesticated" was intentionally bred by humans over many generations to ensure ...
Elmy's user avatar
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4 votes

Kitten refuses to eat after mama cat's death. Getting weaker

Sitting in water = it is feeling too hot. Most likely it has a fever. This fever could be due to an unrelated illness, or stress over the mother's death, or the same infection/poisoning that took the ...
ahron's user avatar
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What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

I see three possible options: Attempt to enclose the garden somehow so that he doesn't have free reign in the bird sanctuary. You'd need pretty tall fences though... Choose a different location. ...
Nick C's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I make a baby wild rabbit a pet?

We have a 4+ year old eastern cotton tail living with us. He came into our home at about 3 weeks old. I found him on the front lawn, looked like a cat had gotten at him. I brought him in, weighed him ...
Saber's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes

Can I make a baby wild rabbit a pet?

I own a wild cottontail. Saved it from a crow and a vet needed to help it with its wounds. The vet informed me that if I did keep it as a pet, they could not take it on as a client as it is illegal ...
Moe's user avatar
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How do you tell a wild rabbit from a release domestic rabbit in southwestern Europe?

Species So we're comparing the European rabbit with the pet "version". They are actually the same species. The European rabbit is Oryctolagus cuniculus, whereas the pet are Oryctolagus cuniculus ...
JAD's user avatar
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Cat is losing fur around neck and ears. Is it some kind of disease? How to cure it?

Have you ever heard of Trap-Neuter-Return? (in your case, it would be Trap-Heal-Return). It's a method of catching a feral cat in order to either neuter it or getting it the medical care it needs, ...
Akuminari's user avatar
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What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

I do disagree with most answers posted so far, because: Cats are natural predators who should have lot of physical exercise. Locking a cat into an apartment/house in my opinion is animal abuse, ...
GittingGud's user avatar
3 votes

Finicky cats and what to do

What we do is five small meals a day, feeding all three of our cats from the same 80-100 gram foil package. That way less goes to waste if the current offering displeases one or two of them. The total ...
bgse's user avatar
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What should I do to make my cat spend more time with us?

You have at least two factors working against you: First, the mother cat is driving away her offspring, that’s natural behavior (as cruel as it seems to humans who have a different perspective on ...
Stephie's user avatar
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2 votes

How to help a cat with sore throat

It is possible for a cat to get a sore throat. See this link for more information but basically the article says: When a feline has a sore throat, one of the most common symptoms is that the cat will ...
Cory Hom-Weaver's user avatar
2 votes

Kitten refuses to eat after mama cat's death. Getting weaker

I used to work for a feline veterinarian. First you have to get some food in her. Most cats can't refuse baby food of the strained meat varieties. ( all meat ) I would feed them with a syringe and as ...
George Suplee's user avatar
2 votes

How long can poison stay in the cats body?

I am sorry for the loss of your cat. How long can poison stay in the cats body? It depends on several factors: what exact poison is that; the "strength" / health / age of the cat; is ...
virolino's user avatar
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Should we try to adopt wild kittens?

8-12 weeks is the critical age for cat socialization. You've already started the process and are doing fairly well, but I doubt you'll get much further with the kittens living outside and their ...
StephenS's user avatar
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Can I make a baby wild rabbit a pet?

It is so kind and humane that you are caring for this orphan cottontail who had no mother to protect it, feed it, and teach it the ways of the wild. It would certainly have become hawk or coyote bait ...
BunnyBaby's user avatar
1 vote

Can I make a baby wild rabbit a pet?

No Wild animals should be kept as pets. It is illegal. Plus, the fact that you asked if you need to feed it differently suggests you haven't even researched. The best bet to keeping the little one ...
Alex Kasowicz's user avatar

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