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33 votes

Does picking up an adult cat by neck cause them to be paralyzed like kittens?

Cats can be temporarily paralyzed by pinching the skin on the back of their neck. This is called "pinch-induced behavioral inhibition" (PIBI) or "scruffing" or "clipnosis"...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.4k
9 votes

How to efficiently move a goat?

If the goat isn't used to you, there's no guaranteed way to move it, but you could try sneaky ways: Open the gate! The goat will not want to walk into a corner of the fencing. By opening the gate you ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.4k
7 votes

How can I safely catch an injured semi-domesticated pigeon?

It is easy to catch it in the dark, as many birds are completely blind at night; it doesn't need to be totally dark. Humans have better night vision than many types of birds, so at night one can ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
6 votes

How to put rabbit in cage without scratching me?

Putting a rabbit into a cage can be difficult. With the cage you have, the best solution is to have them hop back in by themselves. Even a rabbit that is extremely used to being handled can/will "...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes

How can I safely catch an injured semi-domesticated pigeon?

If she is too injured to escape the best method to catch her is to use a towel. You do not risk injuring her further as you would with a net - their wings and legs tend to get caught and tangled in ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
  • 12.6k
6 votes

Why does my cat never like to be picked up?

Try to determine whether the cat is in pain. Sometimes it's the case that petting is aggravating some sort of unseen medical condition, causing them pain, and so their response is to lash out at the ...
Kai's user avatar
  • 16.3k
5 votes

How to free a catfish from a strangling rubber band?

Looks almost like a plastic washer. I don't know whether there is a "correct answer" for this but I would try. He will surely die eventually, probably with suffering, if you don't try to do ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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4 votes

How can I safely pick up a garden snail?

The best way I find to pick up my snail is by wetting a popsicle stick and putting it underneath his head. You can be somewhat forceful with it. You can wiggle it underneath their bodies and they will ...
Carey Charles's user avatar
4 votes

Calming down feral cat to take to vet?

Your local animal shelter can probably lend you a suitable trap and advise you on where to place it, how to bait it, and how to use it safely. They will likely be thrilled to help you since you're ...
mhwombat's user avatar
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4 votes

How to efficiently catch my own fish?

IMO, a clear acrylic fish trap is the least stressful method. If done correctly, fish often have no clue they're being trapped at all. It's not always possible to catch everything because some fish ...
SAM A's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it healthy for a pitpull puppy to spend months in one place without leaving?

Puppies really need a lot of engagement and socialisation - its not a toy, and walks are important, they get your dog used to the environment around them and to get to know other dogs and humans, ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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4 votes

How to efficiently move a goat?

As a goat owner, and someone who has owned horses and donkeys, the best way (if food does not motivate) is to get behind the animal and wave your arms up and down (like in a "stop" manner if you were ...
Laura's user avatar
  • 187
4 votes

How to avoid accidental bites when feeding a horse from my hand

To start the process, get the horse familiar with its muzzle being handled. Start by handling its head and running your hand over its muzzle; start sliding your hand over it quickly and getting out ...
user1234's user avatar
  • 101
4 votes

My cat stays perfectly still in my arms but is scared of being picked up, how to make her relaxed?

One approach that has helped me with some cats is gradual desensitisation. I start by lifting her ever so slightly, not enough so that her feet leave the floor, just enough to take some of the weight ...
mhwombat's user avatar
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4 votes

Is a cat likely to be traumatized if it is physically forced to take medicine?

Short answer: yes, you should force him. Any ear infection is uncomfortable, itches or even hurts. If you don't treat the infection, there's a risk that it becomes chronic and the discomfort never ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.4k
4 votes

Can a three months old cat kill or hurt a kitten?

Yes a 12 week old kitten can injure or kill a 6 week old kitten. For a 12 week old kitten anything that moves is a toy so you need to keep the kittens apart at all times or the youngest one will get ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
3 votes

How to bridle a young horse

Dealing with my own young horse ATM (she had basic training a while before I got her, but she was left in the pasture for a long time, and decided she'd rather not work), and here is what I've learned ...
user1234's user avatar
  • 101
3 votes

My cat stays perfectly still in my arms but is scared of being picked up, how to make her relaxed?

It is quite usual for cats to be comfortable being touched and petted and at the same time to freak out at instant just when picked up because their feet lose contact with solid ground - they no ...
lila's user avatar
  • 210
3 votes

What are the risks associated with keeping woodlice at home?

Here is a short blurb from Wikipedia: Woodlice as pests Although woodlice, like earthworms, are generally considered beneficial in gardens for their role in controlling pests, producing compost and ...
Deirdra Strangio's user avatar
3 votes

How do I prevent my Robo Dwarf Hamster from biting during handling?

Here are notes from the petsmart website "Lifting & Handling: Handle your dwarf hamster gently -- scoop her up in both hands and hold her with cupped hands so she'll feel safe and secure." I ...
SPC's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

How do I prevent my Robo Dwarf Hamster from biting during handling?

Well, dwarf hamsters can be quite nippy, I'm sorry he's nibbling on you. Hamsters have a pretty good sense of smell. I would recommend washing and rinsing your hands thoroughly before handling. They ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Grabbing cat by scruff

Lifting an adult cat by their scruff should be avoided; lift by gripping the body if at all possible. Which it sounds like you did. Grabbing/pinching the scruff to get them to stop struggling does ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 11.7k
3 votes

Am I making the stray cat uncomfortable with my touch?

Closing her eyes is an indication the cat trusts you. When a cat is feeling wary of its surroundings, its natural instinct is to stay alert. A cat will only relax enough to close its eyes or sleep if ...
Kai's user avatar
  • 16.3k
3 votes

My dog's teeth are really bad, what can I do about them?

My (late) dog lived up to 16, and he had teeth removed all the way until he was 13-14. A good vet will warn you of the risks but also not do it if they feel its too dangerous. Rotting teeth can lead ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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3 votes

My dog's teeth are really bad, what can I do about them?

Even in healthy, young humans there's always a small risk that general anesthesia and surgery can lead to death. Every human doctor is required to inform you about the risk before you undergo any ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.4k
2 votes

How can I get my cat used to being picked up?

It's a process that requires much patience and gentleness. I adopted a stray (shelter approved, no owner cane forth, no microchip and pregnant) who went from eating the bowl of food I gave her and ...
Daniel Ruben's user avatar
2 votes

My cat bit me, should I abandon her?

There are very good answers above, but I just want to write something concerning shots. If you have an animal that can bite, scratch or kick you, you have to have tetanus shot. Make sure that you are ...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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2 votes

Calming down feral cat to take to vet?

I have had this exact problem. I have one domesticated cat and got a new cat that was a feral cat; I got him fixed but this did not help, he still chased and hurt my other cat. I did feed them in two ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
2 votes

How to help a wild baby parrot who cannot fly?

Look for or post lost/found bird notice in your area. Trimmed flight feathers imply the bird is a pet who escaped. flight feathers look to be cut with scissors Also look for a leg band, Many pet ...
James Jenkins's user avatar

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