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5 votes

How do I potty train a puppy who just cries when I take him outside?

Just in case anyone comes across this and it helps them, we persevered with outside toilet training, and he is now going outside every time and we've only had a couple of accidents. At night, we have ...
Gary Wright's user avatar
5 votes

Dachshund Head Swelling

your dog has an allergic reaction probably after a snake bite or an insect bite.get it to a vet right now. this is not the only answer to what it might be but the other things it might be will also ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.7k
5 votes

What are these odd bumps on my Dachshund's cheeks?

They're called "vibrissae"-- they're not defects, they serve an important function. They're sensitive receptors, like a cat's whiskers. They pick up air currents and alert a dog to any movement or ...
Enid Coleslaw's user avatar
4 votes

Why did our dog hum / moan when hugged or when burying itself under the bed clothes?

It is indeed a moan and is part of the natural range of vocalizations a dog uses. It can mean pretty much exactly what a human moan means. Some examples: Content at stretching after waking up ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k
2 votes

Should I feed hot dogs to my dachshund?

I feel it's important to point out that if you have small dogs like I do (I have 3 and 4 pound Yorkshire Terriers) a hot dog is about the same size as their little throats. They can get stuck in the ...
Evescorpio's user avatar
1 vote

Dachshund Vomiting Issue

I'm a bit confused, because your vet should have been able to explain this behavior rather easily. I'm not 100% sure about the smell you describe -so could be something different-, but the rest ...
Mario's user avatar
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1 vote

How long of silence/calmness to reward when crate training (9 week old dachshund)?

There's a vital difference between crate training and obedience training. In obedience training, you say a command, your dog (hopefully) follows it and expects a reward for it. In crate training you ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 34k

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