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18 votes

How can I help my betta, who has a white-ish sore on his side, is laying at the bottom of the tank, and isn't eating?

It is most important that a betta fish have the right environment. If the environment is right, it's easier to treat any illnesses the fish may develop. Your fish needs at least 5 gallons (19 L) (...
Gwendolyn's user avatar
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13 votes

What could be causing my dog to constantly lick her paws?

Paw licking can have so many causes, it will be hard to determine the true origin in her case. There could even be several causes cumulating at the same time. Infection Just like humans, dogs can get ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.4k
7 votes

Hypersensitivity and Flakes at Base of Tail

The best way to determine the cause of this problem (and find the most effective treatment) is to see a vet. Your cat is clearly uncomfortable, so if there's any way to get him seen, that is the best ...
Zaralynda's user avatar
  • 20.2k
7 votes

What is this wound on my dog's nose?

Take to vet immediately. You don’t want this to get infected and it needs to be taken care of so it doesn’t get any worse.
Maggie2100's user avatar
7 votes

What causes bald spot between eye and ears on a cat?

Cats naturally have thinner fur in that area, and if you look at the head at just the right angle, it can look almost bald like the photo. On some cats (especially those with darker fur, because of ...
mhwombat's user avatar
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7 votes

What is this on stray cat’s skin?

I'm not a vet, so this is not professional advice. From the pictures, these look like seriously infected wounds that urgently need treatment, these will not heal on their own and likely get worse ...
bgse's user avatar
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6 votes

Black dark spot on kitten's face

The vet said it is feline acne, most likely caused by using plastic plate; it is a kind of allergic reaction to plastic and my kitten was too small to clean itself properly. First, please switch to ...
Sameh's user avatar
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6 votes

Cat - fix poor coat

Knowing from your other question that your cat is not neutered – Have your cat neutered. The coat will likely improve and there will probably be less shedding. Unneutered males in particular can ...
Harry V.'s user avatar
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6 votes

What causes bald spot between eye and ears on a cat?

The phenomenon of hair loss in that area is called facial alopecia, and it's a normal pattern of hair loss when cats age. There are also scent glands around the face area, which cats enjoy rubbing on ...
Kai's user avatar
  • 16.3k
5 votes

What are these odd bumps on my Dachshund's cheeks?

They're called "vibrissae"-- they're not defects, they serve an important function. They're sensitive receptors, like a cat's whiskers. They pick up air currents and alert a dog to any movement or ...
Enid Coleslaw's user avatar
5 votes

Is there anything safe to put on a Naked or Skinny guinea pigs skin

Skin issues with skinny pigs can be quite common. I have two skinny boars at home that when they have dry skin I use an organic coconut oil on their skin and it lifts off the old dry skin and ...
Ashley's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

Strange dark scabbing near cat's nose

We took our cat to the vet and she took a sample of his skin by pressing a small piece of plastic against the irritated areas. She then ran a test on those samples and found some bacteria present ...
fivefivefive's user avatar
5 votes

What is this bump on my cat's lip?

It is a large pimple or a small abscess, an infection in the skin. It can be painful or get painful quickly, so I suggest you take your cat to a vet. The vet will make a small incision to drain it. ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
5 votes

Please help I found a strange sac on my cat's tail. What shall I do?

This answer is part of Pet's Spring Cleaning Campaign. This question is old, but this answer will still help people with the same problem. There's a number of things this could be and I cannot say ...
Elmy's user avatar
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5 votes

Itchy cat, head and chin

I'm not confident enough to diagnose the cat, but my thoughts were too long to stay in the comments. I think very much sounds like a food allergy - itching and skin issues are the first and most ...
Gwendolyn's user avatar
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5 votes

Should I get a second opinion from a different vet regarding my cat's hair loss, dark spots in ear and scabby skin?

Please note that I'm not a vet, but I once had a cat that went missing for some time and came back with a very severe ear infection including mites. The dark stuff in your cats ear is ear wax and the ...
Elmy's user avatar
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5 votes

What are these black spots near my dog’s anus?

The Vet confirmed there are basically acne blackheads (comedones). Since they don't appear to bother my dog, and they aren't infected, they basically are just a cosmetic issue. Vet said that while ...
John M. Wright's user avatar
4 votes

Is there anything safe to put on a Naked or Skinny guinea pigs skin

I know this is a little late but I would recommend not using the pine shaving bedding. I have two skinny boys that I got from 2 different places that both advised me to use paper bedding because the ...
Sarah's user avatar
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4 votes

What could cause my dog's rash and yellow flakes besides allergies?

Sadly its impossible to diagnose skin issues online, it needs to be seen in person. Hot spots (bacterial), fungal, allergies, parasites. Maybe they both came in contact with a chemical. Sometimes you ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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4 votes

Cat with itchy skin

What food was he on vs what he's on now? If it's food related allergies you should try a food that has a different source of protein (ex. fish instead of chicken). Dry itchy skin can also be a ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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4 votes

My cat won't stop licking himself?

He's just grooming himself, when they wear the collar they can't reach anything so once it comes off it's go time! No concerns as long as the incision is healing nicely :)
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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4 votes

My 2-month-old Persian kitten's fur on tail does not seem right

Any skin related issues should be seen by a veterinarian it could be anything from parasites, allergies (though rare in young animals), had a run in with some chemicals, skin (bacterial to yeast) ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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4 votes

What kind of shampoo to get for dry skin?

Dry skin can be caused by a few things: Low-quality diet Allergies Diseases such as hypothyroidism or cushings disease. Pitbulls are notorious for allergies, if you notice excessive itching, hair ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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4 votes

Remedies for irritation at base of tail

Sadly, skin problems always warrants a physical exam. It's one of those things where you need to physically be there to examine the skin and run some tests (i.e skin scrapings) to rule out the problem....
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
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4 votes

Cat mowing and chewing until skin bleeds

So I think we've finally found something that fits the symptoms. Unfortunately, it's a poorly understood condition called Feline hyperesthesia. The start of this video is pretty indicative of what our ...
Machavity's user avatar
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4 votes

Hypersensitivity and Flakes at Base of Tail

I will add on to Zaralynda's answer: If he exceeds the requirements for the large dose of Advantix I will assume your cat is obese. We see this often that obese cats cannot clean themselves properly ...
Rebecca RVT's user avatar
  • 12.6k
4 votes

Swollen lump on dogs belly

We asked the vet last time he had a checkup and the vet said it's his belly button. It's a minor umbilical hernia but it's not worth doing surgery on. The vet didn't seem too concerned it would cause ...
Dan Hastings's user avatar
4 votes

What is this weird pimple on my cat's skin?

Almost all mamals do have nipples just like it is in human female/males. The number of mamarian nipples in cats are normaly 6 to 8 but it can vary from 4 to 10 and the numbers are not always even. ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
4 votes

Pug Allergy - Skin Rash

I have the same problem with my pug. We took him to several vets. What we do to reduce this skin problem is using a 2% ketoconazole ointiment everyday. Have to clean the apartment floor every day ...
user13514's user avatar
4 votes

What is this wound on my dog's leg? Help me please

It's an untreated wound that should be seen by veterinarian. Only a licensed vet can reliably diagnose what kind of wound this is. If the dog continues to pay attention to it it clearly still affects ...
Joshua K's user avatar
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