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24 votes

Do cats walk on their tiptoes?

Cats and dogs do walk on their toes, in what is called digitigrade stance. This is opposed to the plantigrade stance of humans. This is shown nicely on this Wikipedia diagram, where the dog (or cat) ...
Harry V.'s user avatar
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10 votes

Is whisker layout in a dog a constant?

I've looked around in scientific publications and found no indication that whisker patterns are used anywhere to identify canines (neither lost dogs nor wild animals or those living in zoos). There ...
Elmy's user avatar
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7 votes

My vet told me my cat's heart has an abnormal sound--will this affect how long she might live?

General Information An abnormal heart sound may affect your cat's lifespan, but from this information it's impossible to know what type of problem is causing the abnormal sound or if it can affect ...
Zaralynda's user avatar
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7 votes

Gourami breathing at water's surface

Don't panic! This is entirely normal behaviour for Gouramis (within moderation). Gouramis are part of a group of fish called 'Labyrinth Fish' (Sometimes also known as 'Anabantoids'). These fish have a ...
Henders's user avatar
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7 votes

Can big cats retract their claws?

Yes, all cats have retractable claws, though a Cheetah's claws are only semi-retractable. The claws on the front legs of a cat are fully retractable as they need to be sharp for holding onto prey, for ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
6 votes

Has anyone touched a male lion? Is the lion's mane just like stringy human hair?

According to Jacob Markow, a supposed "zookeeper who specializes in the care of tigers and other big cats", and an "animal handler and trainer", who answered the Quora question: ...
user11111111111's user avatar
6 votes

At what age do ginger cats start having black whiskers?

Color of whiskers isn't set in stone, nor is their transition. Some cats start black, other cats start white (one of our current cats has black whiskers at age 1, the others have white whiskers at age ...
Flater's user avatar
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5 votes

Reverse a debeaked hen?

A chicken's beak will grow back over time. Presumably, the beak was trimmed by someone who knew what they were doing. Any attempts on your part to correct by trimming the lower part are likely to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes

What are these odd bumps on my Dachshund's cheeks?

They're called "vibrissae"-- they're not defects, they serve an important function. They're sensitive receptors, like a cat's whiskers. They pick up air currents and alert a dog to any movement or ...
Enid Coleslaw's user avatar
4 votes

Do cats walk on their tiptoes?

Not sure how many bones are past them, but those toe-beans look like they're exactly where I develop callouses on my hands. So they're kinda walking on their palms. (Reddit) ( Put your ...
Mazura's user avatar
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Difference of CAE, SAE, and OTTO fish

Fish in the pictures attached to your question looks like Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (Chinese algae eater, CAE for short). Chinese algae eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) Image source: Wikipedia. Image ...
lila's user avatar
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Is my guppy healthy? Its colour is weird

I assume you mean the weird color of the torso of the guppy. It looks so weird because it's actually transparent and you can see the organs and the spine inside the body. Here's an example of 2 ...
Elmy's user avatar
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4 votes

Rescued European sparrow has a weird pimple

The „pimple“ is a normal part of the bird’s anatomy, it’s the uropygial or oil gland and it produces the oils necessary to waterproof and care for his plumage - think of it as nature’s conditioner. ...
Stephie's user avatar
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My vet told me my cat's heart has an abnormal sound--will this affect how long she might live?

Sounds like a heart murmur. There are different types of murmurs, so there's no way to say in general how it will affect your cat. Our cat has one, and when we asked the vet the question you're ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes

Do non neutered cats shed more hair?

In my experience, cats shed the same amount of fur after they are spayed/neutered. I have had cats that have been unneutered and unspayed and I have not seen any difference in the amount of shedding ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
3 votes

My dog has very reflective eyes but no night vision!

The light reflecting cells in the dog's eye do send light to the light sensitive cells one extra time, giving the dog better night vision than we humans have. But just as in humans, dogs can have eye ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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3 votes

Betta with black dots on fins

This is a little bit of a mystery and my answer is a collection of possibilities that I've looked at. As you noted in your comment, he is still healthy and active. Peppering In Discus and some Angel ...
Henders's user avatar
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3 votes

What is my male apple mystery snail doing?

Two possible things I can think of judging by the pic: Just grabbing some air. Apple snails have a kind of snorkel they use to breath air from the surface. You can see it in the right of your picture....
Mario's user avatar
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Any idea what this growth is on my dog's belly?

As mentioned in the comment, this is your dog's nipple; if you look close you will find more. It is totally normal; all mammals have them (both genders). We have had this question here before for ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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3 votes

Cat’s tail only goes to the right after fall

So the bones in the hip and tail do not have any fractures. This means there must be an injury to the soft tissue, most likely to a muscle. If this is the case, it will heal up nicely. It might be an ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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3 votes

My Amelanistic Corn Snake is turning yellow?

If nothing has changed, and he's still eating and acting normal, there's probably nothing to worry about. Snakes often change color as they age, some very dramatically (e.g. green tree pythons, cotton ...
SuperStew's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the purpose of a cat's heel (halfway up the leg)?

From @Krupip's comment in a related post: It's a pivot point where muscles attach to. Muscles contract, causing the bone to act like a lever, pushing the whole foot down, allowing more force to be ...
User1974's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the near point (punctum proximum) of cats?

According to this research seems to be 12cm. Determined the near point of accommodation in 4 cats by measuring visual acuity at viewing distances varying from 125 to 12 cm. The near point of ...
Mizux's user avatar
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2 votes

Do dogs close off their noses in the water?

As far as I know dogs cannot physically close their nostrils, among mammals only the aquatic ones possess such mechanisms. But completely sealed nostrils are not actually that necessary because water ...
lila's user avatar
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2 votes

What is my male apple mystery snail doing?

Lots of water living snails have both a lung and gills, and the lung takes up oxygen if there is too little oxygen in the water to fully supply the snail with oxygen from the gills. If you look from ...
trond hansen's user avatar
  • 19.6k
2 votes

Leopard gecko tail injury question (harsh pictures)

I can see right away this is most likely infected. If this is the case, you should consider getting your leopard gecko checked out by a local vet, whether a herp vet or just your veterinarian. It ...
Zach's user avatar
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How can I tell if my cats are related?

I think they are siblings, but to be 100% sure you need a DNA test; for me, they look like they are from the same litter (same age and same color patterns). They most likely have the same mother and ...
trond hansen's user avatar
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2 votes

Is my guppy pregnant? How could I tell whether a guppy is pregnant?

Here you can see 4 signs of guppies during pregnancy until birth (source). The gravid spot does not need to be completely black, in lighter colored fish it could also be a kind of gray. Fish in ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Why did my dog's ears start to flop?

This answer is part of Pet's Spring Cleaning Campaign. This question is old, but this answer will still help people with the same problem. It depends on your dog. For example, one (or both) ears ...
user11111111111's user avatar

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