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Questions tagged [rabbits]

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-2 votes
1 answer

Which sex of rabbit defines the size of the kits and which one defines the quantity?

I need to know is it the doe or buck that define the size and quantity of rabbit kits.
0 votes
0 answers

How long between doses should I wait? [closed]

My rabbit is a Polish and is roughly 8 years old and is in a lot of pain right now due to an enlarged testicle. I called my vet and the closest that they could do is two days out to get him castrated ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why does my rabbit try and make my bed wrinkle free?

Ruby is a 3 year old English spot, she lives in our bedroom. I don't have video but I did find a couple of videos online, they show a little of the behavior. I have talked to others who's bunnies ...
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2 answers

How do I get a minilop rabbit accustomed to drinking from a drinking bottle

I just bought a minilop rabbit last week. She is 8 weeks old and this is my first time getting a rabbit, so I have basically no knowledge of looking after rabbits apart from what I know from research ...
2 votes
1 answer

I volunteer at an animal shelter: What can I do to protect my pet rabbit from exposure to RHDV?

I have a three-year-old rabbit who is in good health. She receives an annual booster for RHDV2, which can be deadly for rabbits. Recently, I started volunteering at a local animal shelter. I'm in ...
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1 answer

Airlines that allow rabbits in cabin, intl flight

We are moving to the US from France. I'm not comfortable using a pet relocation service. Are there any airlines that allow rabbits as carry on in cabin? The flight is about 6-7 hrs. They're 2 well ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why do rabbits growl? Which animal did the nature intend to be intimidated by a growling rabbit?

I know rabbits growl, but I don't know which animal did the nature intend to be intimidated by a growling rabbit.
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0 answers

Cohabitation of Wild & Domestic Rabbits

I rescued two cottontail rabbits 5 months ago, a friend was putting them into a trash bag to throw away. This last week one rabbit escaped a newly purchased rabbit cage and my dog killed it. I am ...
1 vote
1 answer

Rabbit digging and eating from litter box

I have a spayed female rabbit that was accustomed to living on her own but was in a shelter for 6 months. When I got her, I put her in a three-room cage (big room, hide, litter and eating) previously ...
0 votes
2 answers

Accidental breeding of 14-15w old doe

I recently got a 14-15w old female holland lop. While setting up her cage I let her run around with my 11 month old male holland lop. Everything happened quickly and before I knew it my male was on ...
5 votes
2 answers

Should I get my baby cottontail rabbit who is extremely domesticated neutered?

I know it is very risky to get a rabbit neutered. My baby is wild but acts very domesticated. He has his own bedroom and it is right next to my bedroom. He gets loads of attention and lots of ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can rabbits make babies when separated by a single wire cage wall?

I have heard several people say that their female rabbit got pregnant while physically separated from the buck by a wire cage. I have heard it from multiple people, over a span of years. In all cases ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to rebond rabbits without fighting?

Short version: If you have rabbits that have been bonded for near a decade but start to fight because one of them has been sick and there were strange rabbits in the house at the time, how do you get ...
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1 answer

Which objects or materials are dangerous for rabbits?

Imagine a small rabbit in a messy teenager bedroom. Should I sweep the room for anything specific to reduce danger? For example, any open containers with liquids that humans can not drink should be ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to choose a christmas tree proper for my pets?

When it comes to buy a christmas tree, what precautions can I take, to choose one, my pets have an advantage from? I have in mind to use it as a toy/entertainment for my pet after it was used in my ...
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1 answer

Are rabbits interested in tobacco?

We have a young rabbit, living in a cage inside. She is sometimes allowed to walk freely in the room of the owner. The owner is a teenager, the room is as messy as an average teenagers room, with ...
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2 answers

Why is my cat peeing in my rabbit's litter box?

I have had my cat 6 years and my rabbit 5. My cat has gone into my rabbit's enclosure a few times (we always take her out immediately), but the past few days she has suddenly started using the rabbit'...
1 vote
1 answer

Can a blind and possibly deaf baby rabbit be caged outside?

We had to take in 7 wild baby bunnies, and we’re planning to release six of them and keeping the baby bunny that is missing both of its eyes. I guess that it was most likely born without them. Its ...
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1 answer

How can I carry 2 rabbits on a motorbike without a carrier

I have two rabbits and they have mites. I have to take them to vet, but I am not currently capable of buying a carrier. What can I do?
0 votes
1 answer

Why do stick insects allow themselves to be picked up while rabbits don't? Both are prey animals, right?

Rabbits don't like being picked up. The usual explanation given for that is that rabbits are prey animals and that being picked up gives them the feeling that they are about to be taken by a predator ...
3 votes
1 answer

If rabbits in the wild do not eat carrots, where do they get Vitamin A from?

I've read somewhere online that wild rabbits do not actually eat carrots, and that it is also not recommended to give pet rabbits carrots. So, where are rabbits supposed to get their Vitamin A from? ...
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0 answers

Two bundles of bunnies by one momma

I thought, I had two girls because that's what I was told when I got them. Turns out one bunny was male. We didn't notice the babies till thire eyes where open. We found what one was the male and put ...
5 votes
3 answers

Can I put 2 different batches of baby rabbits together

I have 2 does and one buck, both does are pregnant and I want to put them together with their kits. I have 1 huge cage because I want to put the baby rabbits in there with their moms. Will that be ...
5 votes
2 answers

How smart are rabbits?

Recently in chat Matt s. posted a link to a short gif Description A black and white dutch rabbit goes up to a hurdle with 4 bars, removes the second cross bar up with her mouth and walks through the ...
0 votes
1 answer

My dog who is other wise very gentle has started hunting and killing and eating baby rabbits!! How can i stop him? [duplicate]

My dog is one of the gentlest dogs I have ever met. Up until a couple days ago I wouldn't think he could hurt a fly. That all changed about 3 days ago when I heard a animal scream and I ran to see ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why is my rabbit losing his whiskers and facial fur?

Since about November 2022 one of my two rabbits (neutered twins ~3.5yo, bonded since birth) has been losing his whiskers and facial fur. The other one is fine. It started with him losing his eyebrow ...
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0 answers

why does my neutered bunny spray urine?

My bunny is neutered, but keeps spraying urine all over my home and his own cage. It’s annoying, and I have to clean the areas many times a day. How can I stop it? Is it happening because he's sick?
2 votes
2 answers

Rabbit Eating Dog Food

My rabbit has been eating dog food for 2 weeks now. I can't explain why but I'm just wondering if it is ok for her to eat it. I have a dog kennel outside and when I let my dog out she goes in to eat ...
5 votes
1 answer

What types of spaying/neutering are possible?

I saw a sentence in a deleted answer, and it started me to think: In Europe they don’t spay and neuter. They tie tubes and do vasectomies on pets. For me each kind of "surgery" to avoid ...
4 votes
1 answer

Kangkong (morning glories) as rabbit diet

Since I got a rabbit a couple months ago, he's been eating mainly kangkong, a vegetable popular in Southeast Asia in the morning glory family. (It's also called "water spinach," but it is not a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Bunny honks and sometimes charges at my hands when moving things around

Some background info: my indoor rabbit is a castrated male who free roams when I’m home. He is overall a happy bun since I take good care of him and take him yearly to the vet to get his shots and to ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is a rabbit's field of vision, range and visual acuity?

I have a pet house rabbit, rabbit eyes are pretty much on the side of their head. They also have great big ears. What can a rabbit really see? How well can they see? Can they see 360 degrees?
1 vote
1 answer

What pellets are rabbits eating in Watership Down? [closed]

In the book Watership Down the rabbits are often "eating pellets". My pet rabbit eats food pellets I buy from the pet store, but I don't see how that would apply to the rabbits in Watership Down. ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is average weight of Newzealand Albino rabbit?

I have female newzealand albino rabbit of 1 year and she weighs 1.8 Kg is she underweight? Her diet is Meadow Hay , Pellets and fresh veggie and grass.
1 vote
1 answer

Wild bunny advice?

I'm in New Zealand and someone handed us a wild rabbit kit. I don't feel that we should keep a wild rabbit as a pet, so we intend to release it. Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with rabbits and don't ...
0 votes
0 answers

What are some leaves I can use for bundling food for rabbits?

I have two rabbits that are probably 6 months old now. The current method I've been using for feeding them is to just buy a 90oz bag of hay, grab a relatively large handful, and place it into each of ...
2 votes
1 answer

At What Age/Weight Should NZW Rabbits be bred?

Strangely, I keep reading radically different answers for when it is best to breed NZW Does. Before breeding our does, they must be at least 5 to 6 months old and a minimum of 6 to 7 pounds. - http:...
2 votes
1 answer

How to get sun for Vitamin D if you have fur?

How do animals (for example rabbits) get their vitamin D, if they can not expose their skin to sunlight as humans do, because of their fur?
2 votes
1 answer

Advice for Smelly Rabbit "Cage"

Long story short we got a bunny and we had a hutch in my daughter's room. One of our dogs destroyed the hutch trying to get to the bunny. I then build the fort knox of bunny cages, a 6' x 6' ...
2 votes
1 answer

Rabbit constantly digging and trying to bite

hi I have a female rabbit of approx 6 months she is newzealnd Albino rabbit . Since last few days she has started digging a lot and also tries to bite us . So Kindly let me know what can be reason
3 votes
1 answer

Can I keep thread and bell around rabbits neck

I have 1 year old female rabbit it roams freely in my home and sometime it is not possible to find him. So can I tie a bell on his neck with cotton thread so I can be aware of his position based on ...
3 votes
2 answers

My bunny will not stop kicking her litter out of her litter box, what do I do?

I got bunny and she is an inside bunny. Well, she will not stop kicking her litter out of her litter box. I would like for her to stay an inside bunny, but my dad said if I do not get her to stop, she ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to identify a rex-fur rabbit?

I read that rabbits with fur-type "rex" are not suited for outdoor-living. But how can I identify this type of fur? My rabbit has the color of typical rex rabbits (black with lighter parts ...
1 vote
0 answers

What triggers rabbit's fur to change for winter?

What factors let the fur of rabbits change from summer to winter? Only temperature, or also day length or others? Background: I want to help my rabbit get a high-quality fur for the next winter.
6 votes
2 answers

How do I trance my rabbit?

I have heard that you can trance a rabbit to help with tasks such as nail clipping and cleaning the underside. Is doing this safe for my rabbit? How do I do it? Are there other applications where ...
3 votes
1 answer

What temperature ranges are appropriate for a pet rabbit?

I have seen rabbits on TV living everywhere from the arctic to the desert. Can I expect a pet rabbit to do well in the same range of temperatures as their wild cousins? If not what temperature ...
2 votes
1 answer

How stressful is an overseas relocation for a rabbit?

I've been really wanting to adopt a rabbit, but have been postponing this since I am anticipating an overseas move sometime in the next 2-3 years, and didn't want to have to re-home my rabbit once ...
7 votes
4 answers

Can Rabbits tell time?

You may be familiar with the rabbit from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland as illustrated by John Tenniel. But my rabbit does not have a pocket watch, yet she often manages to get up on the bed ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can a wild female rabbit be spayed?

I have a five-months-old wild European rabbit. She was rescued by a colleague from a cat's mouth. She binkys every night and roams freely. She has bonded with me and jumps on me all the time. I'm ...
7 votes
4 answers

What are the benefits and risks of a wire bottom cage for my pet rabbit?

Often when you see rabbits on TV, they are in cages with wire floors. It seems to be made out of half inch hardware cloth (wire). We know from this question that rabbits can be litter box trained, ...

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