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Questions tagged [grooming]

Questions about keeping your pet clean and maintaining various parts of their body.

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Question About My Border Collie’s Play Behavior

My dog is a 6-year-old spayed female Border Collie. When she plays with other dogs, she tends to grab their neck fur and makes a soft growling sound, but she doesn’t actually bite them. This behavior ...
Shijia Song's user avatar
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Does the fine "plate" comb really pull or cut fur that isn't ready to be shed?

Trying to avoid brand name, but here are a few pics of the working end of the tool. It's similar to a flea comb, actually... It's a remarkably effective grooming tool, getting down to loose hair in ...
keshlam's user avatar
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How do you trim nails on your wiggly Malamute?

As a Malamute owner, I really struggle with trimming my dog's nails. He hates having his paws handled and gets extremely wiggly and restless when I try to clip his nails. I've tried giving him treats ...
Sam Steel's user avatar
2 votes
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Why would you treat a cat with a ball of ingested fur with Cola and xray contrast liquid?

I am referring to this (peer-reviewed) publication from Wilson et al. (2023) where the authors claimed to have used a mixture of 55 mL of Coca-Cola and 5 mL of iohexol for the treatment of a small ...
EarlGrey's user avatar
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Why is my rabbit losing his whiskers and facial fur?

Since about November 2022 one of my two rabbits (neutered twins ~3.5yo, bonded since birth) has been losing his whiskers and facial fur. The other one is fine. It started with him losing his eyebrow ...
James R's user avatar
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3 year old cat gnaws at skin and has bald patches

Our cat is ~3 years old, female domestic short hair. She's happy and playful, eats normal, drinks normal. She's had a CBC where everything was normal according to the vet except for borderline high ...
jamesdlivesinatree's user avatar
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I don't know if my dog is trying to kill my kitten or groom it

I have four dogs and just got a kitten. Three of my dogs just kind of ignore her, but my three-year-old dachshund won't leave her alone. He pins her down and pushes her around with his nose. He licks ...
tawna alleman's user avatar
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Double claw on single toe?

It was time to trim my cat's murder claws when I noticed something odd; a smaller claw was under her regular claw. I had not noticed it before and I am wondering if this is a cause for concern. She ...
agarza's user avatar
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Cat Leg amputation - Will fur grow back?

My cat got his leg amputated the other day. Will fur grow back where the leg was? or will he just have a bald spot?
Bri's user avatar
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4 votes
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What's Causing my cat's hair loss?

My cat is over-grooming and ripping out chunks of his fur, leaving red sores behind. He's got a growing bald patch on his back near his tail and other small patches wherever he can reach. I've given ...
Tebello's user avatar
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Do kittens get balding in the area above their eyes? [duplicate]

Why is it balding is it fungus like what my dog had Not completely bald, but just thinner fur.
Scandinavian Surfer Dude's user avatar
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My dog has ME and sits in a Bailey chair. Occasionally he ends up sitting on his tail. He now has a spot on it that has hair missing. What is it?

My dog sits in a Bailey chair for feeding. Occasionally he ends up sitting on his tail. It now has an area on it that has no hair. He does not lick or chew on it. What is this and how do I treat it?
Cathi's user avatar
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My long furred cat was recently groomed and it's revealed lots of dandruff, is that normal?

My non-pedigree cat was long furred, and our wonderful groomer cut it right back. He didn't seem stressed at all, and is walking around with a confident tail. But what I noticed was a significant ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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How to tell if a dog's fur is matted?

I have two tamaskan dogs. One is shorthaired, and the other, Lyra, has long fur like a malamute. I try to brush them out regularly, but she has a kind of wiry undercoat where each hair has a lot of ...
Raksha's user avatar
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Why is my cat trying to rip my toe off?

My cat regularly pulls out her blunt nails when she grooms herself, and I know that’s normal. Recently I had my pinky toe injured, and now it’s bruised, won’t bend, and has a subungual hematoma. I was ...
rando cat owner's user avatar
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How can I encourage a Winter White dwarf hamster to change color?

I was told that the Winter White dwarf hamster changes color based on the season. i.e. brown/dark grey in the summer and white/light grey in the winter. Firstly, what causes the hamster to notice the ...
Jacob B's user avatar
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Sore on cat's tail

My daughter was playing with her cat tonight and noticed some blood-- she was checking the cat for injuries and found this bare patch on her tail that was raw and slightly bleeding. It looked like it ...
user101289's user avatar
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How to teach young cat to groom after using the litter box?

I recently (~14 days ago) adopted a young cat from a non-profit organization. He's a domestic short hair, about 8-9 months old, neutered and knows how to use the litter box - he found it right away ...
xxbbcc's user avatar
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My Cat is Licking Everything

My cat is around a year old and has had the same bed ever since we've gotten him. Lately, he has been licking the wood frame. I've also seen him lick the wood of his older toys and stuffed animals of ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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How do I clean an aggressive cat's private area from diarrhea?

I have a cat that I took home while she was pregnant and now she is almost due this month. She currently has diarrhea that gets stuck in her private area, and she has started to smell bad. She's ...
Bes's user avatar
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Why is my female cat over-licking lower abdominal raw?

Mini Moose, my female cat, is pregnant and is over-licking her lower abdominal area raw. Two years ago she had a stillborn baby. Her babies are alive in her, I can feel them moving around.
Bree Luther's user avatar
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Why does my cat lick my lips every time he purrs?

I’m not sure why, but without fail, every time my cat starts purring he licks my lips. It’s not just a few licks either—sometimes he’ll do it for up to a minute or two, walk off, then double back for ...
airgelz's user avatar
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Is dandruff from neck massage on cockatiel normal?

This cockatiel likes to perch on my shoulder to receive neck rubs. After a while of this, I notice quite a bit of white flakes, like dandruff, on the fabric of my shirt. Is this normal? Or might this ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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I rescued a dog from the street. What haircut should I ask for? [duplicate]

I adopted this dog some months ago. I don't know a lot of dogs and stuff. What haircut will suit him? Thank you!
Anbal Rivera's user avatar
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Can an orphaned kitten (about 4 weeks old) learn to clean itself?

I found a baby cat who was about 1 month old I think. I can't bring her in our house because we are not in ground floor and some other reasons. I keep her in the parking and she can go out and back in ...
Mohamad Bigdelly's user avatar
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How often (and what type) should I reward during grooming?

My SO and I have a 1.5 y/o Standard Poodle with a great temperament. We keep her coat moderately long (not show length), so gets brushed lightly several times a day, a more serious brushing session (...
DeusXMachina's user avatar
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How long can I use dry shampoo for cats after it expired?

I found some dry shampoo in my bathroom and I thought my mom bought it when she went to the grocery store last week. However, after I used it on my sister's cat I noticed it expired 12 years ago and I ...
Marley Bass's user avatar
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My cat often leaves the litter box with urine and litter on his rear

I have this top-entry litter box for my cat shown below. I'm not sure if it's this box that's the problem, but he will often leave the litter box with urine on his rear which often also has litter ...
mowwwalker's user avatar
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How should you groom a dog with a double coat and severe matting?

In this question, the answers state that there are two types of dog breeds: dogs with a single coat that consists of a coat with a single type of hair, and dogs with a double coat, with an inner coat ...
nick012000's user avatar
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Why do groomers tell you not to shear a long-haired dog in warm weather?

Specifically, I have a Great Pyrenees. I've had groomers tell me that a dog's fur keeps them cool in hot weather as well as keeping them warm in cold. This argument holds as long as the environment is ...
Sniggerfardimungus's user avatar
8 votes
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Should I do something about my cat getting very dirty?

I've recently started letting my cat outside, which she really enjoys. However, one of her favorite things to do out there is to roll around in the dirt, which of course leaves her filthy. She's ...
Kat's user avatar
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Will my kitten have medium or long hair? [duplicate]

I just adopted this cutie. She is five or six weeks old. I am pretty sure she will not be short haired from the ear tufts, but I'm curious how long you think her hair will be? I have had medium haired ...
staticstate311's user avatar
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Dog scratching another

I have 2 dogs and one has a tendency to scratch and then lick the other's back. Sometimes it will happen so much a cut appears and a scab afterward. Is this dangerous and how do I stop this behavior?
David DJ's user avatar
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How much should I cut off my Dachshund's nails? [duplicate]

My 3 year old Dachshund has long nails and they click when she walks. How much can I clip off safely and how often should I?
David's user avatar
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Did the vet cut my dog's nails too short?

I can see red dots inside the cut portion of my dog's nails (not to mention the hang nail). Does this mean that the vet cut them too short? Not sure if this is normal, or if I need to find a new ...
Sittin Hawk's user avatar
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I need to groom my dog during this covid lockdown

Posting for a friend. She has a poodle cross dog and his coat has grown and needs grooming. Its also curly and dense. She wants to know can she just take a clipper to him and go for it or whether ...
SURO's user avatar
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"Banding" in cat's fur

As shown in the photo of the side of its body below, one of my cat's fur forms bands, while my other cat does not have this issue with its fur. (This is not a result of having ticked fur pattern, but ...
Flaw's user avatar
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Why is my cats top fur matted? [duplicate]

What causes my cats matted fur? I think its sap from the bushes she crawls into. Others say long haired cats get knots when they shed.
Uncle fester's user avatar
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Tick fell into dog's ear

3 month old German Shepherd dog. This morning I found a tick in his ear, a bit deeper than usual. I got out a tweezer and carefully got it removed. However it seems the tick has fallen into his ear as ...
Dinera Premaratne's user avatar
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Is it possible to overbrush a cat?

I am taking care of an elderly Maine Coon who can't really groom himself well. But, he enjoys being brushed and changes his lying position to indicate where he wants to get brushed. In my experience, ...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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Good quality food for Sphynx cat?

I have recently got a 4 year old Sphynx cat and I was looking for any recommendations for good quality food for him. I read that the food needs to be high in meat and preferably wet food so he gets a ...
Paris's user avatar
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Cat is losing fur around neck and ears. Is it some kind of disease? How to cure it?

There's an outdoor cat who comes to our home very often. I don't know what has happened but her fur around neck has almost gone. Even on her head and ears, the fur has started to fall out. Also she ...
Mueez Siraj's user avatar
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How clean are pets?

I am troubled and afraid of pets because of hygiene reasons but almost everyone is telling me I should not consider hygiene as a reason to avoid them and be appalled. I am a person that loves hygiene....
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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Will adding olive oil to my cat's kibble solve his dandruff issue?

My semi-longhaired cat has had frequent bouts with dandruff. He has a specific kind of dense fur beneath the longer hairs, almost like down or wool which makes grooming him a challenge. I have been ...
Turi Sue's user avatar
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I heard I can't shave my cat's fur because it affects its ability to cool down. Is that true? [duplicate]

We live in a warm climate and have two cats. One of the cats is local and seems fine with the heat but the other one comes from the Northern region and has a lot more fur. In Summer, the heat is ...
Thomas's user avatar
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I am planning to trim our budgies nails

I am planning to trim our budgies nails, they are long enough now to do this. Can I use a sharp nail clipper while someone holds them in a soft cloth?
Patrick's user avatar
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Help! Rabbit has a circular bald spot. It's very red and has hardened

I was busy a couple days ago and and when I checked on him I found this. Is this from stress? Is this a wound from over grooming? The spot is dry, hard and red. It's circular and very distinct from ...
Milla 's user avatar
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Hair Mats in 20 year old cat

My 20 year old male Siamese has stopped grooming himself and has developed numerous hair mats. He will not allow me to tease them out and is not inclined to put up with anyone grooming him. He does ...
Steve Dutky's user avatar
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What things are handy to have in a horse owner's kit?

Horses are complex animals to keep as pets. They require a lot of care in ways that may not always be apparent. After many years of accumulating knowledge from research and experience, it would have ...
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What should I use to dye my dog's fur?

I want to dye my dog's fur with a color for part of a costume, and it has to be his whole body. I have read online about using food dye or chalk and am willing to try that but am unsure. I obviously ...
ushna saeed's user avatar