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Why is my rabbit losing his whiskers and facial fur?

Since about November 2022 one of my two rabbits (neutered twins ~3.5yo, bonded since birth) has been losing his whiskers and facial fur. The other one is fine. It started with him losing his eyebrow ...
James R's user avatar
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How to get sun for Vitamin D if you have fur?

How do animals (for example rabbits) get their vitamin D, if they can not expose their skin to sunlight as humans do, because of their fur?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Rabbit is losing chunks of hair in different areas

This rabbit was bought in a pet store. After a month, we started to notice that a part of his skin is going bald, which we assumed to be harmless. However, we were alarmed to see that the baldness ...
potato's user avatar
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What is Rabbit Mash and how is it useful for challenged rabbits?

I read something about mash for rabbits. What is it made with? How to prepare it? In which cases is it useful?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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My rabbit's hair looks wet and dirty and it’s getting worse

I recently bought a rabbit from pet store and it's been a week that my rabbit hair has changed. It looks like the hair around the mouth, nose and stomach is dirty and wet and it's not getting better. ...
Mahsa's user avatar
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When do rabbits need a dry and insulated place to sit?

My female rabbit likes to sit on the grass in my garden. In summer, this seems normal to me, but in the colder seasons, I am worried about her health. For example today it is a cloudy, foggy, and ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What could cause lameness in the back legs of a young rabbit?

My friend has got (as a present for their children) 2 around 7-week-old male (?) rabbits 2 weeks ago (when they were 5 weeks old). Like I wrote in another question, she has got no information about ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What to feed 5 week old rabbits?

A friend of mine called me very stressed today, because she became an owner of two rabbits that were given as a present for her children. The grandparents bought them from another farmer in this ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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My bunny is making a new noise I’ve never heard before and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard a similar noise from another bunny?

My 3-month old lionhead bunny has started making a new noise. She previously was ill with the snuffles, completed a course of antibiotic. She was never very ill with the snuffles just very sneezy and ...
Reena Siegel-Richman's user avatar
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Strange change in rabbit's behaviour

I have a bunny who is almost 6 months old. When I first got him home at the age of 2-3 months, I tried not to scare him and to let him explore the surroundings. Everything was fine until I wanted to ...
Bianca 's user avatar
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Bunny lays down (like a pancake) when I pat him

My Bunny was neglected and only on pellets for about 5 years (before I got him). When I pat him he often lays down (legs underneath him), is that good? Also, how do I get him happier? He is free ...
Mikayla's user avatar
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Rabbit took a sharp downturn after starting new antibiotics

We took our rabbit in a week ago because she wasn't eating much, and the vet said she had an infection in her cheek because of tooth problems which she has had for years now. They sent us home with ...
Fibericon's user avatar
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How does RHD/RHD2 transmit from rabbit to rabbit?

There aren't many infections which would be more evil than RHD and RHD2 for rabbits. How can they spread?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Strategies to prevent a single rabbit from getting lonely when its owners are on holiday?

I've been asked to take care of our neighbors' rabbit again this upcoming summer holiday for two weeks. I also did so last summer, and I think I may have messed that up, and that it got too lonely ...
Tinkeringbell's user avatar
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Rabbit breathing very fast

Weather here is so much hot, about 92 °F. My rabbit is breathing very fast. He eats well and his removals are quite good, but he breathes very fast whole day, so what should I do with him to make him ...
Divyanshi Rathore's user avatar
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Help! Rabbit has a circular bald spot. It's very red and has hardened

I was busy a couple days ago and and when I checked on him I found this. Is this from stress? Is this a wound from over grooming? The spot is dry, hard and red. It's circular and very distinct from ...
Milla 's user avatar
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How fast does a rabbit get attached as a pair? [closed]

How fast does a rabbit get attached as a pair? I’d like to separate but not lose a bunny due to loneliness. They have been together in two groups. One having two bunnies and one having three bunnies. ...
Amber's user avatar
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Is my rabbit potentially sick and I need to see a vet?

I just got a new rabbit about 2 or 3 weeks ago from his previous owner. After about the first week I noticed he wasn't drinking, so I changed his water bottle to one with a bigger sized nozzle and he ...
LaBrea' Brooks's user avatar
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My rabbit died yesterday not sure if its Heart Attack or maggots

My rabbit died yesterday and I had him for 5 years. I noticed the rabbit was full of poop (poop stuck to his bottom?). He had been attacked by flies and the vet removed the visible maggots. The rabbit ...
Carla's user avatar
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Can my rabbit be harmed by e-coli on Lettuce?

House rabbits eat leafy green vegetables and they eat poop should I be concerned about warnings of e-coli on store bought leafy green vegetables?
James Jenkins's user avatar
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What can I do about this injury of my rabbit?

Our Rex rabbit has recently become pregnant and had a miscarriage. She still keeps plucking fur on the back of her neck like she is still making a nest. She has plucked her fur so much she caused a ...
DanSchneiderNA's user avatar
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Bunny left outside now experiencing problems

My mom left my bunny (10 weeks old) outside for about 4 hours, with the temperature being around 86 °F (30 °C). Then, when I went for it, its mouth was wet and its two front paws I have no ...
Adrii's user avatar
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Obstipation + toxic antibiotic intake!

My bunny has constipation for last couple days, last night I noticed she has a wobbly tooth too (I easily pulled it out-root was necrotic with a little pus inside) so in panic and fear of formation of ...
Mimi's user avatar
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My rabbit is making this weird noise. Is something wrong?

My rabbit is making a weird noise. It kind of sounds like wheezing and a mix of a cough with bad phlegm and the crunching sound when rabbits eat pellets. I don't know if this is normal. What should I ...
user9475's user avatar
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Is grass OK instead of hay?

My rabbit had dental work yesterday (teeth ground). He is eating greens and a few pellets, but isn't interested in hay. He never loved it, but he did eat some. I know it's important, but is it OK for ...
Tom S's user avatar
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Do rabbits feel pain?

An answer at How smart are rabbits? includes the following quote and reference. Rabbits also have no or very underdeveloped pain sensing regions in their brains (source): Even as a predator rends a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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Feral Bunny with fleas, how can I help it when I'm unable to get more than two feet close?

looks like a dwarf bunny. black and white in color how can I rid it of Fleas as I cannot get close because it's feral.
Hopey's user avatar
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What does it mean if my rabbit has a scab on the top of its nose? [duplicate]

I have 4 babies who are almost a year old and a buck and a doe as outside pets. They are all in separate cages. I've noticed four of the six rabbits have a single scab on the top of their nose. I've ...
Rebecca M.'s user avatar
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My rabbit pulled her stitches out the day after surgery, now what?

I took my rabbit into the vet, she had a lump on her belly. The vet made an incision about an inch and half (4cm) long and removed the lump (not cancer) it was just under her skin. He stiched her up ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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Rabbit losing hair around face areas (eyes, nose and mouth)

I recently purchased a rabbit from a pet store. During the purchase, the rabbit have already had a wound on his back. It seems going to be better. After 2 days, he shed the fur around his mouth and ...
Kamal's user avatar
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How to clean water bottles and nipples?

Many small animals can drink from a bowl but their people provide them with bottles that have nipples to drink out of. Like any container that has water sitting in it for a long time, stuff can grow ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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Can a rabbit be safe drinking water that a turtle and fish live in?

My rabbit discovered that the pool in our backyard has water in it. She figured out a way to drink it. My family put a rock so she can better reach the turtle pool. I'm curious to know if the water ...
Paige's user avatar
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Domestic Rabbit Abandoned her litter

My Female show Florida White has starting "unintentional harming" her litters, I believe she is doing this while the cleaning them after birth. We managed to save 2 out of 5. We have been holding our ...
Jennifer Lynn Wilson's user avatar
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Bunny suddenly kicking litter and stinking

I've have had my bunny since last February or March, she is about 4 years old and unspayed. For the past few weeks, she has smelled absolutely disgusting. Even a few minutes after I've changed her ...
Sharky's user avatar
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Can bonded rabbits die of loneliness?

When rabbits are bonded they form a very strong relationship. When that bond is broken through physical separation or death of one the partner I have heard that they can die from loneliness. The ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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What does it mean when a rabbit has clear mucus like poop?

On occasion we have had a rabbit with clear mucus like poop, some times it is rather well formed other times not so much. In my experience it has mostly been with a rabbit who has a new or ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes
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Why is my bunny breathing fast? (About 120 Breaths per Minute)

I noticed that his chest is rising and falling very fast. Is this anything to be concerned about?
Danieldylan1's user avatar
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Rabbit Eating Dog Food

My rabbit has been eating dog food for 2 weeks now. I can't explain why but I'm just wondering if it is ok for her to eat it. I have a dog kennel outside and when I let my dog out she goes in to eat ...
Derrick K.'s user avatar
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Is it harmful that my rabbit eats bugs?

My rabbit is now eating bugs such as crickets and those things. She hasn't shown any signs of health problems while she ate them, but I'm not sure if they're healthy at all for her. The crickets are ...
Derrick K.'s user avatar
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Rabbit is losing hair on the nose and skin is getting crusty

My rabbit is losing the hair around her nose, and the skin there is also looking crusty. I took my rabbit to a vet but they don't know what's wrong with her. The outline of her mouth is also very ...
Mikee Mendoza's user avatar
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My rabbit is losing fur and weight, what's wrong with him?

My rabbit is about a year and a half old and is neutered. He lives with his brother. For a while now he has been losing fur and he is rather thin. When I bought the rabbits the woman said they were ...
Isabella's user avatar
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What is the cause of splayed/spread front legs in an older rabbit?

Our 10+ year old brown dutch rabbit Baxter had front legs that he placed to the side. In the picture below you can see his white feet are placed out from his body at about the shoulder while the ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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Holding rabbit by the scruff of her neck

Will it hurt our rabbit if we calm her down and then hold her up by the scruff of her neck? We've done it before; she seemed squirmy at first, but then she calmed down when we held her up by the ...
Derrick K.'s user avatar
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How fast do rabbits teeth grow, is it faster the cavities?

The two existing questions and answers What are the "points" in my rabbit's mouth that my vet is referring to? & Why is adding hay to a rabbit's diet important? talk a little bit ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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My rabbit is wet and not moving

this is my first time to have a pet rabbit. I bought them before christmas day. This past few days, the weather is very bad because of typhoon. I forgot to bring them inside our house so they are very ...
Port 8080's user avatar
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What are the possible causes of head tilt in rabbits?

I have heard a lot about head tilt in rabbits. What causes head tilt? What are the treatments and/or prognosis?
James Jenkins's user avatar
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Why would my rabbit be drinking less each day?

My rabbit has drunk less and less as the days have progressed and I'm wondering what's going on. She used to drink a whole bottle in a day but now she's down to 4 days per quart of water. What should ...
Derrick K.'s user avatar
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Is this soil safe for a rabbit digging box?

I have an indoor rabbit and wanted to build a nice digging-box for it. Is this soil safe to use? Candidate soil
Patrick's user avatar
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What reasons could there be for my rabbit not defecating?

My 6 year old female outdoor rabbit is free to roam for up to 8 hours a day in our large garden, but has stopped eating the grass and hay. At one point she stopped eating altogether, and the vet said ...
Sharon Burns's user avatar
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Do rabbits experience menopause?

I got a question third hand, (friend > wife > me) and a quick search leaves me wondering where to look for the answer. The friend has an 11 year old female rabbit that has not been spayed. She wants ...
James Jenkins's user avatar