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4 votes
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Rabbit took a sharp downturn after starting new antibiotics

We took our rabbit in a week ago because she wasn't eating much, and the vet said she had an infection in her cheek because of tooth problems which she has had for years now. They sent us home with ...
Fibericon's user avatar
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What can I do about this injury of my rabbit?

Our Rex rabbit has recently become pregnant and had a miscarriage. She still keeps plucking fur on the back of her neck like she is still making a nest. She has plucked her fur so much she caused a ...
DanSchneiderNA's user avatar
4 votes
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Obstipation + toxic antibiotic intake!

My bunny has constipation for last couple days, last night I noticed she has a wobbly tooth too (I easily pulled it out-root was necrotic with a little pus inside) so in panic and fear of formation of ...
Mimi's user avatar
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2 answers

Does Revolution kill ticks?

We have been using Revolution on our house rabbits for years, and I always assumed it killed ticks as well. Recently, someone told me it is not effective against ticks. I know it effective against a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Should I get my baby cottontail rabbit who is extremely domesticated neutered?

I know it is very risky to get a rabbit neutered. My baby is wild but acts very domesticated. He has his own bedroom and it is right next to my bedroom. He gets loads of attention and lots of ...
Lynda Smith's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What are the considerations for metacam vs aspirin for a rabbit in longterm therapy

A recent comment on How to give aspirin to a rabbit? brought up the topic of Metacam (Meloxicam) vs Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) for long-term pain management in rabbits with arthritis or other age-...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How accurate does the 30 day span when applying revolution flea treatment need to be?

We treat our house rabbits with Revolution flea and tick treatment the directions say to reapply every 30 days. Life happens and sometime exactly 30 days just does not work, If you use "monthly" ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote
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What antibiotics should not be given to a rabbit?

My vet mentioned that not all antibiotics are safe for rabbits. Which antibiotics should not be given to a rabbit? What are the adverse effects? Note I would like to also ask if there is antidote ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What antibiotics are generally safe for rabbits?

My vet mentioned that not all antibiotics are safe for rabbits. What antibiotics are safe to give to rabbits? Does the route (oral vs injectable) make a differences? Is there a frequency or duration ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can you dilute antibiotics with water just prior to administering?

My vet gave me an antibiotic for my rabbit to take over the next 14 days. I know it tastes horrible especially with the nasty cherry flavoring they add to it and decided to dilute each dose 1:1 with ...
TugboatCaptain's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How to give aspirin to a rabbit?

I have an 11 year old rabbit that seems to be in discomfort from arthritis and age related issues. He lives with a younger rabbit, and to keep the old rabbit in the area that is appropriate for a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the shelf life of metoclopromide (Reglan)?

I have metoclopromide (Reglan) oral solution in my rabbit first aid kit. It should be dispensed in a light-resistant, Tightly sealed container and stored at room temperature. It has been suggested ...
James Jenkins's user avatar