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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

A class of physically small but highly diverse arthropods; one of the most numerous groups of animals on the planet, though not often kept as pets. Questions might deal with those that are, such as ma…
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An enclosure, a vivarium, that recreates a terrestrial habitat. These are often used to house reptiles, amphibians, and other small, non-aquatic, animals.
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General tag for all lizards (bearded dragons, chameleons, geckos, anoles, etc.)
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For questions related to guppies - popular, polymorphic, live-bearing, tropical aquarium fish characterized by remarkably visible sexual dimorphism. Please include other tags relevant to the issue, su…
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For questions related to laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations governing the behavior of pets and their handlers in public places.
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Catch-all tag for pet mice, rats, hamsters, guinea-pigs, skinny-pigs, and their rodent cousins. If the question is specific to a species, consider tagging it with the species.
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The natural hair loss process of many animals and the means to cope with it.
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For questions related to budgerigar parakeets, a small bird native to Australia but popular around the world as pets.
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The act of rendering a pet clean through shower or bath or scrubbing purposes; may also refer to a cat "bathing" itself via tongue.
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Questions regarding how to tell apart or know the gender of a pet.
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Hygiene is a set of practices performed for a pet to preserve their health and well-being.
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Refers to a situation requiring application of initial treatment in case of an accident such as how to stop profuse bleeding. Not for real-time questions.
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Related to lighting for aquariums and terrariums
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Photosynthetic microorganisms that grow in wet environments. Algae are not plants, but large growths can sometimes resemble them superficially. Pet owners may encounter algae as a cosmetic nuisance, a…
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Exotic pets are generally rare or unusual animals that aren't usually thought of as pets.
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Substrate is the material used at the bottom of an aquarium, terrarium, or other enclosure.
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Use in questions relating to causes of, or conditions related to, a pet losing hair when it shouldn't.
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Questions involving the act of changing water, most often referring to aquariums.
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Refers to all forms of the croaking amphibian which grows from a tadpole form to a full grown adult.
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Refers to the act of putting a pet "to sleep" (to death), likely due to old age and inability to function properly.
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For questions about finding a lost pet, identifying the owner of a lost pet, questions about lost pets in general, and similar. Not to be confused with the tag "stray".
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Biological history, parentage, pedigree, ancestral history, genetics, inter-breeding, and inherited traits of a pet.
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The ability for two or more beings to coexist together.
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Referring to the small rodent which can be kept as a pet, or as a food source for other pets.
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Refers to any form of entertainment or distraction which can keep a mind running, such as a complex toy, an interactive companion, or a visual display.
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Any enclosure, used for a pet, including fenced areas, pens, coops. Not including cages which are a separate tag: [cage].
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For amphibian pets, such as frogs, axolotls, salamanders, that have life cycles both within the water and on land.
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Used for questions on pets hunting other creatures. A pets urge to hunt is an instinct of most predatory animals.
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Clicker training is a method for training animals that uses positive reinforcement in conjunction with a clicker, or small mechanical noisemaker, to mark the behavior being reinforced.
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