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Questions tagged [territory]

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What's a good way to stop my cat from going through my jalousie-type window?

I have a window that I often keep open to let some air in. It's a jalousie-type window (pictured below) and my cat always jumps up through it to get to a part of the backyard that does not have an ...
user9564371's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Is it safe for a cat to be with a Covid patient?

I recently tested positive for Covid and I’ve been isolating myself in one of the bedrooms. This is the same room where my kitty sleeps and basically calls it her own territory. She meows, yowls and ...
electrophile's user avatar
2 votes
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Introducing new cat (or kitten) to kitten at home

I have recently gotten myself a cute little kitten at the start of September. I might want to get a second cat/kitten to keep her company. I've done some research about introducing new cats and read ...
SomeNewKitten's user avatar
2 votes
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Should I help my cat defend her territory?

We have an older cat who almost never leaves the house. Our house is fenced but open, if you go to the kitchen during rain you'll get wet. So occasionally other cats turn up in our living room. ...
AndreKR's user avatar
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How do I stop my rabbit from peeing on my bed? [duplicate]

I have a 2 year old spayed rabbit that reliably uses her litter box, with the exception of occasionally peeing on my bed. It seems to happen when she's looking for attention and I don't give it to her....
Emily's user avatar
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Convince a territorial pup to go out on walks

I recently adopted a stray pup. Although it is great in most ways, I just can't convince it to go out on short walks. It thinks the area around the house is its territory and is very happy/playful ...
ahron's user avatar
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5 votes
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Ways to stop male cats (who are not mine) "scent marking" inside my house - they have access because my cats have access to outdoors with a cat flap

I've been having a problem lately with 1 or 2 specific male cats in the neighbourhood coming in to my house via my cat flap and scent marking/urinating on vertical surfaces to (I presume) mark 'their' ...
seventyeightist's user avatar
3 votes
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Cat who is normally docile freaks out when a neighborhood cat comes onto our porch, despite getting along well with our other cats. Why?

Context Our family has four cats. Some details about Pepe, the most relevant one to this question: 5 years old Orange tabby Male Exclusively indoors Properly fixed Extremely friendly and ...
JesseTG's user avatar
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How can I mark my own territory and communicate this to my pet rabbit? [duplicate]

So we got a holland lop rabbit a few weeks ago second hand from another couple. He's been great so far, but I've been reading online about communicating with my rabbit by mimicking his own behavior, ...
user1759942's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I stop my rabbit dropping territorial marks? [duplicate]

I keep a male rabbit together with a (female) guinea pig in a cage. (They get along very well.) The bunny has that annoying habit of scattering everything in and around the cage with those brown ...
Neinstein's user avatar
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Does my cat have a boyfriend?

So I just walked downstairs to find my black cat chilling out on the table with a ginger cat in the room, with no issues whatsoever. The cat is called Peter and owned by someone who lives nearby. This ...
Featherball's user avatar
2 votes
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Where is it ok to place wood in the fish tank?

Where can I place wood in my fish tank? I'm concerned about it trapping fish food and causing ammonia build ups if it's near the walls or decorations, and I don't want to make a 'hot spot' if I put it ...
Joe Blogs's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

dog crates: okay to share?

I have 2 dogs. My wife and I recently purchased two identical crates for each of them. Is it okay if they swap crates? We thought that they would each want to "own" one that the other one wouldn't be ...
Ben Mosher's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Older, larger cat introduced after tragedy...Not going well. HELP!

I have a four year old brother/sister. Izze & Bella. Ive had since kittens. Lovely, sweet indoor cats, they play, wrestle, small 8 lb cats. Izze was the perfect male cat, he was in love with me, ...
Theresa's user avatar
  • 41
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Bully keeps running off

I have an American bully. He started watching over baby calves, then one of my neighbors was sick and he stayed at their house. Now a neighbor down the road lost her dad day before yesterday, and when ...
tina's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Moving cat to new house, but keeping her outdoors

Is it possible to keep a cat outdoors in a new place, by feeding her treats to convince her she's found a new territory? The new home has a compound wall, which I'm thinking would roughly mark her ...
Naweed Chougle's user avatar
3 votes
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Our neutered male cat bullies other cats in the street

I already did a post about behaviour change of Elliot, related to our new babycat here. Our 5 year old neutered male cat, Elliot, is bullying other cats in the street. He is a relatively large common ...
jawo's user avatar
  • 159
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Older cat doesn't come home since new cat is here

I'm starting with a short flashback back about one year. My girlfriend, me and our 2 tomcats - Elliot (4 years old) and Fridolin (2 years old) were living in a flat share at an old farmyard, inside a ...
jawo's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How do I get my cats to stop being territorial towards my rabbit?

I've had two indoor cats for years and a few months ago I adopted a Holland lop rabbit. The transition for the cats has been fairly easy because we kept the bunny penned up unless we were around to ...
pocketlizard's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Will our cat try and hurt the new kittens he is related to?

We have a 7 month old male kitten/cat. His mother lives in the same apartment block and she and he have access to eachother's homes. My neighbour who owns the mother watches over our boy while we are ...
AnneFiji's user avatar
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2 answers

Fence aggression - guard dog or poorly trained dog?

I am puzzled by the behavior of certain dogs, each of them living in a yard or a garden across a fence from a somewhat busy road with frequent pedestrian/runner/cycling etc. traffic (for example, a ...
Jirka Hanika's user avatar
2 votes
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New older cat coming into the house

I have had my current cat for about 2 years now. She is a lovely Manx. Three months ago we moved to my parents' house where there was a small foxy, whom she was fine with but never came closer than ...
FabianCook's user avatar
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Stray puppy wants to eat with its littermates but gets attacked whenever it does

I usually feed milk to newly born stray puppies as soon as I come to know about their existence in my area. However, when the puppies grow enough, they start fighting. 14 days ago Recently, among a ...
prem30488's user avatar
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2 answers

Will dogs still be territorial towards members of their family?

I was wondering what is more important for dogs, territory or blood relation. Will dogs still be territorial towards members of their family?
prem30488's user avatar
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4 votes
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Possible cat depression: how to deal with territory changes?

At the beginning of this year, I had four cats (3yrs m, 9yrs f, 15yrs m, 18yrs f.) I adopted the youngest cat when he was 7 months old, the others had been with me since their respective infancies. ...
user avatar
9 votes
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How do I discourage rabbits from spraying?

Both my rabbits are fixed (spayed/neutered). However, anytime there's a new pet in the house (currently a guinea pig), my rabbits start spraying (marking with pee). While it would seem like this ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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14 votes
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How large territory does a Maine Coon cat have?

In a cat care guide book it is strongly adviced never to let a Maine Coon run free, because these cats are very effective predators and run a very large territory. I have no plans to let my Maine Coon ...
Esa Paulasto's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How many gallons is enough space for two bettas where one is male?

If I have a 30 gallon (ca. 113 litres) tank that is medium planted. Would it be OK to keep two male bettas, or one male and one female betta? I have read a lot of stuff online about keeping a group ...
Quillion's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What means do rabbits use to mark and defend their territory?

Bunnies as prey animals would seem to be very quite, shy and fearful. Do they do anything to mark or defend their territory? The best answer will include references, be focused on house rabbits, ...
James Jenkins's user avatar