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Questions tagged [genetics]

Biological history, parentage, pedigree, ancestral history, genetics, inter-breeding, and inherited traits of a pet.

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1 answer

I catch feral cats in my neighborhood. How can I tell if they are related?

I catch feral cats in my neighborhood. If I DNA-test four of these feral cats, will I learn if they are related? Say, would the DNA test provide some information, like a family tree?
Tracie L. Noe's user avatar
10 votes
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Are 'marbled' feline eyes normal, or a sign of disease?

The picture of Tiki's eyes (a tabby cat aged, maybe, 10 to 14) shows that her eyes are 'marbled', that is to say overall green but with an irregular pattern of brown 'marbling'. I know that patches ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Kitten genetics probabilities?

I have a short-hair black-white tuxedo cat that is 3 weeks pregnant. The father is a long-hair grey Maine Coon. I'm interested in the science behind cat genetics; I'm wondering if there are any ...
User1974's user avatar
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Genetic diseases/conditions in Golden Retrievers

I'm not talking about conditions that the Golden Retriever is prone to develop in the future like cancer, but things like hip dysplasia that if the dog is guaranteed to inherit, may make it live in ...
imperialgendarme's user avatar
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Is my cat a calico?

My cat is mainly white with black spots, but he does have a light brown 'goatee' going on, along with light brown spots next to the black spots and a large one at the base of his tail and inside of ...
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2 votes
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Can a regular German Shepherd give birth to German Shepherd puppies with coat colors identical to hers, but give birth to one single white puppy

Just curious to know (I also need this piece of info for writing my novel). So, can a German Shepherd (classic-looking fur coat) give birth to four identical German Shepherd puppies that look just ...
Alexandrang's user avatar
2 votes
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Difference between small hamsters and larger hamsters?

After having several hamsters over the years, I've noticed that larger hamsters tend to be calmer while the smaller ones seem to be far more energetic and oftentimes more afraid of people. Why are ...
Jacob B's user avatar
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4 votes
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Inbred kitten -- What are the risks?

I have a 6 week old male kitten; his mother had a litter before his, and the person who owns her kept one of them, so the son and mother bred. She only had three kittens. One passed away unfortunately,...
Qushawn Jamal LaRoche's user avatar
5 votes
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What problems does inbreeding in chickens cause?

I have a big farm (without animals so far) and want to get chickens. They can run freely in the farmyard and the garden, having approx. 1500 m² with grassland, sand, a dunghill and copse. I'd like to ...
dessert's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a genealogy test for pets?

Is there a test out there like "23 and me" except for pets? Is there even anything out there like this? I would pay top-dollar to have this done. I'd like to see if my cat has any Cheeta in her.
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4 votes
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How can I tell if my cats are related?

I got my cats two years ago from the rescue centre and very little was known about them; the rescue centre says they were both two-year-olds when I got them, but one "seems" to be older than ...
teslajin's user avatar
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Can wild cottontail rabbits interbreed with domestic rabbits?

If a wild cottontail rabbit and domestic rabbit try to make babies, will they have kits? I know that horses and donkeys make mules what do domestic and cottontail rabbits make?
James Jenkins's user avatar
4 votes
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The genetics of catnip susceptibility

In doing a little looking around, I found three different answers to the question: What percent of cats are susceptible to catnip? The Humane Society says "an estimated 50 percent" Scientific ...
cobaltduck's user avatar
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Idle mackerel tabby terminology question

It is said that "mackerel tabby" cats (tiger tabbies) always have an M on their foreheads, made of two stripes forming a chevron (^) on each side of the centerline. My two, as shown by ...
keshlam's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Why is a female orange tabby rare?

I just adopted a female orange tabby and I knew going into the adoption that they are very rare. Why is it so special for female cats to be the orange tabby colour?
aman207's user avatar
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2 answers

Do the colors of a cat's coat correlate with its personality?

I've heard some people say that a cat's coat color says a lot about its personality. I think it's fairly common to think that tortoiseshell cats have attitudes ("tortietudes"). Is this urban ...
300D7309EF17's user avatar
1 vote
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Do miniature cows with cat like agility exist?

Do miniature cows exist which can be taken as a pet in home? Ideally they should be genetically improvised to have the agility and enthusiasm of a cat. It may sound impossible but I imagine it to be ...
pet101's user avatar
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9 votes
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Do most pedigree dogs retain the personality traits of their ancestors?

Retrievers get their name from being excellent hunting companions, just as Shepherds are excellent herding dogs. However, the modern pedigree breeding business selects dogs for beauty and ...
Twilight Sparkle's user avatar
12 votes
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How to test one deaf ear of a cat?

A dominant white cat with blue eyes is said to be at high risk of being deaf. (Here the "dominant" refers to the white color gene, not behaviour.) In case of a white cat with odd eyes, the ear on the ...
Esa Paulasto's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I describe my cat (color/breed/type)?

I am trying to figure out what type of cat I have. My cat is a male, tuxedo, cat and I think he's a tabby, but how can I figure it out?
Daniel's user avatar
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How to find a dog breed that will not suffer hip issues due to slippery floors and steep staircases and the like?

I know that some dog breeds are more prone for hip issues than others, and those can be aggravated by them having to climb stairs or walking on slippery floors. When selecting a dog breed, what can I ...
uncovery's user avatar
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8 votes
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Do Boxers have a tendency towards Cherry-eye and gland-expression issues?

My question is just what's in the title. I was under the impression that Boxers were one of the type of dogs that have that gland near their anus that can cause them serious discomfort, as well as ...
Jimmy Hoffa's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How vulnerable are crossbred (hybrid) dogs to genetic disease?

Most purebred dogs are prone to breed-specific diseases, for example, hip dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers. Mixed-breed (mongrel) dogs are said to be less prone to genetic diseases than purebred dogs ...
Baarn's user avatar
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