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Questions tagged [reproduction]

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Is my platy still pregnant?

First time trying to keep fry alive here so have been keeping an eye on this mummy fish. A few days ago she looked alot "rounder" now she appears a little flat? I'm aware they get a boxy ...
Nelly's user avatar
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Vaccinations for cat in heat

My intact female cat (about 3 years old) is almost due for re-vaccinations, and I'm worried she's going to be in heat soon. I've read somewhere the dogs in heat shouldn't get re-vaccinated but that ...
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Is a very young cat likely to be a bad/less competent mother?

Reading that a cat can have kittens as young as 4 months -- that seems like the cat is still someone I would consider a kitten herself -- it strikes me that such a young cat would not have had the ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Cats don't know how to mate

My Persian male cat is 1 year and a month old. Two days ago, one of our close friend brought her Persian female cat, because Queen was in heat, who also is 1 year and a month old. Tom is 10 days older ...
Kakar's user avatar
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4 votes
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Fragile, bumpy chicken eggs

We've got 4 chickens in the garden and 3 of them lay wonderful eggs. The 4th, a light Sussex, lays quite strange eggs. They're quite big but the shell is incredibly fragile and bumpy too. They're not ...
Rob Forrest's user avatar
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Reliable way of giving away goldfish [duplicate]

About a year ago i built a small pond with 5 goldfish inside. Apparently they really liked it because they started reproducing a lot and now there are more than 15 and i'm guessing that the space they ...
Yeeter's user avatar
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7 votes
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What's the purpose of tying a thread or dental floss on either side of a kitten's umbilical cord?

I read on multiple sites about how to help a queen give birth to her kittens, and almost all of them say that the cat usually chews the umbilical cord, but if she doesn't, then you have to do it. But ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
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Do female bearded dragons menstruate?

This may seem very strange, but about once a month my 11/2 year old female bearded dragon goes in to a bit of a "mood". I adopted her about 5 months ago. She stays in one spot, usually in ...
tmac24utm's user avatar
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My female rabbit is failing to give birth, the bunnies die right after they are delivered [closed]

My doe is unable to give birth, the bunnies die just right after they are delivered. Is something wrong with my doe's womb? Any help would be appreciated.
Eddy's user avatar
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Is my orange platy pregnant? [duplicate]

Hi does my orange platy look pregnant? It’s been that size for a little while now so I’m not sure.
Georgia's user avatar
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Molly's belly is still inflated after giving birth [duplicate]

One of my molly just gave birth to 4 fry. Her belly is still inflated just as it was before giving birth. I was waiting if she's gonna release more babies. She hasn't. She just stay at the bottom of ...
moh hossain's user avatar
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Really Red rash looking swollen nipples

My female Pitt just had puppies and she has a really bad I don't even know what it is a rash or I don't know but it's all over her stomach and nipples and her nipples are really swollen bad um I don't ...
Jennifer Ross's user avatar
-6 votes
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Would sterilizing a male/female cat/dog ruin their sex life?

Are some forms of not too intrusive sterilization for a cat/dog, which would allow them to have a sex life? Are these processes too complicated? Are vasectomies or getting the tubes tied viable?
Quora Feans's user avatar
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Questions about Simba and lions in general [closed]

So as many people I've watched the Lion King last weekend and have been reading a lot of theories about it online since then. One that stood out to me is that Simba and Nala are very close-related (...
user1319182's user avatar
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How to manage weaning a 4 month old foal?

My 4 month foal has a broken leg and requires stable rest for 3 months and we need to wean her. It's impossible to keep her and mum in the same stable without risking mum getting cast. Mum had ...
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My 16 year old red eared slider hasn't laid eggs in years

Shes been acting crazy, trying to get out of her tank and being a picky eater. I just started reading about her symptoms and discovered that she could be eggbound. Until now, I had no idea that this ...
Rachel Drinnon's user avatar
3 votes
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What could happen if my 3 year old boxer does not reproduce?

I have a 3 year old male boxer and, as for now, I still have not found him a partner to reproduce with. Could there be negative consequences of it? What is the upper limit of time duration of the ...
I likeThatMeow's user avatar
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Is this normal behaviour for a cat? [duplicate]

My cat has been acting very strange today and wonder if this is normal behavior or if something is wrong. I have 2 cats, one is male and one is female. The male one has been neutered. So the female ...
Marcus Horne's user avatar
7 votes
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Best way to interrupt a cockatiel's brooding

I am preparing for an international move with my cockatiel. The bird started brooding and laying eggs about two weeks before the travel date. It is a 5 year old bird and it is the first time this ...
Nymph's user avatar
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Mystery Snail laid eggs in a terrible location-, hatchling health help

I recently put two of my mystery snails together (originally separated between 2 tanks). They spent almost an entire day together "piggy backing" each other. Woke up and feed my fish this morning and ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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Budgies egg hatching time

I have a pair of budgie and female budgie has laid the first egg on April 14th, then second on April 17th, and with a gap of two two days she has laid total 5 eggs. So my problem is: the 1st egg has ...
Divyani Srivastava's user avatar
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Sexual intercourse duration of dogs and fertility

My Pomeranian bitch and a male pin had sex today for 1 minute or so and his penis didn't get stuck in her. Does that imply that she hasn't been fertilized?
Nilesh kokare's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it good to keep one of a cat's kittens instead of rehoming them all?

My cat is pregnant for the very first time. My question: is it good for a cat to keep one of her own kittens (male or female?) The rest of kitties will go to our friends' homes, and after this ...
Georgia's user avatar
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11 votes
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Need advice to help a sick and, possibly, dying cow

I'm in a rural area in Kolkota right now and there is a 14 year old downer cow who is lying on her side. She is malnourished and looks like she might die. The local vet gave her a calcium injection ...
deepak's user avatar
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