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Questions tagged [rabbits]

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3 votes
1 answer

My bunny had babies, what should I do?

So I recently got a free bunny from someone that found it out in the street. When we received it my dad thought it was really big and could possibly be pregnant. We let it roam around the house freely ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do rabbits eat scarlett runner beans?

I like to grow scarlett runner beans in my garden to decorate a gray wall. Do rabbits like them very much? Will I have to separate rabbits from the plant, or the plant from the rabbits to let both do ...
4 votes
1 answer

Rabbit breathing very fast

Weather here is so much hot, about 92 °F. My rabbit is breathing very fast. He eats well and his removals are quite good, but he breathes very fast whole day, so what should I do with him to make him ...
2 votes
2 answers

Garden used by rabbits: What plants are good choices?

Our garden today is only grass. I like to rebuild it step by step. What plants suits good in a garden used daily by rabbits? Points to have in mind: plants do not harm the rabbits, rabbits do not ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can I keep a baby wild rabbit as a pet [duplicate]

My dog brought us a baby wild bunny about a week ago and luckily, the little guy has survived. It's a small cotton tail and its around 3-4 weeks old according to the vet. I've asked on their advice in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Space requirements for Rabbit? [duplicate]

I am interested in getting a rabbit, specifically a Holland Lop rabbit, and am wondering how much cage room I should give the rabbit to live comfortably. This is just the cage space, I would also let ...
7 votes
3 answers

What are the basic requirements of a healthy adult rabbit's diet?

We have a few questions such as Why is adding hay to a rabbit's diet important? and Why is iceberg lettuce bad for rabbits? However, they don't necessarily tell you what the basic diet should look ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I use a grain mix for rabbits, if they should not eat grains?

I know that rabbits in nature have access to grains only for a few weeks in autumn. How can I use a purchased grain mix for them?
4 votes
1 answer

Obstipation + toxic antibiotic intake!

My bunny has constipation for last couple days, last night I noticed she has a wobbly tooth too (I easily pulled it out-root was necrotic with a little pus inside) so in panic and fear of formation of ...
22 votes
4 answers

Why do rabbits chew electrical wires?

Bunnies like to chew on electrical wires. While there is some question about if they can be trained not to, it best to bunny proof any wires they may be around. (How to) Is there any reliable ...
3 votes
1 answer

Wanting to breed my rabbit once and then get them fixed, but is it possibly to then later slowly intergrate them all back together?

I have 2 female and 2 male rabbits and I want to breed them. The thing is, I only want to breed them one time and then get them all fixed, but I'm scared that if I wait and breed them afterwards, I ...
7 votes
1 answer

What to do with a bonded domestic rabbit and a cottontail

Last summer my one of my female rabbits bonded with a male cottontail rabbit. Before I was able to catch her, they would hand out nightly in the neighbors driveway. This went on for a few months. I ...
12 votes
2 answers

What should I know before I decide to adopt a rabbit?

We are thinking about adopting a pet rabbit. We would love to have one in our home for Easter and I do not think that they would be much work or require much time the rest of the year. But I do not ...
27 votes
10 answers

Can I make a baby wild rabbit a pet?

We had a cottontail rabbit that made a nest near our garden. She had a litter of babies about 2 weeks ago but the other day she was hit by a car. I checked on her babies this morning and only one is ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can rabbits lose fur when stressed?

My rabbit is really used to people, and doesn't like other rabbits, so she is the only one I have. Before I went on vacation I made sure that she was brushed really well. We took her to my friend's ...
7 votes
3 answers

How do you groom an Angora Rabbit?

I know for an Angora rabbit you have to keep up with their grooming, and one of the things you can do is keep their fur short. My sister has tried to trim her two rabbits, but finds that she can never ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is second hand exposure to (non-nicotine) vaping harmful to my pet?

I recently read a blog post on the dangers of vaping around cats. Obviously ingesting the vaping fluid could be a serious emergency, but the post also states: Additionally, cats living with ...
4 votes
1 answer

Rabbit's nose lost from unknown cause

Injured Rabbit (Not for the squeamish! Mouse over shows image. Hello, I live in a village, and I found this rabbit outside my door this morning, it does not seem to have much power, I can hold it ...
2 votes
1 answer

Hearing range of rabbits

Can rabbits hear infrasonic and ultrasonic sounds? My bunny lifts up his ears when I take a step.
4 votes
1 answer

New Rubber Mat Stinks

I purchased a brand new rubber mat to use inside of a pet carrier. The mat is easy to clean and provides a non-slip surface. But it stinks like new rubber. I googled around and found several ...
3 votes
3 answers

Rabbits as hand luggage in airplane

I read I could transport animals in transport boxes the size of hand luggage with me near my seat on an airplane. I could not imagine a transport-box-like piece of luggage with the right size. One ...
3 votes
1 answer

How fast does a rabbit get attached as a pair? [closed]

How fast does a rabbit get attached as a pair? I’d like to separate but not lose a bunny due to loneliness. They have been together in two groups. One having two bunnies and one having three bunnies. ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can rabbits remember from long ago

I had an old bunny and one day it disappeared, we don't know if it ran off or if it was stolen. Today we were wondering if our old bunny might still remember its name if we ever saw it again.
1 vote
2 answers

What evidence could I check to detect a "rabbit experienced" vet?

I have recently learned, that a vet in Germany do not have "rabbits" in his regular studies. (If this is not correct, please let me know!) So my question is: How could I check, if the new vet I want ...
2 votes
3 answers

Bunny alone, good idea?

I'm considering adopting a bunny (a small one, lionheart or minilop), the thing is that in Switzerland the law makes it mandatory to own at least 2 bunnies otherwise it's considered as a big issue for ...
1 vote
1 answer

In which case rabbits give noise?

My female rabbit gives noise if she is grooming her back. It sounds like her breath gets out because of to small space for air in her lungs. Like a human with a big belly making noise by getting the ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to socialize unneutered female and male rabbit, before or after neutering?

Situation: We own an unneutered female rabbit, since one week she is alone because her partner died. The search for a new partner is difficult, because we want an adult neutered rabbit-man for her, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Strategies to prevent a single rabbit from getting lonely when its owners are on holiday?

I've been asked to take care of our neighbors' rabbit again this upcoming summer holiday for two weeks. I also did so last summer, and I think I may have messed that up, and that it got too lonely ...
4 votes
1 answer

My rabbit gave birth 4 days ago, and I can still see babies moving in her tummy, will she have a double litter

My friends rabbit gave birth to three healthy babies 4 days ago, but I can still see babies moving in her stomach, does she have a double litter? Or some late comers
3 votes
2 answers

What are the possible causes of head tilt in rabbits?

I have heard a lot about head tilt in rabbits. What causes head tilt? What are the treatments and/or prognosis?
1 vote
1 answer

How can I maintain high levels of comfort and life quality for my outdoor rabbits?

I have two rabbits in the backyard, they are healthy and the enclosure is secure. (See this question) How should I shape their surrounding to offer them good life quality?
3 votes
2 answers

Am I feeding my rabbits a balanced diet? If not, how to get there?

Does feeding need to be corrected? And in which direction(s)? Where I am now: I have two rabbits born end of Feb 2016. Siblings, one male (castrated) and one female. They are both small for their ...
8 votes
2 answers

My rabbit is hyperventilating and can't get comfortable. What is wrong with her?

I am back from the ER, the rabbit seems okay right now; but I'm still concerned that there might be something wrong with her. Here is a video of her in hyperventilating and unable to get comfortable. ...
4 votes
2 answers

How much food is too much for a baby bunny?

We have a baby bunny, around 400 grams (1 pound or so). He has a bed of hay and pellets in the cage and we feed him greens in the morning and evening. However, it seems that no matter how much parsil ...
9 votes
2 answers

What plants or other winter yard items are safe for a rabbit?

During the summer, I feed my rabbit treats I get from my yard including twigs, leaves, and grass. However, during the winter here my trees lose their leaves and the grass is mostly dead. Are there ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I ensure the safety and good health of my outdoor rabbit?

I want to handle two rabbits in the backyard. What factors are important for rabbits safety and health? (I'm only looking for answers relating to safety and health. I have asked about happiness and ...
3 votes
1 answer

Do rabbits fight each other to the death?

We are reading Watership Down which I have found has many very accurate descriptions of rabbit behavior. The book characters are mostly anthropomorphised rabbits. The head rabbit of the Efrafa warren, ...
4 votes
2 answers

What's The Purpose of Hay Pellets?

I am just curious if I really need to incorporate hay pellets into my rabbits' diet? Since they are already eating plenty of hay and veggies on a daily basis.
7 votes
1 answer

What is the factor(s) that will cause a buck rabbit to disfigure his children?

I recently became aware of an issue that was discovered when several rabbits were rescued from a hoarding situation. I don't have all the details and many of them would be unpleasant to include here, ...
5 votes
2 answers

Do I need to fence of my balcony to prevent my rabbit from falling down?

I live in an apartment several floors up, and I have a balcony with vertical railings that are large enough for a rabbit to pass through. How well do rabbits deal with heights like this? Do I need ...
4 votes
1 answer

How well do rabbits remember things?

I got my rabbit from the animal shelter around four years ago. Today I was playing with her, and she seems so happy that I began to wonder if she remembers her time that she spent at the animal ...
3 votes
0 answers

Help! Rabbit has a circular bald spot. It's very red and has hardened

I was busy a couple days ago and and when I checked on him I found this. Is this from stress? Is this a wound from over grooming? The spot is dry, hard and red. It's circular and very distinct from ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can wild cottontail rabbits interbreed with domestic rabbits?

If a wild cottontail rabbit and domestic rabbit try to make babies, will they have kits? I know that horses and donkeys make mules what do domestic and cottontail rabbits make?
9 votes
4 answers

Is there anything that I can do to treat bloat in young rabbits?

I am a rabbit breeder and I occasionally sell rabbits to other people. When changing food and often due to extra treats that new rabbits are given, the rabbits will suffer from a condition called ...
4 votes
2 answers

What are the advantages and disadvantages to using a safflower seed litter box with my rabbit?

Some people are looking for ecologically-friendly rabbit litter box solutions. One solution is a non-absorbent litter in a drain-through litter box. The Smart Cat Box caught my attention when ...
6 votes
1 answer

Can rabbits cry?

I got my rabbit from the animal shelter a long time ago, and whenever we went there, we went to go look at the dogs also, and they all stare at you, and begin to cry. Whenever we went to look at the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Bunny pees on bed

I live in a small two rooms apartment (living room + bedroom) with my girlfriend. We adopted a two-years-old rabbit in September and, after the first two weeks, he is a very easy-going rabbit: he ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is my rabbit spayed or not [duplicate]

Hi I was wondering if someone could help me I have a rabbit I brought from pets at home and she is lovely and now I am getting a male rabbit from a breeder I was wondering how do I tell if my female ...
8 votes
1 answer

When Do Rabbits Swallow Food

I was watching my rabbit eating her greens today, and I began to wonder when she swallows her food. She eats the whole leaf, but does she swallow her food while she is still chewing on the leaf, or ...
8 votes
4 answers

How to give aspirin to a rabbit?

I have an 11 year old rabbit that seems to be in discomfort from arthritis and age related issues. He lives with a younger rabbit, and to keep the old rabbit in the area that is appropriate for a ...

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