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My dog who is other wise very gentle has started hunting and killing and eating baby rabbits!! How can i stop him? [duplicate]

My dog is one of the gentlest dogs I have ever met. Up until a couple days ago I wouldn't think he could hurt a fly. That all changed about 3 days ago when I heard a animal scream and I ran to see ...
Karen Turner's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why is my cat peeing in my rabbit's litter box?

I have had my cat 6 years and my rabbit 5. My cat has gone into my rabbit's enclosure a few times (we always take her out immediately), but the past few days she has suddenly started using the rabbit'...
user25848's user avatar
4 votes
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My rabbit isn’t feeding her baby, what should I do?

So my rabbit gave birth to a baby two days ago. About seven hours later, she had two more (however, unfortunately, they died); they may have been dead when they came out, I don't know. We took her to ...
Savannah Macias's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there something wrong with my cat and rabbit's relationship?

I'm hoping someone can help me. I assume my rabbit has just formed a strong bond with my kitten, but just wanted another person's perspective on the matter. So, my cat is only four months old. However,...
Jamee-leigh Payne's user avatar
4 votes
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Wild bunny - is she nursing or sick?

In my backyard, there’s this wild bunny that has been sitting in the exact spot for 3 days now. I go out, she’s just sitting down looking at me. I’ve even gotten as close as 5 feet (150 cm) from her ...
Crazy Cucumber's user avatar
3 votes
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My bunny will not stop kicking her litter out of her litter box, what do I do?

I got bunny and she is an inside bunny. Well, she will not stop kicking her litter out of her litter box. I would like for her to stay an inside bunny, but my dad said if I do not get her to stop, she ...
Carly Green's user avatar
1 vote
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Strange change in rabbit's behaviour

I have a bunny who is almost 6 months old. When I first got him home at the age of 2-3 months, I tried not to scare him and to let him explore the surroundings. Everything was fine until I wanted to ...
Bianca 's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Bunny lays down (like a pancake) when I pat him

My Bunny was neglected and only on pellets for about 5 years (before I got him). When I pat him he often lays down (legs underneath him), is that good? Also, how do I get him happier? He is free ...
Mikayla's user avatar
  • 31
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How do I stop my rabbit from peeing on my bed? [duplicate]

I have a 2 year old spayed rabbit that reliably uses her litter box, with the exception of occasionally peeing on my bed. It seems to happen when she's looking for attention and I don't give it to her....
Emily's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
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Bunny shies away from me after moving him, is he traumatized, what can I do?

My 4 month old bunny has been traumatized. I was going in to clean his cage, it’s a 12 foot (3.6 m) enclosure. I went to pick him up to put him in his temporary cage and he was fine a first but when I ...
Netta's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

Aggression between desexed male rabbits

My sister's housemate recently got two male desexed rabbits. They claw and bite at each other, more so one on the other, to the point of bloody ears. It's so bad, they've had to be separated into ...
user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Why is my rabbit / bunny angry?

My pet rabbit sometimes gets angry when I walk past her. She then makes a growling sound and "attacks" me. We had her spayed and thought that this would help, but the problem still persists. Is ...
Schalk Burger's user avatar
3 votes
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Bunny left outside now experiencing problems

My mom left my bunny (10 weeks old) outside for about 4 hours, with the temperature being around 86 °F (30 °C). Then, when I went for it, its mouth was wet and its two front paws I have no ...
Adrii's user avatar
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Why does my rabbit "flop" after he's been picked up?

My partner and I have a 6 month old male rabbit who is very friendly. He lives outside most of the time but he gets to come inside daily and have a play in the living room + kitchen for at least a ...
Karl Nicoll's user avatar
3 votes
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Do rabbits fight each other to the death?

We are reading Watership Down which I have found has many very accurate descriptions of rabbit behavior. The book characters are mostly anthropomorphised rabbits. The head rabbit of the Efrafa warren, ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes
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Grumpy house rabbit who is hiding under my cabnet

One of my rabbits is always under my cabinet and I can't get him out of there. I have tried hiding up the gap so he can not get under there and provide more hides for him but he is always under there. ...
Georgie's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

I was petting my bunny and I can't tell if he's scared or likes it

I recently took my grandma's rabbit because she's wasn't taking care of it well. He's very skittish and doesn't like to be picked up and such. I was petting him and he has his front legs splayed out ...
Sinead's user avatar
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5 votes
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How do you socialize a bunny that has been locked in a cage for many years with very little socialization?

My grandma has had an unwanted bunny for about 4 years now. He is very skittish and not friendly because he has never been socialized. I was wondering if there's still hope for him and if he can be ...
Sinead's user avatar
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Rabbit making the bed, how cute is that?

Ruby is a 4 year old English spot she lives in our bedroom. She is a rescue bunny who was found abandoned in a neighborhood. She likes to work the wrinkles out of the bed. Is this something I should ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
4 votes
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Rabbit scratching and rubbing her teeth on her litter box?

So my rabbit was sick, and we took her to the vet one night, and we put her in a new cage (smaller) and we would put her back in her big cage when she felt a bit better. So once we put her in her new ...
Amie's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is kitten-rabbit "mating" behavior something to worry about?

We've got a 3 year old neutered male dwarf rabbit and a male kitten who is almost four months old. The kitten isn't neutered yet, but will be before he turns five months old. The cat and the rabbit ...
hairboat's user avatar
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9 votes
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How do I get my cats to stop being territorial towards my rabbit?

I've had two indoor cats for years and a few months ago I adopted a Holland lop rabbit. The transition for the cats has been fairly easy because we kept the bunny penned up unless we were around to ...
pocketlizard's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does my rabbit try and make my bed wrinkle free?

Ruby is a 3 year old English spot, she lives in our bedroom. I don't have video but I did find a couple of videos online, they show a little of the behavior. I have talked to others who's bunnies ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the factor(s) that will cause a buck rabbit to disfigure his children?

I recently became aware of an issue that was discovered when several rabbits were rescued from a hoarding situation. I don't have all the details and many of them would be unpleasant to include here, ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does my rabbit kick litter?

I got my rabbit 4 years ago over the summer, and when we just got her, I was always the one cleaning her litterbox. After school started however, my mom would sometimes clean it. We still now take ...
IHeartBunnies's user avatar
6 votes
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Can rabbits cry?

I got my rabbit from the animal shelter a long time ago, and whenever we went there, we went to go look at the dogs also, and they all stare at you, and begin to cry. Whenever we went to look at the ...
IHeartBunnies's user avatar
1 vote
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If I train my rabbit to jump fences will she STILL stay in a two foot exercise pen?

I just watched Rabbit Jumping: How to Get Started I have a couple of rabbits that are very trainable, but I take them a lot of places where I expect them to stay in 2 foot high exercise pens. If I ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
4 votes
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Why do rabbits wiggle their noses?

Every time I start playing with my rabbit (or other rabbits) I always see them twitch their nose. Mine usually does this whenever I start talking to her. Is this their way of communicating?
IHeartBunnies's user avatar
8 votes
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Why Does My Bunny Twitch Her Tail

When my bunny runs around the house, I sometimes see her twitch her tail. Is she trying to perhaps wag her tail like a dog, or does this happen for some other reason?
IHeartBunnies's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I help my rabbit be more comfortable with my influence on her cage?

My pet rabbit is very protective of her cage. I just got her a bigger one, but even if I am putting hay down in the cage for her to eat she will growl at me. She doesn't bite me and allows me to pet ...
tM --'s user avatar
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3 votes
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What would cause a rabbit to suddenly become reckless?

As mentioned here, the new guinea pig is affecting my rabbit's behavior. However, until a few days ago, all behavior changes were traditional territorial cues. Two days ago, my female rabbit (who ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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11 votes
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Do rabbits make any sounds?

I'm considering a pet rabbit and I am wondering about noise issues. If dogs bark and cats meow, do rabbits make any noises, or are they silent?
James Jenkins's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I discourage rabbits from spraying?

Both my rabbits are fixed (spayed/neutered). However, anytime there's a new pet in the house (currently a guinea pig), my rabbits start spraying (marking with pee). While it would seem like this ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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Do male guinea pigs do their mating dance before mounting other male guinea pigs?

Do male guinea pigs perform their mating dance before attempting to mounting other male guinea pigs? I recently adopted a guinea pig and find it strange that he's dancing for both my female rabbit as ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

My rabbit is digging at the carpet in the corner of the living room, what should I do?

Sometimes when my bunny is out running around the house she will go in the corner and dig at the carpet. I stomp and clap my hands while saying "No" sternly, and she stops but will often go back to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
8 votes
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What would make a rabbit herd sheep?

If you search for "rabbit herding sheep" you will find multiple links on YouTube and to news organizations like CBS showing a cute little brown (dwarf?) bunny, herding a small flock of sheep. The ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How to leash train a rabbit?

I would like to be able to leash train my rabbit so its easier to travel with her, and to take her out to parks and such (under careful supervision). I've seen footage of rabbits in showjumping ...
user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What means do rabbits use to mark and defend their territory?

Bunnies as prey animals would seem to be very quite, shy and fearful. Do they do anything to mark or defend their territory? The best answer will include references, be focused on house rabbits, ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Why do rabbits chew electrical wires?

Bunnies like to chew on electrical wires. While there is some question about if they can be trained not to, it best to bunny proof any wires they may be around. (How to) Is there any reliable ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

What are healthy treats for a house rabbit?

My house rabbit can be rather shy around guests, and I would like to encourage her to be more friendly when people come around. I have explained to my guests that rabbits can be startled easily and ...
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