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Questions tagged [scratching]

Refers to the act of a pet using its claws to injure, or damage something.

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My cat has a twitchy back with scabs and sores near the base of her tail. Help? [closed]

My cat has always had skin issues, we went toue get for a year off and on ttinggo find out why she had so many scabs on her. The vet gave her advantage 2 and it has done wonders until recently. She's ...
Sherry Winhoven's user avatar
1 vote
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What is causing the cats' spontaneous aggression after being hurt?

My friend and I moved in together and she brought her two cats. The other day, a kid was brought to the house, and for some reason, the cats started attacking the kid when he was left alone. Not ...
Theodore's user avatar
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Cat refuses to stop meowing and scratching at doors in the middle of the night [duplicate]

My 7 year old cat has started meowing very loudly all through the night and scratching at my bedroom door. He just started this behavior close to one week ago when i cleaned out a small water fountain ...
Ben's user avatar
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prevent damage to door from anxious dog

I got a new house and an anxious dog. When we leave, even for 10 min he paws at the door we leave out of and it's starting to get messed up and I need to protect it somehow. I've tried all the calming ...
rasmukri's user avatar
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8 votes
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How can an accidental cat scratch break skin but not damage clothes?

Recently, when my cat was sitting on my sister's lap, my cat leaped off onto the floor and accidentally scratched my sister under her pants. It was about an hour later that my sister noticed the ...
Becca's user avatar
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Advice for feeding a scratching, overweight cat [duplicate]

My grandma's cat has gotten rather overweight in recent years. Thankfully she's still an active cat, but that increasing rotundness does not look healthy. My grandma told me that she can't really feed ...
Laura's user avatar
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How do I stop my cat from wall scratching when I sleep?

A friend gave me her cat when he was 9 months old and he was very kind, loving,and gentle. The first night I had him he jumped on my bed, laid next to my face, and wrapped his paw around me like he ...
Donald's user avatar
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French bulldog itchy ear

My french bulldog has been trying to scratch his right ear against the floor as if something is bothering him. He gets these attacks for about 15 minutes where he is trying to scratch against the ...
J.S's user avatar
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How to increase the abrasiveness of a cat's scratching post?

My cat has a scratching post and uses it several times a day. She also scratches her claws at a felt doormat. But despite all that scratching, some of her claws (especially the pinky and thumb claws) ...
Elmy's user avatar
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5 votes
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Prevent injured cat from biting & scratching people during vet exam

I have a cat that has injured his hind leg. And I have an appointment with a vet to get it examined. The cat is a large, strong, outdoor Maine Coon. He's not going to be happy about me/the vet ...
User1974's user avatar
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Old cat kicked out of bedroom for new kitten, cause of anxiety?

We just got a new kitten and have been keeping her in our bedroom. Now our older cat cries at the bedroom door wanting to get in. He’s anxious and pacing because there’s a closed door. But we can’t ...
CatDaddyof3's user avatar
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Itchy cat, head and chin

We have an 8 year old cat that in the last year has started scratching the top of his head and chin on and off. He gets to the point that touching the top of his head to pet him causes him to shake ...
Xander's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

Discouraging cat from scratching couch

I have never had pets, but recently a friend of mine was in serious trouble and asked me to care for her cat. I did my best to accommodate it as well as I could. The house is vast, has a beautiful ...
Matteo Monti's user avatar
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Dog scratching another

I have 2 dogs and one has a tendency to scratch and then lick the other's back. Sometimes it will happen so much a cut appears and a scab afterward. Is this dangerous and how do I stop this behavior?
David DJ's user avatar
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Why does my cat scratch wall around litter box? [duplicate]

We have a single cat in my apartment around 10 months old. We notice that after he is done peeing/pooping he covers his waste in the litter box but starts scratching the wall around the litter box. It ...
kedarps's user avatar
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How can I redirect attention of my kitten to scratch boards

My kitten of 4 months old just started scratching at the wallpaper. So I thought I buy some extra scratching things which she can destroy if she wants. But it doesn't help. I place them all around the ...
Totumus Maximus's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I make my cats scratch their scratching posts? [duplicate]

I bought scratching posts but only 1 of my cat bother scratching it. They instead scratch my expensive furniture. So what should I do? Put Catnip?
user4951's user avatar
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Using pill capsules to give cat Atopica?

I've read about people using empty pill capsules to give cats Atopica. Our cat needs to take .35ml of it. Just wondering what size pill capsules people are using?
Todd Williams's user avatar
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My dog keeps scratching hot spots

So I’ve got a Bichon Frise which is a breed prone to certain skin conditions. Sometimes she suffers from hot spots which must be irritating and she scratches a lot. I took her to the vet last time and ...
andtodd's user avatar
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How can I prevent a cat from scratching the top of his head?

My cat has a wound on top of his head and keeps scratching it with his hind claws. He keeps getting the soft cone collar off even though it is tied tightly and knotted. How can I keep this collar on....
Trudy Leclerc's user avatar
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How can I get my cat to stop scratching my window screens?

My cat is always scratching at the doors and windows. He's around 3 years old and is in inside cat, we've had him for about a year. I thought it might be because he wanted outside so I've got a ...
rockcop's user avatar
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My cat is acting strange

My cat is almost a year old. I got her when she was just between six and seven weeks old. She has been the perfect cat. She loves me to pieces and she is great with the kids. We moved about two and ...
Micaela Olsen's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

My cat is biting and scratching me and diving at me with claws out

I am a 73 yr old disabled lady. My son thought it would be a good idea for me to have a kitten. He bought a cross Maine Coon, 10 weeks old, now almost 16 weeks. He is a beautiful kitten, when sleeping ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Is it true that it's unsafe to put an e-collar on a cat? Are there any alternatives to it that cats would find more comfortable?

My dad is a veterinarian, and he refuses to put an e-collar on our cat, who's scratching her throat and ears (both front and back) so badly she's reached flesh. We tried putting ointment on her but ...
Juliana's user avatar
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Cat Chewing At Nails/Toes & Heavy Digging

My boyfriend's cat has had this issue for over a year and the vet cannot figure it out. (Hundreds of dollars wasted.) He won't stop grooming until he bleeds, ripping out fur and itching all around. ...
Chelsea Smile's user avatar
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How can I get an adult cat to get used to a scratcher?

Tea is already an adult cat but never had a proper scratcher so all the furniture of the house is full of scratches. We know that is purely our fault (an unfortunate mixture of lazyness and ignorance)...
ray's user avatar
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My kittens keep fighting!! [duplicate]

About a month ago we bought our kitten ( Missy ) she's a really playful girl, a little bit to playful. She was forever biting us and scratching, running around the room, she can't go out for another 3 ...
Amy's user avatar
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4 answers

Cat scratching her face and head

I have a 12 year old DLH Calico. She has been scratching at her chin on and off over the years. I treat her for fleas and worms regularly and have visited the vet on multiple occasions and they don't ...
Kittenlady84's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I train my cat not to scratch furniture?

How could I train my cat not to scratch everything while I need to go to school and my mother to work? I want educational advices that i could learn her when she is little. Thanks
Cata Nuj's user avatar
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How to help a mouse with an eye infection?

We have a pet mouse who has some condition with her eyes that causes her to scratch them a lot. The local vet hasn't been particularly helpful (not for a lack of trying) and the various things they ...
Skutov's user avatar
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How To Train a Cat 3 Questions?

He meows at me, as soon as I get out of bed, for food. I used to feed him in the morning, but then started to feed him at dinner and he meows throughout the day anytime we go into the dinning room or ...
user8378's user avatar
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Grumpy house rabbit who is hiding under my cabnet

One of my rabbits is always under my cabinet and I can't get him out of there. I have tried hiding up the gap so he can not get under there and provide more hides for him but he is always under there. ...
Georgie's user avatar
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Routine change - how to stop dog scratching at the door

My wife and I were living separately until about 3 months ago. She has a dog and has always given it a lot of attention. Since the move, it has been woken up earlier, because I tend to wake up at ...
James's user avatar
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Bored cats, scratching at the wall

I have two male cats, both about 1.5 years old, supposed to be brothers, but I don't know if that is really true =) They live with me in my 50m² flat. Sometimes I go out with them in the backyard, ...
Matthias Nicklisch's user avatar
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My cat wakes me up at night pawing at my door

My cat paws at my door at night and wakes me up. I know the easy thing to do is leave the door open but I can't sleep with it there a way to keep her from scratching at my door?
Elijah b.'s user avatar
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Cat scratching her ear, can I help?

My cat scratches her ears from time to time and sometimes she does it quite hard. I have looked at her ear and it is a little scabby and crusty, and when I rub it she doesn't seem to mind. I have ...
ychirea1's user avatar
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How can I stop my cat from clawing at my door?

My one-year-old cat is constantly clawing at my bedroom door. I have many scratching posts' around my home but she still seems to come right back to my bedroom door to claw/scratch my door. The paint ...
LOSTinNEWYORK's user avatar
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I got scratched by a feral cat. Should I see a doctor?

I'm house sitting for a family that has several cats and dogs, and today while letting one of the inside/outside cats inside, a feral cat jumped out from where "my" cat was sitting and ...
TylerH's user avatar
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Female pug getting aggressive and jerking lower abdomen

My female pug almost 2 year old fights with any individual in the house except my father. She scratches the arms and bites the sleeves. If ignored, she makes crying sound and barks. Sometimes she ...
nimishxotwod's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I make sure that my cat doesn't scratch my wooden floors and counters?

I just moved to a new place, which has all wooden floors and counters (in the kitchen). My plan was to slowly introduce the cat to the new place, keeping him in my room mostly, fearing that he might ...
Denise's user avatar
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