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Allison C
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
45 votes

Is it possible to keep cat litter on balcony during winter (down to -10°C)

36 votes

Do cats know instinctively which plants are safe to eat?

31 votes

end-of-life infinite cat treats?

26 votes

How can I measure the weight of my cat?

26 votes

Sudden stop of wet food diet is causing my cat to vomit

23 votes

My kitten doesn't pee - should I worry?

19 votes

What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat?

16 votes

How much monthly costs can I expect if I get a kitten or two?

16 votes

When do we wean kittens?

15 votes

Why does my cat chew through bags to get to food?

14 votes

Cat meows very loudly when I lock her out of the room

13 votes

First time cat sitting - what should I do?

13 votes

How to help my cat adjust to a new routine?

11 votes

Besides collar where else can I put name tag on my cat?

11 votes

Cat loves to eat newly opened can food, but after a day or two hesistates to eat the food

10 votes

Cat meows for wet food in morning despite dry food being available

9 votes

My cat stops functioning when I put a harness on him. How can I get him more comfortable in it so that I can take him outside?

9 votes

Neighbourhood cat poops and vomits in my garden and driveway

9 votes

How to make home cooked food appealing and tasty to cats?

7 votes

How to litter train a cat if both my husband and I work away from home all day?

7 votes

Want to buy sofa for living room. What to do about cats?

7 votes

Is cheap human food for street dogs good for their health?

7 votes

Should I add water to wet food to provide extra hydration?

7 votes

Ok to let my indoor house cat outside in area frequented by strays?

6 votes

How to tell if cat has abandoned her kids?

6 votes

General and specific advice regarding feral kittens

6 votes

Cat health consideration regarding the coronavirus

6 votes

Can two male neutered cats stay together?

6 votes

Do cats benefit from human probiotics?

6 votes

How to prevent my cat from deconstructing cat fountain?