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Common goldfish with "bleeding" around face, gills and fins

I look after two common goldfish in a 56L filtered tank with an airstone for additional aeration. Over the past two days, one of the fish has been appearing to be sick, suffering with what I can only ...
Thomas Russell's user avatar
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Color change in guppy

My guppy looked pretty healthy and shiny just three days ago: And yesterday... it just darkened. The scale pattern just got so dark all of a sudden. Should I be worried? And this is today:
Sharmishtha Nath's user avatar
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Fish swimming with mouth always touching the water surface

I have a fish bowl and they are all swimming with their mouth touching the water surface, almost always. Are they hungry? Do they suffer from insufficient oxygen concentration in water? Is the water ...
Megidd's user avatar
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Betta dying help

I forgot to save the old water from when I cleaned my betta’s tank and now he’s floating at the bottom. What can I do? I have already tried putting my guppies’ tank water in to do half half and it’s ...
Mariah's user avatar
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Female guppies are fine, but male is sick

I recently got a 54L aquarium and stocked it with 4 small guppies - 1 male and 3 female. Initially they all seemed to be doing fine - eating, very active within the tank etc. The male looked great ...
Jsk's user avatar
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Goldfish skin around the intestine area is gone and stomach looks to be caved in

This is my first time posting so I’m sorry if I made any mistakes with my post. I think I’m going to lose one of my goldfish. About 2-3 weeks ago both of my goldfish (I only have 2) developed ammonia ...
Cece's user avatar
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Why are my 6 flame tetras not swimming like normal?

I have a 29 gallon aquarium with 6 flame tetras, 2 smaller mystery apple snails and 2 other bottom feeders (brown, spotted, with dorsal spike and main fin spikes). Usually I see my 6 flame tetras ...
Morgan's user avatar
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New betta problems - I was unaware of cycling before new tank

So I am experiencing a plethora of issues with my new betta. I hope he makes it out okay. I was unaware of the cycling process before putting him into the new tank. It's small (1 gallon) and temporary....
Mtow92's user avatar
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What’s wrong with my Betta fish?

I can’t tell if it’s a fungal disease, but he lost all of his color. My sister never cleaned his tank so I think that might be the reason behind it, but I don’t know what disease he has so I have no ...
S. Whiye's user avatar
2 votes
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Does dosing a tank for sicknesses cause harm if I can't diagnose the illness?

I came home after work today to my baby guppy tank showing signs of sickness. About 50% of them are gasping for air. I just did a 50% water change, after using my master kit, and seeing that my ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Goldfish are dying

I bought four goldfish 4-5 months back. I kept them in a bowl of water, and was daily removing a glass of water and adding a fresh glass of water. Starting 2-3 months ago, everything was fine. But ...
Akshay Chawla's user avatar
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How many days does it take an ammonia spike to occur?

I recently bought a new aquarium along with four small tiger barbs. I'm currently learning how to cycle the water so I was wondering how long can the fish live in the unchanged water before it needs ...
Murtaza Munshi's user avatar