I came home after work today to my baby guppy tank showing signs of sickness.
About 50% of them are gasping for air. I just did a 50% water change, after using my master kit, and seeing that my ammonia and nitrites were a little higher than usual, not toxic levels, but higher than I like to keep it. I have one corydora, and he seems to be fine, but I'm not seeing OTHER signs of sickness. I do weekly 10-15% water changes, and about a week ago completely changed the gravel. My airater, filter and heater all seem to be working fine (78°F) and I do not see film, building eyes, spots or lacerations. I'm curious if dosing with an anti-parasitic AND a fungus medication will do further harm, being that I can't figure out the EXACT issue??
It's strange that my ammonia would be higher than normal because I feed the same amount daily, and I never change my filter cartridges (just rinse everyone in a while) to keep healthy beneficial bacteria. My mind is blown and I don't want to lose my babies, but don't know what else I can do. I'm also at odds as to quarantine the ones that are at the top and JUST treat them, or to treat the entire tank, if treating them IS the general recommendation.