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Genetic diseases/conditions in Golden Retrievers

I'm not talking about conditions that the Golden Retriever is prone to develop in the future like cancer, but things like hip dysplasia that if the dog is guaranteed to inherit, may make it live in ...
imperialgendarme's user avatar
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Do miniature cows with cat like agility exist?

Do miniature cows exist which can be taken as a pet in home? Ideally they should be genetically improvised to have the agility and enthusiasm of a cat. It may sound impossible but I imagine it to be ...
pet101's user avatar
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How to find a dog breed that will not suffer hip issues due to slippery floors and steep staircases and the like?

I know that some dog breeds are more prone for hip issues than others, and those can be aggravated by them having to climb stairs or walking on slippery floors. When selecting a dog breed, what can I ...
uncovery's user avatar
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