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Goldfish skin around the intestine area is gone and stomach looks to be caved in

This is my first time posting so I’m sorry if I made any mistakes with my post. I think I’m going to lose one of my goldfish. About 2-3 weeks ago both of my goldfish (I only have 2) developed ammonia ...
Cece's user avatar
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How can I help my sick leopard gecko?

Two years ago my brother got a pet leopard gecko. We still don't know it's gender but I will say him. For two years he was fine and looked healthy had a fat tail and ate fine. The only problem was ...
Bryson's user avatar
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Cat struggling to walk, but has no leg or spine issues

My cat recently began to struggle to walk. It looked like his back legs were hurting quite a bit and he would not walk to the food/water or the cat box. If I brought him there he would eat/drink a ...
Joshua Scott's user avatar
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My bunny is making a new noise I’ve never heard before and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard a similar noise from another bunny?

My 3-month old lionhead bunny has started making a new noise. She previously was ill with the snuffles, completed a course of antibiotic. She was never very ill with the snuffles just very sneezy and ...
Reena Siegel-Richman's user avatar
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Will ichthyophthiriasis medicine harm my betta if he doesnt actually have ich?

A few days ago I noticed a spot on my betta's side just next to his gills. It wasn't completely white in color but definitely lighter than the rest of his body. I tested his water and there was an ...
Brooklyn McClennen's user avatar
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Help with kidney failure in dogs/not eating

My chi (10yrs) developed kidney failure, and Dr's said he is a miracle because I've been keeping him alive for 3 yrs. I give sub q IV lactated ringers 3xwk, give Phosphorous reducing med, and make ...
Karen Ryan's user avatar
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What is this on my dogs face?

Any idea what that is on her face? Should I be concerned that it might be something serious? I added another picture. I hope it helps.
eunrod's user avatar
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Why is the hair on my dog's back getting much lighter?

I have a doberman and he has a number of issues. My parents refuse to take him to the vet but I think it's something serious. Here are the symptoms. Hair on his back has become much lighter. He has ...
K.Fletcher's user avatar
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Fatal cotton like fungus on goldfish spreading to other?

I've had a black moore goldfish for 5 years. I just recently brought him with me to a new city and he's temporarily in a five gallon aquarium. Originally he was in a 30 gallon aquarium with other fish ...
pisces22's user avatar
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Zoe, 19 months old cat, British Shorthair, refusing to eat due to digestive issues

Greetings to all members of the cats community, I am truly desperate for any help or guidance you’d be able to offer. 3 days ago my cat lost her interest in food and started vomiting and I took her to ...
Selda's user avatar
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My rabbit's hair looks wet and dirty and it’s getting worse

I recently bought a rabbit from pet store and it's been a week that my rabbit hair has changed. It looks like the hair around the mouth, nose and stomach is dirty and wet and it's not getting better. ...
Mahsa's user avatar
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Feline hyperesthesia

My 8 year old cat has just been diagnosed with feline hyperesthesia. Out of the blue she began attacking her tail. She’s wearing a cone and taking 4 daily medications. Is it manageable? Or am I going ...
Renee Smith's user avatar
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What is this fish disease?

I had 4 platies and 5 danios but there are only 1 platy and 4 danios left. mysteriously, they die in the same manner, like sinking to the bottom of the tank and resting there. I was wondering if they ...
Chuan's user avatar
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Fever and diarrhea in 4 month old kitten

I have a 4 month old kitten which was very active and playful. However, it seems sick as of two days ago. It's eating much less food and sleeping all the time. It has an increased body temperature, ...
Fasty's user avatar
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Really Red rash looking swollen nipples

My female Pitt just had puppies and she has a really bad I don't even know what it is a rash or I don't know but it's all over her stomach and nipples and her nipples are really swollen bad um I don't ...
Jennifer Ross's user avatar
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"Unknown" Sickness of my rooster

My rooster presents some symptoms: weakness in legs, he has (I suppose) plantar pododermatitis that seems to be advanced because I notice swelling and cracks, he also shows drowsiness and no longer ...
LuisDFQ's user avatar
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Male Platy clamping fins and hiding

I got 7 coral red platy for a planted ten gallon tank about two months ago. The water conditions are very good and the temperature is 76. I have 3 males and 4 females, and they have been breeding so I ...
kaori_fish's user avatar
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My kissing gourami having spots. Help!

I have 1 kissing gourami. My favorite fish in my aquarium. But few days I noticed that my kissing gourami having black spots on its scales and fins. And my kissing gourami sits at the bottom of the ...
A.Asaf's user avatar
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What disease causes a dog to lose their vision seemingly over night?

My dog's eyes have suddenly gone cloudy, and I would have noticed that long before now. It wasn't until my dog's vision was gone that I noticed any changes in her eyes. She couldn't make it back on ...
Stephie Tater's user avatar
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Parasitic worm from dog?

Last evening I found two small white worms crawling frantically across my white comforter on my bed attempting to burrow into it.. this after my roommate’s dog slept on my bed leaving copious amounts ...
Michelle Amory's user avatar
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Why does my cat have two bald spots, and how do I get her to a vet if I cannot drive?

Due to being on computer i cannot get any pictures to add right now. a little about my cat: she is a 6-7 year old tuxedo cat and has no back teeth. She was declawed by her former owners and is ...
Nox's user avatar
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