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10 votes
3 answers

How can I help my betta, who has a white-ish sore on his side, is laying at the bottom of the tank, and isn't eating?

This is Ringo. I’ve had him for almost 2 years and he’s been happy until the last week or so. He lives in a 1 gallon (3.8 L) tank (I know it’s small, blame the Petsmart employee who suggested it) and ...
Macy Jaimes's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

My betta is sinking, and we've tried everything. Looking for non-generic/mind-blowing advice

I have had this betta for about two years now, since he was a baby. A couple of months ago he started having trouble swimming. He would swim upwards, but could not stay there - instead, he would sink ...
Sagar's user avatar
  • 183
2 votes
0 answers

How do I know if I should put my betta fish, with swim bladder disease, down? [duplicate]

I just got my betta fish a little over a month ago. When I first brought him home he was floating on his side at the top of his cup. At the time I didn’t realize that was a symptom of swim bladder ...
Ella Bair's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Will ichthyophthiriasis medicine harm my betta if he doesnt actually have ich?

A few days ago I noticed a spot on my betta's side just next to his gills. It wasn't completely white in color but definitely lighter than the rest of his body. I tested his water and there was an ...
Brooklyn McClennen's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Male Betta sinking to the bottom of tank [duplicate]

Tank Info: How long the tank has been set up: about 3-4 months (he was in a 3.5 gal for a while but I got a new one) Size of the tank: 5 gallons, gravel bottom Fish: one male crowntail Betta, had him ...
Mel's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I help my betta who is laying on the bottom of his tank? [duplicate]

My betta has been acting weird. He just lays on the bottom of his tank. Every Once in awhile he will get an energy spike and go around his bowl really fast then he'll just stop and sink to the bottom ...
Morgan's user avatar
  • 31