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5 votes
1 answer

What types of spaying/neutering are possible?

I saw a sentence in a deleted answer, and it started me to think: In Europe they don’t spay and neuter. They tie tubes and do vasectomies on pets. For me each kind of "surgery" to avoid ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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my cat had pyometra, treated with medication. 2months since then - she's pregnant now

so im from a third world country and we have lots of strays around. i look after two of them, one was diagnosed with pyometra, i consulted with a not-so-experienced vet online, and got suggested some ...
Shazia Anwar's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can my newly neutered male cat get his sister pregnant?

I just had my 7 month old male cat neutered 4 days ago but now his sister has gone in heat and he is chasing and mounting her. Since he is only newly fixed can he still get her pregnant? Should I ...
Megan's user avatar
  • 71
1 vote
1 answer

How long should neutered cat use shredded newspaper litter box?

I neutered my cat yesterday and changed his litter box so that it's full of shredded newspaper. For how long should he stay away from his regular sand litter box? Cleaning a litter box full of ...
rbhat's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Why are cats released as part of "spay and release" programs?

There is a feral cat in my neighborhood, It will not come near anyone, but will eat food if placed out for it. Someone mentioned a program called "Spay and Release". It seems like the idea is to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Does neutering a feral (4 yrs) tomcat impede his ability to protect his territory?

It is known that testosterone is a major component in muscle growth. So if an adult tomcat is neutered after fully maturing, will it lose some of the muscles it had previously gained? In general, does ...
ahron's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How does a cat's personality change by having kittens?

I'm pretty sure that having kittens (and nursing them, etc) changes a female cat both physically and mentally. Exactly how it changes the cat is not quite clear to me. To me a female cat that has had ...
Esa Paulasto's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Nervous about my male cats neutering procedure

I'm hoping to get an appointment to get my one year old boy done this week... as he has started targeting his little 2 month old sisters that live in the same apartment block... Not nice. I'm ...
AnneFiji's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can a male cat look like he isn't neutered when he is?

I recently adopted a pair of cats from a shelter, male and female. I was told that they were neutered and spayed, but the male appears to have normal testicles. I'm taking the cats to my own vet for a ...
mhwombat's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I prevent my non-neutered cat from breeding?

I have 2 kittens with my family, a male and female. My family is strongly opposed to having them spayed/neutered for ideological reasons, and I've tried having that discussion with them, even at a vet ...
ieatpizza's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I care for a freshly neutered cat that hates my guts?

So, I adopted a cat about two weeks ago who was unneutered and abandoned by the person who had had him for his whole life (2 years). I have been told by the vet that he's sweet and the friend who's ...
Help's user avatar
  • 21
8 votes
2 answers

Do I need to remove the stitches of my adopted spayed cat?

I've just adopted a 6-month old female spayed cat and she has stitches on her belly. The previous owner did not mention anything about having to remove the stitches but they don't look like they're ...
fpg1503's user avatar
  • 183
1 vote
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Male cat in heat symptoms and solution

I think my cat (male, 1 yr and 2 months old) is in heat (please pardon me if "heat" is not the right term for male cats). I have dogs, but he is my first cat. He is meowing very loudly and ...
Kakar's user avatar
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Cat with one testicle or unilateral cryptorchidism

I had my cat, "Darien" (1 yr 3 months, Persian) neutered this last Sunday. He is doing okay, he's sleeping nicely, he is eating well as usual, and we are always monitoring him. It has been 4 ...
Kakar's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

How to soothe a kitten that had to remain inside a carrier for extended period of time?

I recently brought my kitten in to be neutered, he was approximately 10 weeks old. He used to love going into his carrier and never had a problem with it, he'd even sleep in it if we left it out. I ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
1 answer

Cat incision opened up after neutering

My 6 month old male cat was neutered 5 days ago. Since we have to go on a trip tomorrow morning and he's going to be alone for 2 days, I removed his Elizabeth collar an hour ago so that he can be ...
Matina's user avatar
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How to ensure proper food for a stray or feral cat after neutering?

I live in a city with lots of stray and feral cats. Very close to where I live there are a couple of kittens (~ 4-5 months and ~ 2-month year old). My wife and I already rescued a cat a couple of ...
Alexei's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How much time have to pass until a cat can be pregnant again after giving birth?

I have a 1 year old cat and she gave birth to four kittens five weeks ago, so she is still breastfeeding them. My question would be: is it possible that she is pregnant again (she can go out any time)?...
Maggie's user avatar
  • 61
8 votes
2 answers

Do cats grow larger if they are not neutered?

Some people suggest that a male cat grows larger if he is not castrated until the age of one year. Is that true? I'm hoping that maybe some studies have been undertaken on the subject to either prove ...
Yevgen's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Cat about to be spayed, but still nursing 3 month old kittens! How to wean them?

I’ve made appointment for momma cat to be spayed, but she won’t wean her 3 kittens who are 3 months old! They eat kitten chow so don’t need to feed off her. Momma is still lactating and encourages ...
Debby's user avatar
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At what age should I start needing to separate my cats to prevent mating?

I have 2 kittens: the male is 4 months old and the female is slightly under 2 months old. My vet has informed us that if I were to have one neutered I should wait until 6 months of age. Additionally, ...
ieatpizza's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

How soon after giving birth can a cat be spayed?

The cat is pregnant and we want to get her spayed, we don't want her to accidentally get pregnant again nor do we want to put her or the kittens at risk. How long do we need to wait? If she is still ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes
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Do non neutered cats shed more hair?

I recently had a discussion with a pet owner and he claimed that non neutered male cats shed more hair due to anxiety. Is it true? I have been feeding him high quality food but within a few days his ...
Daniyal Javaid's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it okay to neuter my cat although he had been exposed to FIP cat?

I have two male cats, both are stray which decided to live in my house this past year. one cat is less than a year, 10 months perhaps, and other is probably older than 2 years, both are not neutered ...
GEGEGE's user avatar
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Hyperactive kitten after neuter surgery?

I took my kitten in to get neutered yesterday and when I picked him up he was obviously out of it, but still pretty aware of his surroundings. The vet tech gave us a rundown of what to expect and I ...
Olivia_R's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Alternatives to neutering a male cat

Our male British Shorthair is a bit over 4 months and reaching the age we should consider neutering him if we want to avoid spraying and other side-effects of him sexually maturing. Still, as a ...
George's user avatar
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7 votes
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If sterillising dogs and cats deprive them of sex hormones, does that not cause the likelihood of osteoporosis the way it does in humans?

Someone told me that surgically removing these organs negatively affects their hormone profiles, and that people started vascectomising male dogs and cats for this reason, but I don't know if a ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Is it healthier for a cat to breed before being spayed or neutered?

I am debating when to neuter my male cat and I wonder if waiting until after he's mated with my female cat would be best for both of them. I found this study that suggests that because the hormones ...
SurvMach's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Determining if a Female Cat Was Spayed

Is there an easy (external) way to tell if a female cat has been spayed? A neighbor is considering adopting an abandoned stray and I'm trying to help them determine if the cat has already been spayed.
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Impossible to catch female feral cat to have stitches removed after sterilisation

A feral cat and her babies recently took up residence in our garden. We managed to trap the mum and took her to the vet to be sterilised. The kittens have now gone to a re-homing association. ...
Sue Smith's user avatar
2 votes
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Neutering a kitten at 9 months of age?

We have a male 9 month old 'Turkish Angora' kitten. He is very aggressive, yowling all day, doesn't want anyone to be closer to him; when anyone goes closer to him or touch him he leaves the place ...
Daniyal Javaid's user avatar
3 votes
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Should I be concerned about my recently-spayed cat's fall?

My cat was spayed a week ago and we were directed to keep her away from other pets and reduce her activity for 2 weeks. She has done everything she can to continue playing with our new kitten, but I'...
HoneyBee's user avatar
2 votes
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Is this normal behaviour for a cat? [duplicate]

My cat has been acting very strange today and wonder if this is normal behavior or if something is wrong. I have 2 cats, one is male and one is female. The male one has been neutered. So the female ...
Marcus Horne's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it standard procedure for vets to check if a cat is pregnant before spaying?

Before cats are spayed, owners can choose to have blood-work done to see if the cat can undergo anesthesia. During this blood-work, do veterinarians usually check for the hormone (hCG?) indicating ...
Geremia's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is most appropriate age to neuter/spay a cat?

What is the most appropriate age to neuter or spay a cat? Does gender, way he behaves, time of year, anything else affect it? There is a related question, which I think should be linked, but doesn't ...
coverback's user avatar
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6 votes
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Side-effects of spaying or neutering a cat?

What are the potential side-effects of spaying or neutering a cat?
Geremia's user avatar
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9 votes
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How does early desexing affect my cats?

There's a lot of information online debating the optimal age to de-sex a cat. We adopted two 16-week-old kittens, a brother and sister, from a shelter. They were already desexed. I am wondering ...
user avatar
4 votes
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How dangerous is for a female cat to never be spayed?

My female cat is about 3 years old. I have been advised to desex it for the sake of its own health (cancer and infections of the urinal tract). How significant would be the health benefits to it?
user avatar
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How's much supervision will my two male cats need after neutering?

I've recently realised that I need to rearrange my two male cats neutering. The best time would be during some holiday I already have booked off from work, but shortly after that (1-2 days) my wife ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
3 votes
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My kitten was desexed young? [duplicate]

I got my 10 week old kitten yesterday and he was desexed 3 days before that. That seems too young. Wondering what effects this could have on his hormones, personality and development?
Leigh's user avatar
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Are there any known side-effects to neutering a cat before being 10 months old? [duplicate]

Context My wife and me own a 10 and half month old male cat. We know that we must neuter him, but we decided to do it later rather than sooner. The cat recently sprayed for the first time and my ...
Alexei's user avatar
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5 votes
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How long after neutering will a male cat continue to mark/spray territory?

I've taken in a stray cat who is an intact male. I'm estimating his age at less than 2 years, but I don't have experience with young cats. He is at the vet today and will hopefully be neutered (it ...
Zaralynda's user avatar
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Why aren't just ovaries removed in cat spaying?

Spaying is technically called an ovariohysterectomy. Why aren't just ovaries, and not also the uterus, removed in spaying a cat?
Geremia's user avatar
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How do I stop 2 stray cats that fight

I have adopted 1 stray cat that fights with another stray cat. I would like to adopt the other stray cat, would that be possible? the cats are both toms and have not been neutered. Is there any ...
Ja Reem's user avatar
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Neutered male cat still trying to mate?

Our 8 month old male cat was neutered this morning. Back at home after surgery, still slightly groggy, he immediately attempted to mate with his mother, at least 3 times within an hour. Why would he ...
AnneFiji's user avatar
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Will neutering a male cat stop it from killing kittens?

I just saw the question Facultative Cannibalism? on the biology web site, and I recalled hearing the tom cats, will kill house cat kittens. Will neutering a male cat stop it from killing kittens it ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do spayed cats still spray?

If I get my indoor female cats spayed, will they no longer spray? Or will they just spray for territorial reasons only?
Geremia's user avatar
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Will a neutered cat continue to mount a female in heat?

Is the mounting behavior solely hormonal, or will her scent be enough to drive him to it? Would getting a cat neutered have any effect on the behavior?
SurvMach's user avatar
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How can I get my unsocialized cat into the carrier to be spayed?

12 weeks ago I bought a British short hair cat. I saw her in a cattery at breeders cattery at bottom of garden, well l think I did but the cat she was cuddling and kissing was a lot bigger. When i ...
Jilly's user avatar
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Will our middening kitten get better at using the tray after spaying?

Our kitten caught us out by coming on heat before we had a chance to spay her. We are awaiting for her to come out of heat to get her spayed. In the meantime she is defecating anywhere but the cat ...
Simon Featherstone's user avatar