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How long should neutered cat use shredded newspaper litter box?

I neutered my cat yesterday and changed his litter box so that it's full of shredded newspaper. For how long should he stay away from his regular sand litter box? Cleaning a litter box full of ...
rbhat's user avatar
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Is it okay to neuter my cat although he had been exposed to FIP cat?

I have two male cats, both are stray which decided to live in my house this past year. one cat is less than a year, 10 months perhaps, and other is probably older than 2 years, both are not neutered ...
GEGEGE's user avatar
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If sterillising dogs and cats deprive them of sex hormones, does that not cause the likelihood of osteoporosis the way it does in humans?

Someone told me that surgically removing these organs negatively affects their hormone profiles, and that people started vascectomising male dogs and cats for this reason, but I don't know if a ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
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Is this normal behaviour for a cat? [duplicate]

My cat has been acting very strange today and wonder if this is normal behavior or if something is wrong. I have 2 cats, one is male and one is female. The male one has been neutered. So the female ...
Marcus Horne's user avatar
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Impossible to catch female feral cat to have stitches removed after sterilisation

A feral cat and her babies recently took up residence in our garden. We managed to trap the mum and took her to the vet to be sterilised. The kittens have now gone to a re-homing association. ...
Sue Smith's user avatar
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How dangerous is for a female cat to never be spayed?

My female cat is about 3 years old. I have been advised to desex it for the sake of its own health (cancer and infections of the urinal tract). How significant would be the health benefits to it?
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Is it healthier for a cat to breed before being spayed or neutered?

I am debating when to neuter my male cat and I wonder if waiting until after he's mated with my female cat would be best for both of them. I found this study that suggests that because the hormones ...
SurvMach's user avatar
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How does early desexing affect my cats?

There's a lot of information online debating the optimal age to de-sex a cat. We adopted two 16-week-old kittens, a brother and sister, from a shelter. They were already desexed. I am wondering ...
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