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1 answer

How do I care for a freshly neutered cat that hates my guts?

So, I adopted a cat about two weeks ago who was unneutered and abandoned by the person who had had him for his whole life (2 years). I have been told by the vet that he's sweet and the friend who's ...
Help's user avatar
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4 answers

How to soothe a kitten that had to remain inside a carrier for extended period of time?

I recently brought my kitten in to be neutered, he was approximately 10 weeks old. He used to love going into his carrier and never had a problem with it, he'd even sleep in it if we left it out. I ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

Cat with one testicle or unilateral cryptorchidism

I had my cat, "Darien" (1 yr 3 months, Persian) neutered this last Sunday. He is doing okay, he's sleeping nicely, he is eating well as usual, and we are always monitoring him. It has been 4 ...
Kakar's user avatar
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Male cat in heat symptoms and solution

I think my cat (male, 1 yr and 2 months old) is in heat (please pardon me if "heat" is not the right term for male cats). I have dogs, but he is my first cat. He is meowing very loudly and ...
Kakar's user avatar
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Is this normal behaviour for a cat? [duplicate]

My cat has been acting very strange today and wonder if this is normal behavior or if something is wrong. I have 2 cats, one is male and one is female. The male one has been neutered. So the female ...
Marcus Horne's user avatar
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Neutering a kitten at 9 months of age?

We have a male 9 month old 'Turkish Angora' kitten. He is very aggressive, yowling all day, doesn't want anyone to be closer to him; when anyone goes closer to him or touch him he leaves the place ...
Daniyal Javaid's user avatar
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Neutered male cat still trying to mate?

Our 8 month old male cat was neutered this morning. Back at home after surgery, still slightly groggy, he immediately attempted to mate with his mother, at least 3 times within an hour. Why would he ...
AnneFiji's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Do spayed cats still spray?

If I get my indoor female cats spayed, will they no longer spray? Or will they just spray for territorial reasons only?
Geremia's user avatar
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Will a neutered cat continue to mount a female in heat?

Is the mounting behavior solely hormonal, or will her scent be enough to drive him to it? Would getting a cat neutered have any effect on the behavior?
SurvMach's user avatar
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Will neutering a male cat stop it from killing kittens?

I just saw the question Facultative Cannibalism? on the biology web site, and I recalled hearing the tom cats, will kill house cat kittens. Will neutering a male cat stop it from killing kittens it ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How does a cat's personality change by having kittens?

I'm pretty sure that having kittens (and nursing them, etc) changes a female cat both physically and mentally. Exactly how it changes the cat is not quite clear to me. To me a female cat that has had ...
Esa Paulasto's user avatar
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