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2 answers

Bleach in turtle tank

We had a terrible outbreak of algae in the turtle tank. I removed the turtle and added bleach to the water to kill the algae. I then siphoned all but about an inch of the water out, put in clean ...
user18409's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What does "eggcrate" mean in the context of a material for a turtle basking area?

I saw this turtle basking tower to buy at amazon and as do-it-yourself-video on youtube: I'd like to build it (I plan to secure it with 4 additional legs, so the weight of my heavy turtle is more ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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My red eared slider turtle won't grow

I have a red eared slider turtle, who won't grow. I've had my turtle for 10 months. It's about 2 inches. Also, the bottom shell is soft and squishy. Please help. I want to help my turtle.
samantha castillo's user avatar
3 votes
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Indian flapshell turtle not eating

I have a baby Indian flapshell turtle (Lissemys punctata), around 4-5 months old. I have observed that it has not been consuming its food for the last few days. It is playing fine inside water and ...
Pratik bhatt's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to keep wild Red Eared Slider as a pet?

My family and I found a turtle crossing our street a few days ago. We took it in and are considering keeping it as a pet for the following reasons: Firstly, we live in a suburban area of Massachusetts ...
Time4Tea's user avatar
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Shell of the turtle is progressively darkening

I have one baby red eared slider. I got it a month ago. It's color was green when I got it, but now the shell color has starting become darker and also blackish. I understand that the color changes ...
Gaurav Bhavsar's user avatar
4 votes
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Painted turtle hit by car!

My painted turtle escaped his outdoor dry enclosure I walked inside for 5 mins and somehow he was in the middle of a super busy street, he isn't bleeding and the only damage to his shell is some nicks ...
Big mama Mataya's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Red flesh coming out my turtle's tail

I have two turtles in one tank. Two days ago, one of these turtles got red flesh coming out of its tail and the other one was pulling it out. I removed the hurt turtle from the aquarium and put it ...
paul's user avatar
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Caring for a red eared slider (terrapin) that fell from a height

Our red eared slider (RES) fell down from slightly above table height, not sure when she fell exactly, might have been a few hours ago. There's a small crack on her bottom shell near where the tail is ...
Question's user avatar
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Should a new turtle's shell look like this?

Hey my fellow turtle lovers. I just purchased a baby RES. It's very active and smart for me to own it for only 2 weeks. It's eating here and there, but for the most part moves around freely. It's ...
SalihafaOwner's user avatar
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My 16 year old red eared slider hasn't laid eggs in years

Shes been acting crazy, trying to get out of her tank and being a picky eater. I just started reading about her symptoms and discovered that she could be eggbound. Until now, I had no idea that this ...
Rachel Drinnon's user avatar
3 votes
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My 18 year old Musk turtle has some soft areas on his plastron

My 18 year old Musk turtle has some soft areas on his plastron. They also bend a bit. Is this ok? There are no exotic vets in my area so I am not sure what to. He eats dry turtle pellets and he has ...
Sheri Barron's user avatar
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Is it okay if I put my turtle a UVC light instead of UVB?

I have an AW UVC 9W light bulb and I’m not quite sure if this is the right lighting for my red eared slider. The bulb can be put underwater to prevent any harm to the eyes or skin. Will this UVC light ...
Rayan's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Could my RES be egg bound?

I rescued a female 9 year old RES from a highschool 2 years ago. I just started working in the school and found her living in a science room in a small tank with no working filter or any lights! ...
Miss Shelby's user avatar
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My turtle won't eat

Why won't my turtle (a spiny turtle), that I've just recently bought, eat? It's been 1 week and the turtle still hasn't eat. The turtle is 12 inch (30 cm) long (I reckon she is quite old). I've tried ...
Dippsy Daisy's user avatar
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Do aquarium turtles require basking every day?

Sometimes, my turtles are not active at all. They appear to be floating on the surface, completely motionless. I generally change water in that case. However, I also think that not giving them proper ...
paul's user avatar
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How to identify a turtle/tortoise experienced vet?

It is not easy to find a vet, that is experienced in reptiles. Most cat-dog-vets, who have no experience with reptiles, do not admit that they may be uninformed. How could I get knowledge about a vet ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Terrapin laying eggs! Help!

So I adopted 2 terrapins 5 days ago. The female 'Babs' layed 2 eggs yesterday (1 crushed and 1 didn't). I've checked her over and she feels like there's another 4 eggs to be layed. I've set up a box ...
Sarah Blagrove's user avatar
7 votes
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Are maggots appropriate food for a turtle?

I've got my turtle some dog food to use as an occasional treat for it. I've only gave it once and it didn't even eat from it then. I then covered and left it. After some time I noticed some white ...
Mozein's user avatar
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How can I know how healthy my turtle's shell is?

Recently while giving my turtle some shell scratching I noticed I could press the plastron (bottom part of shell) and carapace (top part of shell) down closer to each other. This mostly only happens ...
Mozein's user avatar
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Am I feeding OK for my 6 inch (15 cm) map turtle?

Her pellet food: Her bugco superworms: I currently feed my map turtle 3 worms in the morning and 3 more in the afternoon, like at around 2 to 3 PM, and I also feed her just a little bit of ...
Alijah Benson's user avatar
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How to care for a turtle / tortoise with a fractured shell?

Prompted by this question: Assume you care for a turtle or tortoise and by accident it falls from a height and cracks its shell. The first and most important course of action is to see a vet as soon ...
Elmy's user avatar
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Turtles: Fresh water in aquarium turned red after few minutes

Around 30-40 mins ago I changed aquarium water, cleaned the filter and dropped some toya food for my turtles. Now I am seeing water turned red, I have already checked there are no cuts, bites or ...
paul's user avatar
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11 votes
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How safe is it to dress up a turtle?

I keep seeing pictures of pet turtles in various knitted costumes (so far I have seen a turtle dressed as a hamburger, and as a dinosaur), and while these are really cute, I wonder, are they okay for ...
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14 votes
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My turtle cracked his plastron

We took the turtle out of his tank for a second. He ran off the bench so quickly that we couldn't catch him falling. He fell on the floor, cracking his plastron. I'm trying to take him to the vet, but ...
Eryn's user avatar
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My red eared slider's shell suddenly get soft

I have 3 month old red eared slider, I observed him yesterday, if we gently press his shell, it's getting pressed, his shell became soft, it's clearly visible and we can see with the naked eye that ...
Ankit21ks's user avatar
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One of my turtles hasn't grown and doesn't eat much, what should I do?

I have 2 red eared sliders in a 20 gallon (76 liters) tank and I got them both 7 months ago. They were both the size of a 50 cent coin (about 3 cm) and the one hasn't grown past that size and only ...
Yana Fakhouri's user avatar
4 votes
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Is my turtle's shell changing color a bad sign? [closed]

My turtle's shell was dark when it was younger and as it has grown, its became lighter is that bad?
Sharolyn Washington's user avatar
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A suspicious mark on turtle's nose [closed]

I just noticed a suspicious-looking mark on my turtle's nose today, and I’m not sure what the cause is. I tried wiping it off and nothing happened Could someone let me know what it is and whether I ...
Ahliah Sims's user avatar
9 votes
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Why would my yellow-bellied sliders completely reject light and dryness?

I have two yellow-bellied sliders (Trachemys scripta scripta). The water is more than 6cm tall, the aquarium is 50cm x 30cm and the turtles are like 7cm long. The aquarium is indoor. They have semi-...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I improve my DIY turtle food?

So I've concocted a food recipe for my turtle, and I want to make sure I have not missed or over added anything, below is a list of the constituents: raw chicken turtle sticks some paprika 5 peas 3 ...
Mozein's user avatar
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Red ear slider female [duplicate]

Red ear slider 18 yr female, for the first time, has a black tube extended, at times 1 & 1/2 ins. Long, under her tail w/ 4 items gathered at its end. Are they eggs & what can we do to help ...
lennie's user avatar
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How dangerous is the current situation for my turtles?

I have two Red-eared turtles (I was wrong in my former question about them being "trachemys scripta scripta": they are trachemys scripta elegans; don't know whether it makes a significant difference ...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
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Is my red eared slider eggbound? [duplicate]

My female red eared slider has been showing signs that she wants to lay eggs for the past week, with a small appetite, wanting to leave her home, and is constantly digging with her legs. Because of ...
Needturtlehelp's user avatar
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My ishigame looked like he was about to vomit?

I have a 3.5 year old ishigame (Japanese pond turtle). He's always very expressive so it's easy to tell how he feels. He's also always extremely friendly towards me. Tonight I heard a strange squeak ...
Kaminari's user avatar