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3 votes
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Common goldfish with "bleeding" around face, gills and fins

I look after two common goldfish in a 56L filtered tank with an airstone for additional aeration. Over the past two days, one of the fish has been appearing to be sick, suffering with what I can only ...
Thomas Russell's user avatar
5 votes
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Goldfish with white spot/fungal infection/something else?

Does anyone know what this is and how to treat it? One has a white lump near its eye, the other some white stuff at the end of its fan tail. Both are usually in a pond with others, but are currently ...
Rob's user avatar
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My goldfish's entire wen is gone, please help me!

So 2 days ago we cleaned the tank, all fish were fine. It took 24 hours for the water to clear up and all the fish were still fine, but I noticed a piece of fish poop stuck to the head of my baby ...
Miss Eddie Blue 's user avatar
4 votes
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What is this tufty white spot on my goldfish's head?

I noticed today that my goldfish, Thunderbolt, has a tuft of white on its head. Note: Same fish. coloration difference due to camera flash I've had the fish in a 10 gallon tank by itself for ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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Goldfish swim bladder disease? Please help

Hi all. Apologies in advance for the long post. Looking for any help I can get please. I cleaned my goldfish tank last night and went to bed early, this morning when I went to feed him I found he is ...
M thomas's user avatar
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Goldfish skin around the intestine area is gone and stomach looks to be caved in

This is my first time posting so I’m sorry if I made any mistakes with my post. I think I’m going to lose one of my goldfish. About 2-3 weeks ago both of my goldfish (I only have 2) developed ammonia ...
Cece's user avatar
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Is it safe to add medication in a fish tank if there is no sick* fishes? [duplicate]

My water conditions aren't the best, yet, my fishes are doing their best so far. I want to put a fungus and fin rot remedy in the fish tank but none of them have it (at least I don't think so). Two-...
Hannah's user avatar
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Fatal cotton like fungus on goldfish spreading to other?

I've had a black moore goldfish for 5 years. I just recently brought him with me to a new city and he's temporarily in a five gallon aquarium. Originally he was in a 30 gallon aquarium with other fish ...
pisces22's user avatar