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Are rabbits interested in tobacco?

We have a young rabbit, living in a cage inside. She is sometimes allowed to walk freely in the room of the owner. The owner is a teenager, the room is as messy as an average teenagers room, with ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
3 votes
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If rabbits in the wild do not eat carrots, where do they get Vitamin A from?

I've read somewhere online that wild rabbits do not actually eat carrots, and that it is also not recommended to give pet rabbits carrots. So, where are rabbits supposed to get their Vitamin A from? ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
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What are some leaves I can use for bundling food for rabbits?

I have two rabbits that are probably 6 months old now. The current method I've been using for feeding them is to just buy a 90oz bag of hay, grab a relatively large handful, and place it into each of ...
Zymus's user avatar
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26 votes
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Why is iceberg lettuce bad for rabbits?

I have read that rabbits should not be given iceberg lettuce. Why is that?
James Jenkins's user avatar
2 votes
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What is Rabbit Mash and how is it useful for challenged rabbits?

I read something about mash for rabbits. What is it made with? How to prepare it? In which cases is it useful?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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15 votes
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How can I help my adult rabbit gain weight?

I have a female English Lop that started growing well and was on a healthy track to meet normal weight requirements. She got stressed out and stopped eating and drinking. We were able to prevent ...
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2 votes
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Rabbit Eating Dog Food

My rabbit has been eating dog food for 2 weeks now. I can't explain why but I'm just wondering if it is ok for her to eat it. I have a dog kennel outside and when I let my dog out she goes in to eat ...
Derrick K.'s user avatar
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Is it a bad idea to give my rabbits wild wood to nibble on?

I have two 8-month old rabbit pets, and while my house is not very well designed for rabbit-proofing, I have given them a decent chunk of space where they can roam around 24/7. I feed them a hay based ...
Novicegrammer's user avatar
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Can rabbits eat banana leaves?

A recent answer said: as an alternative source of fiber, you can also give your rabbit banana leaves. I did a quick google search and found a few blog posts by house rabbit parents who have feed ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote
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What pellets are rabbits eating in Watership Down? [closed]

In the book Watership Down the rabbits are often "eating pellets". My pet rabbit eats food pellets I buy from the pet store, but I don't see how that would apply to the rabbits in Watership Down. ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
4 votes
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Kangkong (morning glories) as rabbit diet

Since I got a rabbit a couple months ago, he's been eating mainly kangkong, a vegetable popular in Southeast Asia in the morning glory family. (It's also called "water spinach," but it is not a ...
Potatoswatter's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I ensure my outdoor pet's water doesn't freeze in the winter?

I live in Europe and have rabbits who live exclusively outdoors. How can I provide them with water in the winter without it freezing?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Can my rabbit be harmed by e-coli on Lettuce?

House rabbits eat leafy green vegetables and they eat poop should I be concerned about warnings of e-coli on store bought leafy green vegetables?
James Jenkins's user avatar
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What exactly are Timothy Hay pellets?

I read a lot about hay pellets and Timothy Hay and Timothy Hay pellets here, when it comes to questions about rabbit's (and sometimes guinea pig's) diets. Here in Germany I did not use nor even ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What risk is given if I feed my rabbit pellets?

In the pet shops I have seen a lot of various pellets as rabbit food. If there is so much it must be a good food, isn't it? What is the risk in feeding pellets?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What are good fiber substitutes for hay in a rabbit's diet?

There are a couple of reasons that a rabbit may not be able to eat hay. Occasionally for a dental misalignment issue a rabbit will have it's teeth removed. When a rabbit is sick it may be unable to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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What to feed 5 week old rabbits?

A friend of mine called me very stressed today, because she became an owner of two rabbits that were given as a present for her children. The grandparents bought them from another farmer in this ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Is it normal for rabbits to always act like they're hungry when presented with a new batch of hay/pellets/greens?

Or is it a sign that their diet is not rich enough? I'm starting to think my two 8-month old rabbits suffer from perpetual hunger. Don't get me wrong - They eat at least 2x their volume in compressed ...
Novicegrammer's user avatar
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Do rabbits eat scarlett runner beans?

I like to grow scarlett runner beans in my garden to decorate a gray wall. Do rabbits like them very much? Will I have to separate rabbits from the plant, or the plant from the rabbits to let both do ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is it harmful that my rabbit eats bugs?

My rabbit is now eating bugs such as crickets and those things. She hasn't shown any signs of health problems while she ate them, but I'm not sure if they're healthy at all for her. The crickets are ...
Derrick K.'s user avatar
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What should/could I feed my outdoor rabbits in winter?

My rabbits live in Middle Europe outside in my garden the whole year. What should I regard in choosing their diet during winter? (Picture of my male exploring the big white play ground:)
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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12 votes
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Are carrots a healthy part of a rabbit diet?

Pretty much every iconic image of Bugs Bunny shows him with a carrot in his hand/paw. For many people, this image of Bugs is one of the first things which pops into their mind when considering what to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
7 votes
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Are bamboo leaves nutritious or poisonous to rabbits?

I have Bamboo in my backyard with lots of good growth all year round. I want to know if the leaves and shoots can be eaten by rabbits? I do not have any rabbits yet, but I am trying to scope out the ...
Brian H's user avatar
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Are we feeding our bunny enough?

About a month ago, our bunny had to go to the vet for what turned out to be a respiratory problem (probably a cold; Metacam did the trick, but that's by the bye). While at the vet, she mentioned that ...
Xophmeister's user avatar
14 votes
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What is wool block in rabbits?

My rabbit has lost it's appetite and isn't drinking much, she is losing weight. I'd been feeding her a diet of rabbit pellets and carrots, and ensuring she has plenty of fresh water. The vet said she ...
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Garden used by rabbits: What plants are good choices?

Our garden today is only grass. I like to rebuild it step by step. What plants suits good in a garden used daily by rabbits? Points to have in mind: plants do not harm the rabbits, rabbits do not ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What means "ad libitum" related to an animals diet?

I feed my two rabbits according to the diet model "ad libidum". For me it is common, but I assume for some people this is new. I hope to collect under this question: What means "ad libitum" and what ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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Will too many carrots make my pet bunny fart?

I have been giving my Holland Lop a lot of carrots without thinking about how that can be bad for her. She was making what sounded like farting noises and I don't know why. I think she was scared ...
Laura's user avatar
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19 votes
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Why is adding hay to a rabbit's diet important?

These questions mention feeding rabbits hay: What are healthy treats for a house rabbit? How can I help my adult rabbit gain weight? Why is adding hay to a rabbit's diet important? I am ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
7 votes
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What are the basic requirements of a healthy adult rabbit's diet?

We have a few questions such as Why is adding hay to a rabbit's diet important? and Why is iceberg lettuce bad for rabbits? However, they don't necessarily tell you what the basic diet should look ...
Joanne C's user avatar
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What's The Purpose of Hay Pellets?

I am just curious if I really need to incorporate hay pellets into my rabbits' diet? Since they are already eating plenty of hay and veggies on a daily basis.
Anna's user avatar
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How can I use a grain mix for rabbits, if they should not eat grains?

I know that rabbits in nature have access to grains only for a few weeks in autumn. How can I use a purchased grain mix for them?
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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my rabbit absolutely will not eat hay and very little pellets

I have a year old male rabbit that will not eat hay of any kind and barely eats any pellets. He has been this way since we brought him home. I have tried all kinds of hay and hay cubes. I've bought ...
Tracy's user avatar
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How can I get my rabbit to eat different greens?

I understand that rabbits are supposed to get a variety of greens in their diet, however, my rabbit only eats dandelions. We have tried to give her parsley, and no matter what, she just lets them sit ...
IHeartBunnies's user avatar
11 votes
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Do I need to do anything special when I change what I feed my rabbit?

I have been feeding my rabbit a popular name brand rabbit food. I was recommended that I change my food to another brand that meets the needs of my rabbit better. Do I need to do anything special ...
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Is it okay to feed rabbits papaya enzyme labeled for human consumption?

Papaya enzyme is one of my go-to's at the first one of my rabbits might be having GI issues (usually small or strung together poops clues me in). However the treats them selves are quite expensive (~$...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the difference between first and second cut hay?

For those of us with Rabbits, Horses and other vegetarian mammals, hay is a dietary requirement. When purchased in bales, the terms 'first cut' and 'second cut' are often used. What do they mean and ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
7 votes
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What reasons could there be for my rabbit not defecating?

My 6 year old female outdoor rabbit is free to roam for up to 8 hours a day in our large garden, but has stopped eating the grass and hay. At one point she stopped eating altogether, and the vet said ...
Sharon Burns's user avatar
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Is grass OK instead of hay?

My rabbit had dental work yesterday (teeth ground). He is eating greens and a few pellets, but isn't interested in hay. He never loved it, but he did eat some. I know it's important, but is it OK for ...
Tom S's user avatar
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Is it true that alfalfa hay is a treat and should not make up the majority of an adult rabbit's diet?

I read this question that claims that alfalfa hay is a "treat" and should not make up a large part of rabbit's diet. Is this true?
tM --'s user avatar
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What is the cause of bloat in rabbits?

There are a number of web sites and published works, with a lot of different and often contradictory causes for bloat in rabbits. Many seem to be reflecting opinions and best guesses. The few works I ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
9 votes
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Are there specific vegetables I should not be feeding a rabbit?

My sister's rabbit is given a variety of vegetables (carrots, peppers, lettuce (not iceberg), and so on). Basically, my sister gets whatever is available, and gives the rabbit bits of whatever we have ...
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Food Pellet - Is my rabbit eating enough?

I've recently gotten a bunny, less than a week, and I researched a lot before getting it. I bought a large cage, timothy hay, Zupreme rabbit food... As soon as I brought him from the shelter, I filled ...
Jéssica Dutra's user avatar
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Domestic Rabbit Abandoned her litter

My Female show Florida White has starting "unintentional harming" her litters, I believe she is doing this while the cleaning them after birth. We managed to save 2 out of 5. We have been holding our ...
Jennifer Lynn Wilson's user avatar
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Does a rabbit's activity level impact the dietary limits of sugars?

According to guidelines posted by the House Rabbit Society, sugar (from fruits, etc) intake should be limited for rabbits. A comment in a question about rabbit diet suggested that bunnies that are ...
James Jenkins's user avatar