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Domestic Rabbit Abandoned her litter

My Female show Florida White has starting "unintentional harming" her litters, I believe she is doing this while the cleaning them after birth. We managed to save 2 out of 5. We have been holding our ...
Jennifer Lynn Wilson's user avatar
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What should/could I feed my outdoor rabbits in winter?

My rabbits live in Middle Europe outside in my garden the whole year. What should I regard in choosing their diet during winter? (Picture of my male exploring the big white play ground:)
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What are some leaves I can use for bundling food for rabbits?

I have two rabbits that are probably 6 months old now. The current method I've been using for feeding them is to just buy a 90oz bag of hay, grab a relatively large handful, and place it into each of ...
Zymus's user avatar
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