I'm planning to set up a big (150 x 65 x 50 cm) tank with lots of small colorful fish and shrimp.
- I want the tank to be heavily planted
- I want the tank to be very colorful
- I want to keep a few species of colorful shrimp
- I want to keep a few species of colorful fish
- I don't want the plants to be destroyed by the fish
- I don't want the shrimp to be eaten by the fish
I'm thinking about some small shrimp species that won't interbreed (form this chart)
As for the fish, I was thinking about:
- Some nice species of a guppy (single species to avoid interbreeding)
- Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
- Boraras brigittae
- Hatchet fish, to fill up the surface
- Some Pangio kuhlii, to add variety to the bottom (not too many though, because they'll probably harass baby shrimps a bit)
- Maybe a single Betta male
This still feels not enough for a 400 l tank. What else do think I could throw in there?