I have a tank of shrimps where I have a red cherries that is pregnant and two yellow sunkist shrimps that are pregnant. To keep their soon-to-be-born babies safe, what should I do?
I have a serial killer, Otto catfish, that is slowly killing off my shrimps and the big shrimps that have good reflexes have only survived him. I have a sucker fish and a honeycomb catfish and some smaller fish that I don’t think will do any harm. The Otto catfish has killed 6 shrimp already by speeding past the shrimps, poking at them. He DOES NOT EAT THEM.
I really want my shrimps to be born safely and to have the first litter of babies that at least have 3 born. I had one failed litter due to high pH levels and overcrowding of the tank and one litter where only one black with a golden line one the back shrimp survived.
The shrimps I have are fire reds, blue velvets, red cherries and sunkist shrimp.