My husband and I "adopted" a 55 gallon tank that came with a number of fish, including 2 angelfish and 7 black skirt tetras. Unfortunately we've been having an issue with both species: the angelfish either fight like crazy (liplocking, nipping, etc.; the female had an infected eye when we took her in and is now blind thanks to him), harass everyone in the tank, or lay a bunch of eggs (they usually eat them all so at least we don't have a ton of babies, but they get very territorial with the others when this happens) and the black skirts have started aggressively fighting (they usually would play together, looked a lot like tag, but now they're actually causing harm to each other). We have been seriously considering rehoming them and getting new fish, but we weren't sure what would be compatible in our tank?
The other fish we have are: 4 neon tetras, 4 cory catfish, and 1 pleco.
The angels are the only ones picking on anyone outside of their own species, in fact everyone else gets along really well! If we did switch out the angels and BST, are there any more colorful AND peaceful options we could look into? We already plan on getting more neons since their school is so small at this time, but right now they're the only spot of color in a sea of silver and black. Thanks in advance for any advice you may have for us! :)