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Questions tagged [turtles]

Aquatic shelled reptiles, commonly kept in tanks or ponds; as opposed to land dwelling tortoises which have their own [tortoises] tag.

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Turtles: Fresh water in aquarium turned red after few minutes

Around 30-40 mins ago I changed aquarium water, cleaned the filter and dropped some toya food for my turtles. Now I am seeing water turned red, I have already checked there are no cuts, bites or ...
paul's user avatar
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Strange lines on turtle plastron

My four year old yellow bellied slider has some strange lines in his plastron. I couldn't tell how long have those been there, I think for a long time, maybe even years, but it's something that's ...
Diego Sánchez's user avatar
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How long before my red-eared slider lays eggs? Should I force her onto land?

I have 4 adult red-eared sliders, two male and two female. One of my females is definitely carrying eggs. They are in a wonderful outdoor habitat. We did all the research before we built it two ...
T. Guardalabene's user avatar
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My ishigame looked like he was about to vomit?

I have a 3.5 year old ishigame (Japanese pond turtle). He's always very expressive so it's easy to tell how he feels. He's also always extremely friendly towards me. Tonight I heard a strange squeak ...
Kaminari's user avatar
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Turtle constipation issue

My turtle has constipation problem now and then earlier she has went under a surgery 5 years back as her tissues were out now again we see her tail is swollen and it has become tight not able to poop ...
Zainab's user avatar
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How to care for a turtle / tortoise with a fractured shell?

Prompted by this question: Assume you care for a turtle or tortoise and by accident it falls from a height and cracks its shell. The first and most important course of action is to see a vet as soon ...
Elmy's user avatar
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One of my turtles hasn't grown and doesn't eat much, what should I do?

I have 2 red eared sliders in a 20 gallon (76 liters) tank and I got them both 7 months ago. They were both the size of a 50 cent coin (about 3 cm) and the one hasn't grown past that size and only ...
Yana Fakhouri's user avatar
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Turtle has red blood bubble in his tail

My turtle is suffering from same cause which is red blood bubble in his tail which is sacred me thereof. I am living in India where there is no vet facility so please advise me about home remedies ...
Geetika pal's user avatar
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What is that in my red-eared slider's wound?

First Question I have taken a photo of her wound today (see the first figure below). You can see there is a dark pink thing. Does anyone know what it is? Is it pus or a scab? Second Question This ...
Ken T's user avatar
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How easy is it for a baby yellow bellied slider to obtain an internal injury?

Okay so today, I was moving my baby to a different location. I had him in his smaller travel tank, I set it in the sun so he could bask while I set up his big tank. While I was doing this I took my ...
Shinah Moore's user avatar
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How can I cure my red eared slider from fungus infection

I have been noticing some white spots on my red eared slider’s shell and I researched about it and it turned out to be a fungus infection. How can I treat my turtle without the help of a vet?
Rayan's user avatar
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Why are my turtle’s eyes closed all the time?

I’ve noticed lately that my red eared slider is keeping her eyes closed most of the time and opening them only for maximum a minute and then closing them again. She lives in a big tank with a filter, ...
Rayan's user avatar
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How to know if an Indian Star Tortoise has laid eggs

I have a pair of male and female Indian Star Tortoises (Geochelone elegans). As far as I can tell, they have mated successfully. However, I have also observed that my female tortoise was digging in ...
Pratik bhatt's user avatar
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My turtle doesn't eat

I am worried about one of my turtles (Red-eared turtles). They are almost 2 years (or perhaps 2 years) old. One of my turtles does not want to eat. The other eats normally. That makes me discard ...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
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Indian roof turtles have fungal infections

I bought a pair of indian roof turtles 3 days ago. They have some problems like bacterial/fungal infection on their legs and white dots on their shells. I have given them salt bath and cleaned their ...
Mr tirtle's user avatar
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Red marks on turtle shell

Red marks on Indian Flapshell turtle shell and rough shell instead of a smooth shell like normal flapshell turtle shells. Thso problem is there with it for 2 to 3 months. I thought they would become ...
Satyam's user avatar
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My turtle won't eat

Why won't my turtle (a spiny turtle), that I've just recently bought, eat? It's been 1 week and the turtle still hasn't eat. The turtle is 12 inch (30 cm) long (I reckon she is quite old). I've tried ...
Dippsy Daisy's user avatar
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Terrapin laying eggs! Help!

So I adopted 2 terrapins 5 days ago. The female 'Babs' layed 2 eggs yesterday (1 crushed and 1 didn't). I've checked her over and she feels like there's another 4 eggs to be layed. I've set up a box ...
Sarah Blagrove's user avatar
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Can Red-eared Sliders lay another set of eggs after already laying a month ago?

Recently, my RES has been constantly splashing and refuses to bask. A month ago she laid eggs. Could there be another set of eggs to be laid?
user18094's user avatar
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My red eared slider's shell suddenly get soft

I have 3 month old red eared slider, I observed him yesterday, if we gently press his shell, it's getting pressed, his shell became soft, it's clearly visible and we can see with the naked eye that ...
Ankit21ks's user avatar
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Chinese Striped-neck turtle above water

My brother recently bought a Chinese Striped-neck turtle, and he wants to know for how long can it be out of water. Can you guys help me out? Thanks in forward, Roberto
Roberto Anić Banić's user avatar
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Turtle laying his head restlessly against glass

I have had a turtle for about 2 weeks now, and today I noticed him laying his head against the glass, which I did not see him do earlier. I am quite new to reptiles and I am a bit worried. I have also ...
ola's user avatar
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I have a 9 1/2 inch long red eared slider who has started laying eggs for the first time! How long will she lay eggs and how many?

She is around 6 years old and never layed eggs before. She has layed 4 so far
user35389's user avatar
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Gravid female red eared slider

So it's the time of the year where last year on April 29,2019 my female red eared slider who is turning 4 soon layed her eggs but this time she hasn't. I moved her to her nesting area today (29th ...
Kim Ji Gi's user avatar