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Why is my rabbit losing his whiskers and facial fur?

Since about November 2022 one of my two rabbits (neutered twins ~3.5yo, bonded since birth) has been losing his whiskers and facial fur. The other one is fine. It started with him losing his eyebrow ...
James R's user avatar
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Help! Rabbit has a circular bald spot. It's very red and has hardened

I was busy a couple days ago and and when I checked on him I found this. Is this from stress? Is this a wound from over grooming? The spot is dry, hard and red. It's circular and very distinct from ...
Milla 's user avatar
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Domestic Rabbit Abandoned her litter

My Female show Florida White has starting "unintentional harming" her litters, I believe she is doing this while the cleaning them after birth. We managed to save 2 out of 5. We have been holding our ...
Jennifer Lynn Wilson's user avatar
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My bunny is making a new noise I’ve never heard before and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard a similar noise from another bunny?

My 3-month old lionhead bunny has started making a new noise. She previously was ill with the snuffles, completed a course of antibiotic. She was never very ill with the snuffles just very sneezy and ...
Reena Siegel-Richman's user avatar
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Rabbit is losing chunks of hair in different areas

This rabbit was bought in a pet store. After a month, we started to notice that a part of his skin is going bald, which we assumed to be harmless. However, we were alarmed to see that the baldness ...
potato's user avatar
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My rabbit's hair looks wet and dirty and it’s getting worse

I recently bought a rabbit from pet store and it's been a week that my rabbit hair has changed. It looks like the hair around the mouth, nose and stomach is dirty and wet and it's not getting better. ...
Mahsa's user avatar
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When do rabbits need a dry and insulated place to sit?

My female rabbit likes to sit on the grass in my garden. In summer, this seems normal to me, but in the colder seasons, I am worried about her health. For example today it is a cloudy, foggy, and ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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What could cause lameness in the back legs of a young rabbit?

My friend has got (as a present for their children) 2 around 7-week-old male (?) rabbits 2 weeks ago (when they were 5 weeks old). Like I wrote in another question, she has got no information about ...
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