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Questions tagged [health]

*Specific* problems or concerns regarding the physical well-being of a pet.

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Milk Thistle (Silybin) and it's effect on drug metabolism

I am looking at giving our senior dog something like Denamarin, a liver supplement, which contains an active part of an extract from milk thistle called Silybin, to aid in improving liver health. I ...
Brett's user avatar
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Are stainless steel bowls better option for dogs?

I've alway took for axiom the fact that (properly and regularly cleaned) bowl made of stainless steel is the standard. However today I asked myself - why in that case I as a human being not using ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Are there any remedies for an ulcerated skin cancer foul smell?

I have a 15 year old Havanese with a large ulcerated squamous cell carcinoma on her leg. We took her to the vet. She put her on an oral antibiotic and a topical antibiotic for infection and some ...
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