Linked Questions

2 votes
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Can rabbit and cat live together? [duplicate]

I have a free-roaming (no cage, potty-trained) ~5y old pet rabbit. I would love to adopt a cat from the shelter, but I'm worried about them getting along. My rabbit is very calm and happy bun, he ...
BunnyAndCat's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

What is required to house break a rabbit?

I have heard that rabbits make good pets. How hard is it house break rabbits?
James Jenkins's user avatar
12 votes
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What means do rabbits use to mark and defend their territory?

Bunnies as prey animals would seem to be very quite, shy and fearful. Do they do anything to mark or defend their territory? The best answer will include references, be focused on house rabbits, ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
10 votes
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If I have both a cat and a rabbit, can they (or should they) share a litter box?

In the question What should we look for in a kitty companion for our rabbit? we learned that cats and rabbits can make good friends for each other, but it was stated the litter boxes could be a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
9 votes
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Is it possible to raise a cat not to be a threat to pet birds?

We own 2 cockatiels but also love cats, so we're wondering whether it would be possible to have one without endangering the birds? Would a kitten growing up with these birds be friendly with them, or ...
Michael Borgwardt's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I discourage rabbits from spraying?

Both my rabbits are fixed (spayed/neutered). However, anytime there's a new pet in the house (currently a guinea pig), my rabbits start spraying (marking with pee). While it would seem like this ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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Is kitten-rabbit "mating" behavior something to worry about?

We've got a 3 year old neutered male dwarf rabbit and a male kitten who is almost four months old. The kitten isn't neutered yet, but will be before he turns five months old. The cat and the rabbit ...
hairboat's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What are the basic requirements of a healthy adult rabbit's diet?

We have a few questions such as Why is adding hay to a rabbit's diet important? and Why is iceberg lettuce bad for rabbits? However, they don't necessarily tell you what the basic diet should look ...
Joanne C's user avatar
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9 votes
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How do I get my cats to stop being territorial towards my rabbit?

I've had two indoor cats for years and a few months ago I adopted a Holland lop rabbit. The transition for the cats has been fairly easy because we kept the bunny penned up unless we were around to ...
pocketlizard's user avatar
3 votes
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How do some cats become friends with potential prey (like mice, or birds)

I see videos from time to time about cats befriending animals they would normally hunt. Like a mouse, or a bird. For the life of me I can't figure out how a cat would overcome their instincts to ever ...
ahron's user avatar
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Can my bunny and cat share a carrier but not at the same time?

I'm getting a bunny and didn't know if the smell of a cat would freak her out even if they became friends or if they could get each other sick that way even if i cleaned it out or if it's okay in ...
jazmine's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there something wrong with my cat and rabbit's relationship?

I'm hoping someone can help me. I assume my rabbit has just formed a strong bond with my kitten, but just wanted another person's perspective on the matter. So, my cat is only four months old. However,...
Jamee-leigh Payne's user avatar
0 votes
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So I am looking into getting a young rabbit but i have 4 cats

So i want a young rabbit and i have 4 cats and one of them is 2 years old and is very hyper he loves to jump and play and attacks the other 3 cats. Should I get a 3 month old bunny with a cat like him?...
Madison Keller's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Rabbits and cats

I just got a rabbit about two weeks ago. I've had my kitten for about three months/ The cat/kitten is six months old. They were fine together at first but now they seem to fight. The cat chases the ...
user5481's user avatar