She's about one year old, and I rescued her 2.5 weeks ago. She was really scared, obviously, so I let her 'live her life'; my dog isn't bothered; she's living her life as well.
During this time, I still haven't been able to touch her even slightly. She keeps hissing and running away from us, hiding under my bed all day, only to come out in the evening. She mostly stays by the door, probably wanting to get out of here.
I live in a small flat with only one room. When I clean, it makes noise so it scares her even more.
It breaks my heart to see her being so scared of me. I've had so many cats in my life, mostly rescues, and it never happened before, so I'm at a loss.
I really don't know what to do to help her trust me, and I'm really worried she'll not change and I'll have a scared cat for the next 12-15 years.
What can I do? Being patient is fine, but she's sneezing as well at the moment and I'd like to take her to the vet for a check-up but how can I do that when she runs away and hides whenever I move?