Note : There are a lot of questions about can and toilet issues but I didn't find any matching my personal issue (same spot every time, cat still uses the litter box). Here are some questions that I found that don't match my question :
- Why does my cat pee on the rug outside the toilet? : This question is about a cat that doesn't pee on the toilets anymore, while my cat still goes to his litterbox. My cat also acts on a specific spot only
- How do I stop my cat from peeing on rugs and linens? : This question is about a cat that had bad habits and has a hard time forgetting them, which is not the case with my cat
- My cat is peeing around the litter box : This question is about a much older cat with possible kidney issues, which I don't think is the case for my kitten
- How can I stop my cats from urinating in the pet carrier? : This question is about fear-related events
Since last month, my almost 4 months old kitten peed 4-5 times outside of his litter box in a specific spot on my bed. I adopted him when he was 2 months old, already weaned, and he has been very clean apart from those accidents on my bed. He still does pee and poo in his litter box. Every time it happened, we were on the bed and not sleeping (watching TV).
Every time it happened, I washed the sheets and made sure there was as little odor as possible, but he keeps peeing on the same specific spot of the bed. We (my girlfriend, him and me) sleep together on my bed but this doesn't seem to happen at night.
The vet said it may be some kind of revenge, but I didn't manage to identify any pattern of why he would pee on my bed.
He is otherwise completely healthy and we have a good relationship (we cuddle, we play together, ...)
Why does he keeps doing this, and what can I do to help him stop?