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How long before my red-eared slider lays eggs? Should I force her onto land?

I have 4 adult red-eared sliders, two male and two female. One of my females is definitely carrying eggs. They are in a wonderful outdoor habitat. We did all the research before we built it two ...
T. Guardalabene's user avatar
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How to know if an Indian Star Tortoise has laid eggs

I have a pair of male and female Indian Star Tortoises (Geochelone elegans). As far as I can tell, they have mated successfully. However, I have also observed that my female tortoise was digging in ...
Pratik bhatt's user avatar
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Terrapin laying eggs! Help!

So I adopted 2 terrapins 5 days ago. The female 'Babs' layed 2 eggs yesterday (1 crushed and 1 didn't). I've checked her over and she feels like there's another 4 eggs to be layed. I've set up a box ...
Sarah Blagrove's user avatar
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Can Red-eared Sliders lay another set of eggs after already laying a month ago?

Recently, my RES has been constantly splashing and refuses to bask. A month ago she laid eggs. Could there be another set of eggs to be laid?
user18094's user avatar
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Gravid female red eared slider

So it's the time of the year where last year on April 29,2019 my female red eared slider who is turning 4 soon layed her eggs but this time she hasn't. I moved her to her nesting area today (29th ...
Kim Ji Gi's user avatar