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14 votes
1 answer

Why does my European pond turtle rest on the back of my red-eared slider?

I have a European pond turtle and a red-eared slider as pets. They had been living together in harmony in an aquarium for about 8 years, but when I moved them both to a larger aquarium a year ago, I ...
Shade's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What are these turtles doing?

Every now and then, I find my turtles going to the highest point in their water container with one climbing the other and fully stretching out their heads.They stay this way for quite a while. It is ...
odb's user avatar
  • 71
4 votes
1 answer

Red eared slider moving large land items

I have a red eared slider that is approximately 4 years of age, about 7" (17.5 cm) in girth and about 10" (25 cm) in length. It has an above water basking area that is accessed by a ramp. The basking ...
Jimmy J.'s user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

My female red eared slider's awkward behavior is concerning me

My female red eared slider' has recently been displaying an awkward and concerning behavior. She has been: swimming frantically; being mean (biting anything); hasn't been basking for 4 days; trying ...
Kaycee's user avatar
  • 31
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Terrapin laying eggs! Help!

So I adopted 2 terrapins 5 days ago. The female 'Babs' layed 2 eggs yesterday (1 crushed and 1 didn't). I've checked her over and she feels like there's another 4 eggs to be layed. I've set up a box ...
Sarah Blagrove's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Turtle laying his head restlessly against glass

I have had a turtle for about 2 weeks now, and today I noticed him laying his head against the glass, which I did not see him do earlier. I am quite new to reptiles and I am a bit worried. I have also ...
ola's user avatar
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