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Questions tagged [rabbits]

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How long between doses should I wait? [closed]

My rabbit is a Polish and is roughly 8 years old and is in a lot of pain right now due to an enlarged testicle. I called my vet and the closest that they could do is two days out to get him castrated ...
Paige Elizabeth's user avatar
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I volunteer at an animal shelter: What can I do to protect my pet rabbit from exposure to RHDV?

I have a three-year-old rabbit who is in good health. She receives an annual booster for RHDV2, which can be deadly for rabbits. Recently, I started volunteering at a local animal shelter. I'm in ...
Rosey's user avatar
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Cohabitation of Wild & Domestic Rabbits

I rescued two cottontail rabbits 5 months ago, a friend was putting them into a trash bag to throw away. This last week one rabbit escaped a newly purchased rabbit cage and my dog killed it. I am ...
Julie Odum's user avatar
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Which objects or materials are dangerous for rabbits?

Imagine a small rabbit in a messy teenager bedroom. Should I sweep the room for anything specific to reduce danger? For example, any open containers with liquids that humans can not drink should be ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
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How to choose a christmas tree proper for my pets?

When it comes to buy a christmas tree, what precautions can I take, to choose one, my pets have an advantage from? I have in mind to use it as a toy/entertainment for my pet after it was used in my ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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