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5 votes
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What types of spaying/neutering are possible?

I saw a sentence in a deleted answer, and it started me to think: In Europe they don’t spay and neuter. They tie tubes and do vasectomies on pets. For me each kind of "surgery" to avoid ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I get my baby cottontail rabbit who is extremely domesticated neutered?

I know it is very risky to get a rabbit neutered. My baby is wild but acts very domesticated. He has his own bedroom and it is right next to my bedroom. He gets loads of attention and lots of ...
Lynda Smith's user avatar
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Can a wild female rabbit be spayed?

I have a five-months-old wild European rabbit. She was rescued by a colleague from a cat's mouth. She binkys every night and roams freely. She has bonded with me and jumps on me all the time. I'm ...
Y L's user avatar
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3 answers

Buying new rabbits, unsure if they need neutering

So I'm going to be getting two new male rabbits (from young ages) and was wondering if it is best to neuter? I don't want them fighting and then having to separate them. Although I had an un-neutered ...
user10625's user avatar
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How to tell sex of a rabbit and tell whether it is spayed/neutered?

I found a domesticated rabbit on the side of a bike trail in a park. I've had it 12 hours and contacted local rescue / police in case someone reports it missing. While I take care of it, I have a few ...
mankoff's user avatar
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Wanting to breed my rabbit once and then get them fixed, but is it possibly to then later slowly intergrate them all back together?

I have 2 female and 2 male rabbits and I want to breed them. The thing is, I only want to breed them one time and then get them all fixed, but I'm scared that if I wait and breed them afterwards, I ...
Courtney's user avatar
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How to socialize unneutered female and male rabbit, before or after neutering?

Situation: We own an unneutered female rabbit, since one week she is alone because her partner died. The search for a new partner is difficult, because we want an adult neutered rabbit-man for her, ...
Allerleirauh's user avatar
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