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9 votes
1 answer

How do I discourage rabbits from spraying?

Both my rabbits are fixed (spayed/neutered). However, anytime there's a new pet in the house (currently a guinea pig), my rabbits start spraying (marking with pee). While it would seem like this ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
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12 votes
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What means do rabbits use to mark and defend their territory?

Bunnies as prey animals would seem to be very quite, shy and fearful. Do they do anything to mark or defend their territory? The best answer will include references, be focused on house rabbits, ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I get my cats to stop being territorial towards my rabbit?

I've had two indoor cats for years and a few months ago I adopted a Holland lop rabbit. The transition for the cats has been fairly easy because we kept the bunny penned up unless we were around to ...
pocketlizard's user avatar
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How do I stop my rabbit from peeing on my bed? [duplicate]

I have a 2 year old spayed rabbit that reliably uses her litter box, with the exception of occasionally peeing on my bed. It seems to happen when she's looking for attention and I don't give it to her....
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