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Questions tagged [habitat]

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-1 votes
1 answer

Why does my African clawed frog keep banging into the tank glass and pawing at the corners with his front feet?

I just recently got an African clawed frog which I rescued from being dissected. He used to live in a large plastic bin with 3 other frogs and sometimes I'd see them nipping at each other. He keeps ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can boa constrictor imperator live happily in vertical vivarium?

I feel in love with boa constrictor imperator. Costa Rica one, so smaller than other boa constrictors. Still, desired endgame vivarium size would be 120 * 50 * 50 cm for the particular snake kid I'm ...
3 votes
4 answers

How can I improve my relationship with my Husky, and it's living situations

I just got a Husky puppy just over week ago, she is now nine weeks old (her name is Nova). She has several bad puppy habits I am attempting to train, and her living situation could be improved but I ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are reptile caves made of?

I was looking through a documentary about animal welfare and I was wondering what are reptile caves made of and who is controlling the elements used in their conception. I checked mine and can't find ...
1 vote
0 answers

How do I regain my budgies' trust after they have been suddenly forced into a new cage?

My family recently got five budgies, two males and three females. They get along fairly well, and were soon tame enough to eat from our hands. They would walk/fly around the room and come to our feet ...
2 votes
1 answer

What kind of basking areas exist for turtles?

I want to build my turtle a basking area. What areas exist? And what are their advantages and disadvantages? (I would favor one answer per kind of basking area.)
3 votes
1 answer

Do aquarium turtles require basking every day?

Sometimes, my turtles are not active at all. They appear to be floating on the surface, completely motionless. I generally change water in that case. However, I also think that not giving them proper ...
2 votes
1 answer

Colour for turtle pond

I'm planning an outside enclosure for my yellow bellied slider. The idea would be to build a fiberglass tank with a basking Island and a partly shaded "beach". My initial idea was to make it a clear ...
1 vote
1 answer

is it a bad idea to let my tortoise explore my room while supervised?

I let my tortoise wander around my room to let out his energy(if I don't he gets restless and antsy). I was wondering if I need to have the humidity/temperature up in my room? also, some of my cats ...
4 votes
1 answer

Do turtles need direct sunlight?

I'm working on an outside place for my yellow bellied slider and the best location would not get direct sunlight. It's outdoors, facing south (in Europe), but it's covered by an overhang and has some ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to ensure that my cat always remains indoor, no matter what?

The area where I live is extremely lethal for a domestic cat. There are scorpions, tarantulas, poisonous snakes, dogs, foxes, eagles, vultures, larger wild cat species, and even sometimes leopards. My ...
7 votes
2 answers

Is there a slope of ramps that a cat will walk down, instead of jumping down from a high landing?

Older cats gain bone and arthritis problems that are exacerbated by hard landings after a jump. We have an older cat in this place, and want to give them the best of both worlds: a multi-stage ...
1 vote
0 answers

Large DIY Dissassemblable Cat Cage?

In order to bring a cat to university as an emotional support animal, the school is requiring me to keep the cat in a cage while I'm not in the room. I don't think this is fair to the cat, but since I ...
2 votes
0 answers

House gecko for sustainable basement insect control?

I'm playing with the idea of getting a house gecko and letting it live in my basement to feed on any insects it may come across. I'd like to keep a small controlled habitat for it but leave it open ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can spider habitat be repurposed to be used as an aquarium? [closed]

Can an aquarium which was used originally for a spider habitat, be repurposed for creating a fish habitat? Is there any particular way it should be cleaned, if it can be?