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Questions tagged [habitat]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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House gecko for sustainable basement insect control?

I'm playing with the idea of getting a house gecko and letting it live in my basement to feed on any insects it may come across. I'd like to keep a small controlled habitat for it but leave it open ...
Status3543's user avatar
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How do I regain my budgies' trust after they have been suddenly forced into a new cage?

My family recently got five budgies, two males and three females. They get along fairly well, and were soon tame enough to eat from our hands. They would walk/fly around the room and come to our feet ...
Ashe's user avatar
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Large DIY Dissassemblable Cat Cage?

In order to bring a cat to university as an emotional support animal, the school is requiring me to keep the cat in a cage while I'm not in the room. I don't think this is fair to the cat, but since I ...
Kit K's user avatar
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