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Goldfish skin around the intestine area is gone and stomach looks to be caved in

This is my first time posting so I’m sorry if I made any mistakes with my post. I think I’m going to lose one of my goldfish. About 2-3 weeks ago both of my goldfish (I only have 2) developed ammonia ...
Cece's user avatar
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Will ichthyophthiriasis medicine harm my betta if he doesnt actually have ich?

A few days ago I noticed a spot on my betta's side just next to his gills. It wasn't completely white in color but definitely lighter than the rest of his body. I tested his water and there was an ...
Brooklyn McClennen's user avatar
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Fatal cotton like fungus on goldfish spreading to other?

I've had a black moore goldfish for 5 years. I just recently brought him with me to a new city and he's temporarily in a five gallon aquarium. Originally he was in a 30 gallon aquarium with other fish ...
pisces22's user avatar
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What is this fish disease?

I had 4 platies and 5 danios but there are only 1 platy and 4 danios left. mysteriously, they die in the same manner, like sinking to the bottom of the tank and resting there. I was wondering if they ...
Chuan's user avatar
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Male Platy clamping fins and hiding

I got 7 coral red platy for a planted ten gallon tank about two months ago. The water conditions are very good and the temperature is 76. I have 3 males and 4 females, and they have been breeding so I ...
kaori_fish's user avatar