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Questions tagged [danio]

A genus of small freshwater fish found in South and Southeast Asia.

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4 votes
1 answer

Whats wrong with my danio?

I have a 29 gallon, planted tropical aquarium with 6 assorted danios, two golden bristlenose, and three rainbow kribs (two female and one male) Ammonia... 0 ppm Nitrites...0 ppm Nitrates... 0-5ppm Ph....
Lani's user avatar
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What might cause a Celestial Pearl Danio to go off their food?

Overview One of my celestial pearl danios (CPD) has gone off their food and is skinny. Whilst it might be too late for him, I want to save the other 5 CPDs in the tank. Any ideas? Background and ...
James's user avatar
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1 answer

Why my zebra danios are not eating frozen shrimp?

I have ten small zebra danios, I feed them everyday with regular fish pellets I bought from the local pet store. Yesterday, I got some frozen shrimps for them to eat and I crushed the shrimps into ...
Vibhor's user avatar
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Help my danios stomach is huge and looks like it's going to explode!

So i have a tank of about 15 litres and I have had a Danio and a guppy for a year. Nitrate levels are low and there isn't any ammonia, also the water ph is normal. My brother fed the danio,goldfish ...
Time Bomb's user avatar
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2 answers

My danio fish is hiding

Yesterday I adopted 3 fish. I adopted 1 danio fish and 2 danio GloFish for my 3 gallon (11 litres) tank. My 2 GloFish are as happy as can be in their new home, but I'm concerned about my normal danio. ...
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20 votes
2 answers

Where did my danio fish mysteriously disappear to?

I have 8 white skirt tetras, 8 albino cory cats, and had 8 danios. Now I have 7 danios. One mysteriously disappeared. I am very doubtful it is hiding because my danios don't do that; all they do is ...
Don Larynx's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is my Zebra Danio bloated?

Just a few days ago I added 8 Zebra Danios and 8 White Skirt Tetras to my 60 gallon tank of 8 Albino Corys. One of the Danios is chasing all of the other Danios around. In fact it is bossy - but this ...
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