Yesterday I adopted 3 fish. I adopted 1 danio fish and 2 danio GloFish for my 3 gallon (11 litres) tank.
My 2 GloFish are as happy as can be in their new home, but I'm concerned about my normal danio. To make things easy, his name is Streek. He likes to hide behind my filter and sometimes next to the airstone in my tank.
Yesterday, he was laying on the gravel and we thought he might be sick. But this morning he was fine and he is fine now as well. He was playing out in the open earlier, but it seems in the evening he hides and what I'm guessing sleeps. During the day, like I said, he acts like he did before the people at the store took him out of his tank along with the other two.
The GloFish are not aggressive. They come around Streek and try to get him to play with some luck, depending on his mood. Each fish is tiny and young. And they have tons of space to play and swim.
Is my danio supposed to act like this? Should I get him a buddy like him? Is he still getting used to his home?
P.S. There are plants for him to hide in, as well as an illuminated LED AirStone.